Plot: The two Hizashi brothers Hikaru and Hyuga are incoming bladers from the new generation. After seeing the legendary bladers battle royale they decide to create there own SpeedStorm Beys and start a revolution to the top of the blading world. But in the way stand many legendary bladers whom they must defeat in there path of victory. The story of the heroes start here.
Hikaru Hizashi: Kolossal Helios Zone 1B, Helios Volcano Ou Zone'Z
Hyuga Hizashi: Super Hyperion Xceed 1A, Hyperion Burn Cho Xceed'X
Valt Aoi: Brave Valtryek Evolution' 2A
Shu Kurenai: World Spryzen Unite' 2B
Aiger Akabane: Infinite Achilles Dimension' 1B
Free De La Hoya: Mirage Fafnir Nothing 2S
Lui Shirosagi: Raid Luinor Destroy' 3A
Dante Koryu: Triumph Dragon Charge Metal 1A
Phi Kuromi: Meteor Phoenix Friction Metal 3D
Gwyn Reynolds: Novel Genesis Hybrid 1D
Delta Zakuro: Demise Devolos 4Turn Merge' 1D, Abyss Devolos 5 Fusion' 1S, Erupt Devolos Bullet' 3B
Xander Shakadera: Joust Xcalius Iron' 2A
Silas Karlisle: Curse Satomb Hurricane Universe 1D
Zac The Sunrise: Jade Zeutron Around Planet 1S
Wakiya Morusaki: Zyklon Wyvron Vanguard Orbit 1D
Daigo Kurogami: Hollow Doomscizor 12Axe High Accel' 4A
Rantaro Kiyama: Glide Roktavor Wheel Revolve 1S
Ranjiro Kiyama: Glide Roktavor Wheel Revolve 1S
Lain Valhalla: First Uranus Mobius 2D, Vex Lucius Mobius 2D, Lucius The End Kou Drift
Fubuki Sumiye: Oasis Forneus Yard Metal 2D
Kurt Baratier: Yucutan Khalzar Hunter' 2S
Boa Alcazaba: Inverted Balkesh Outer Atomic 1D
Ghasem Madal: Pyro Garuda Bearing 3S
Hikaru Hizashi: Kolossal Helios Zone 1B, Helios Volcano Ou Zone'Z
Hyuga Hizashi: Super Hyperion Xceed 1A, Hyperion Burn Cho Xceed'X
Valt Aoi: Brave Valtryek Evolution' 2A
Shu Kurenai: World Spryzen Unite' 2B
Aiger Akabane: Infinite Achilles Dimension' 1B
Free De La Hoya: Mirage Fafnir Nothing 2S
Lui Shirosagi: Raid Luinor Destroy' 3A
Dante Koryu: Triumph Dragon Charge Metal 1A
Phi Kuromi: Meteor Phoenix Friction Metal 3D
Gwyn Reynolds: Novel Genesis Hybrid 1D
Delta Zakuro: Demise Devolos 4Turn Merge' 1D, Abyss Devolos 5 Fusion' 1S, Erupt Devolos Bullet' 3B
Xander Shakadera: Joust Xcalius Iron' 2A
Silas Karlisle: Curse Satomb Hurricane Universe 1D
Zac The Sunrise: Jade Zeutron Around Planet 1S
Wakiya Morusaki: Zyklon Wyvron Vanguard Orbit 1D
Daigo Kurogami: Hollow Doomscizor 12Axe High Accel' 4A
Rantaro Kiyama: Glide Roktavor Wheel Revolve 1S
Ranjiro Kiyama: Glide Roktavor Wheel Revolve 1S
Lain Valhalla: First Uranus Mobius 2D, Vex Lucius Mobius 2D, Lucius The End Kou Drift
Fubuki Sumiye: Oasis Forneus Yard Metal 2D
Kurt Baratier: Yucutan Khalzar Hunter' 2S
Boa Alcazaba: Inverted Balkesh Outer Atomic 1D
Ghasem Madal: Pyro Garuda Bearing 3S