See what did I told you? Delta turned good, he is more "friendly" towards Drum now.
And yes, in the opening it looks like the finale might be Drum vs Gwyn or Drum vs Delta. I hope it's Drum vs Delta it would be really cool to see them clashing!
It is very likely confirmed that Gwyn is the final antagonist of the series. It looks like he is sort of corrupted in the opening.
About the episode - OMG, this episode really developed Delta's character so much and I'm glad Devolos is still a thing. I'm glad that Delta is appreciating Drum's cheerings rather than thinking he is a nuisance.
Next episode - I can definitely see Delta winning this one in the bag. We might get Gwyn vs Arthur but I'm not sure that battle has to be in the final arc.
Overall rating - 8/10. Why? This high? Because this episode does a lot of justice, explanation of Delta's new character. Why low? Well, the episode clearly wasn't much interesting to Arthur's perspective. I would like to see him being eviler than he was. Looks like this is turning that Hearts situation last season. Great flashback, good entrance, hopefully, a good clashing battle next episode.
you better watch this if you want nostalgia over these years. MEP Legendary: