(Jun. 14, 2019 12:07 PM)Fusion core Wrote: Delta akane is the champion of europe . Valt is still the world champion . It was said that the tournaments were of european championships . Delta's characters is about 99% similar to that of red eye . Seems like he is going to be one of drum's toughest opponents . He probably has some evil presence in him . And now i want delta to defeat valt .
You can't say "I want" to defeat somebody. D-Rights isn't a charity who completes people's needs and wants. It's their job to make and produce the anime for us, and our job is to sit back, relax, and enjoy it for ourselves as well.
Speaking of Delta, I doubt he is actually an antagonist for this series. He might be a tough rival to beat in the end arcs, but I wouldn't consider him being the antagonist.
Sure, his appearance, behavior, and blader aura seems similar to Shu, and a mix of Red Eye by your opinion. I agree with that, but that doesn't mean he IS going to be the "new Red Eye."
Where did those percentages come to play? How do you know if he is going to be the antagonist? You might feel that as your opinion, but it's not a fact though.
Lastly, How do you know Valt is the champion in the GT anime? I might have asked this question frequently, but I'm curious. If that were to be the case, what was the point of Aiga vs Valt as the finale of Beyblade Burst Cho-Z? Are they really going to dump that battle after 1 year, and make Valt champion? I doubt it. That would take away 1 reason Aiga's appearance in the GT Anime.
If you wouldn't mind checking these 2 links:
If you check their occupations, it says as "No.1 Blader in the world (former)", and "1st member of the big 5."
(note: the fandom site is always renovative when it comes to details from manga news to anime. They jot every minor detail it needs for the character's, or the plot's purpose. FOR SURE they wouldn't have missed this BIG news where Valt is the champion yet again in GT.) In the anime, they call Valt as, "Wonder Boy", "Legend Blader" but not the "Number 1" since isn't anymore.
you better watch this if you want nostalgia over these years. MEP Legendary: