[BSC] The Potential of Banning Bullet

Poll: Should bullet be banned from Classic play?

Bullet should be banned.
Bullet should not be banned
Total: 100% 27 vote(s)
The driver bullet has changed the burst classic metagame since it's release. The use of it has skyrocketed making it the more intended in combos. Now, like other parts like God Valkyrie, it may be the time to ban bullet. I will list 3 reasons explaining why.

Check out bullet's stucture, it's an extremely tall driver with a shocking ammount of metal on it! The driver was also intended for disc to layer contact with burst classic, increasing the burst rate of combos with bullet. Do you thing this is really fair?

Next, lets see the gimmick. Bullet has a mini beyblade in it? So, when hit hard enough, bullet's mini bey comes off and joins the fight? Of course it decreases bullet's height but come on, that is like adding a micros beyblade in the battle, which according to the rulebooks, is illegal.

Lastly, do you know how this affects hasbro only bladers? As a person who only has Hasbro Burst classic beys, I find this as a major disadvantage. Plus, there may be many other hasbro only bladers since they may not be able to afford TT. Do you think this is even fair for them?

So, as a consiteration, test out any OP bullet BSC combos against OP non BSC bullet combos and check the results. See what happens and decide if you should ban bullet or not.
Hmm, well are there viable counters that are competitive? It has to be a counter that can beat beys other that combos with bullet (orb aegis was a counter to Perfect Phoenix but wasn’t nearly as competitive against others beys).

Sorry, than not that
(Dec. 15, 2019  2:06 AM)lilphilyb Wrote: The driver bullet has changed the burst classic metagame since it's release. The use of it has skyrocketed making it the more intended in combos. Now, like other parts like God Valkyrie, it may be the time to ban bullet. I will list 3 reasons explaining why.

Check out bullet's stucture, it's an extremely tall driver with a shocking ammount of metal on it! The driver was also intended for disc to layer contact with burst classic, increasing the burst rate of combos with bullet. Do you thing this is really fair?

Next, lets see the gimmick. Bullet has a mini beyblade in it? So, when hit hard enough, bullet's mini bey comes off and joins the fight? Of course it decreases bullet's height but come on, that is like adding a micros beyblade in the battle, which according to the rulebooks, is illegal.

Lastly, do you know how this affects hasbro only bladers? As a person who only has Hasbro Burst classic beys, I find this as a major disadvantage. Plus, there may be many other hasbro only bladers since they may not be able to afford TT. Do you think this is even fair for them?

So, as a consiteration, test out any OP bullet BSC combos against OP non BSC bullet combos and check the results. See what happens and decide if you should ban bullet or not.
Well, for one, bullet is inconsistent in performance, as it can be unbalanced at times. Also, I’m pretty sure there are counters to it. I can’t name any, but I’m pretty sure there are. Also, bullet’s gimmick isn’t why it’s good, though um not sure if you didn’t know that or not. Also, it’s not used as much as you think. Look at winning combos. Unlike Burst standard, it isn’t a bunch of the same type of combos, and DABl is not taking over Burst Classic meta that much. The point is, it’s not that OP, and it’s inconsistent performance due to its being unbalanced sometimes makes it not as OP as you think.
Banning Bullet won't really shake up the Classic meta much, from what I can see. Inconsistent performance, precession/balance issues (not to mention potential breakage of that flimsy stalk), and simply low stamina are some of the reasons it is not OP. If you want to not hit the Bey on Bullet, just use stallers like Zephyr or Accel and let the Driver do the rest. This is like banning Octa simply for the weight of it, but it still makes lighter Layers from Single and Dual Layer Systems Burst twice as much. Sure it may be harder to get Bursts on Beys using Bullet, but I don't think it warrants enough results to justify banning it in Classic.
You keep making rule change suggestion threads that come with polls, as if public opinion has anything to do with whether or not they should be implemented.
That's wrong. This is the court of facts, not the court of one very large jury. This thread shouldn't have a poll. Consider removing it.

Your points are Not Convincing or Persuasive. They're kind of shallow.

"It's tall." Yes, but that's not inherently problematic. At the very least, that has numerous counters, especially since the bullet tip isn't great and can be destabilized, even with its metal. Or, they go high, you go low. Try Dimension or Dimension' on a lower setting for an attack type.

"It's heavy." So's Octa, so are some other drivers. Again, not inherently problematic. You didn't even weigh it.

"The mini bullet is cheating or illegal" It's not. It's so horribly weak and pointless and useless and rarely activates. Plus, there were parts like this in previous generations, there's a precedent for this. Also your BeyBlade micro comparison was... well, no. Just no.

"Hasbro doesn't have anything comparable." You'll get no sympathy here at WBO for that. Prejudice against low quality Hasbro releases is baked into WBO's Burst DNA. Simply put, Hasbro runs a rogue game. They shy away from metal, because they're cheap, and sometimes the spring strength on drivers is overkill, like Bearing, because they don't have good quality control. Every now and then we'll see them do something crazy powerful (like the LAD on Hypersphere tips which were so powerful that they're Already Banned, or the spring strength on certain Slingshock drivers). Saying that a part should be banned because Hasbro bladers don't have access to it isn't reasonable; you can always just start using TT.
A better question than "do you know how this affects hasbro only bladers?" is "do you care how this affects hasbro only bladers?" and I assure you that the answer is no for most of the people making the rules around here (I don't make the rules).

"The use of it has skyrocketed" From zero use in Standard to Some Minor Use in Classic. So... the actual problem here is... what?

"as a consiteration" consideration. There's a red line under the word. That means you spelled it wrong. Go fix it. On a phone? Press the word.

"test out any OP bullet BSC combos against OP non BSC bullet combos and check the results." What OP bullet combos are you even talking about? Surely not D.A.Bl, that thing is far from OP. Also, YOU go test it. Don't talk, prove.

I think you should hold off on trying to argue for rule changes until you gain some more perspective on the bigger picture of what the parts being allowed really affects.