Flame Aries, TR145 doesn't work that well in defense as I've tested it already... if the tilt is too high, Bearing Drive will loose its balance and get KO'D or SKO'D since Bearing Drive has the worst grip of any bottom...
BBG-3/4 Zero-G Stadium Attack Type Discussion
(Jun. 17, 2012 1:14 AM)Mu Wrote: Flame Aries, TR145 doesn't work that well in defense as I've tested it already... if the tilt is too high, Bearing Drive will loose its balance and get KO'D or SKO'D since Bearing Drive has the worst grip of any bottom...Ah...Thanks for the advice Mu. Things must really act that much different than it is in a normal Attack-Type stadium.
10 rounds each in the BBG-03 Zero G Attack Stadium. (These tests are for everybody and especially for Carly, who had requested them earlier.)
Equipment Used:
Beylauncher L/R
Angle compass
LED sight
3 seg launcher grip
Grip rubber
Grip support
Peformance Tips/Bottoms Switched after every 5 Rounds.
Phantom and Duo in Stamina Mode.
The Launching Was Alternated With Both Phantom and Duo also.
MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 D vs. MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 B
MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 D (4/10) 2 KO, 2 OS, 0 SKO
MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 B (6/10) 2 KO, 4 OS, 0 SKO
MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 D vs. MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 B
MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 D (4/10) 0 KO, 4 OS, 0 SKO
MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 B (6/10) 0 KO, 6 OS, 0 SKO
MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 SD vs. MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 SB
MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 SD (5/10) 3 KO, 2 OS, 0 SKO
MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 SB (5/10) 3 KO, 2 OS, 0 SKO
MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 SD vs. MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 SB
MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 SD (10/10) 0 KO, 10 OS, 0 SKO
MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 SB (0/10) 0 KO, 0 OS, 0 SKO
Equipment Used:
Beylauncher L/R
Angle compass
LED sight
3 seg launcher grip
Grip rubber
Grip support
Peformance Tips/Bottoms Switched after every 5 Rounds.
Phantom and Duo in Stamina Mode.
The Launching Was Alternated With Both Phantom and Duo also.
MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 D vs. MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 B
MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 D (4/10) 2 KO, 2 OS, 0 SKO
MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 B (6/10) 2 KO, 4 OS, 0 SKO
MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 D vs. MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 B
MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 D (4/10) 0 KO, 4 OS, 0 SKO
MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 B (6/10) 0 KO, 6 OS, 0 SKO
MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 SD vs. MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 SB
MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 SD (5/10) 3 KO, 2 OS, 0 SKO
MF-L Phantom Cancer AD145 SB (5/10) 3 KO, 2 OS, 0 SKO
MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 SD vs. MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 SB
MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 SD (10/10) 0 KO, 10 OS, 0 SKO
MF-L Duo Aquario AD145 SB (0/10) 0 KO, 0 OS, 0 SKO
Wait... You actually interchanged the tips? And only 10 rounds each? Eh, I wouldn't call these "accurate" but they're better than nothing I suppose.
I only changed the tips for performance variance/alteration, but the results weren't altered in any way Rai, rest assured... 10 rounds is actually a lot as there isn't much action except for some occasional KO's.
Thanks for the new tests, Mu, but I think from now on, we need to be doing 20 rounds for the sake of accuracy. I've also made a list of all the tests that I believe we need to conduct:
I don't think we should leave any stone unturned, hence all the above. Each time a test is done, we can cross out the combo that lost in that particular match up and bold the one that won. I can update this as each test is completed so that we always have the results handy in one place. Thoughts?
Stamina Bottom Testing: (Click to View)
I don't think we should leave any stone unturned, hence all the above. Each time a test is done, we can cross out the combo that lost in that particular match up and bold the one that won. I can update this as each test is completed so that we always have the results handy in one place. Thoughts?
I'll do some of the testing since I own almost every part (not JSB)... but doing 20 tests ?!!! I can do all those tests but I'll die doing them... I've tested MB and WB already, and they don't even do that well in stamina... other member's need to test aside from Brood,Rai,and me. Also, I might make a thread based on my top tier list which is mixed with yours also... as Kai-V said earlier, its not really a top tier list, but its a list that "lists" everything that's doing well at the moment... Argh... The Zero G Metagame is really complex.
Very true, but that's why we've got to narrow things down to the best. I figured WB and MB would do poorer for Stamina than the rest mainly due to their greater surface areas, but it's always better to be safe than sorry. So, those two Bottoms along with RS are probably fit, and only fit, for Defense I guess. Though, MB and WB will definitely OS RS in a mirror, so we'll have to test those three Bottoms' against Attack as well once we get around to it.
A new thread isn't really necessary at the moment because we're still performing tests in the BBG-03 Attack Stadium, so competitive combos for this stadium should still fit here.
I'm also not a fan of Jog- anything, so I just won't comment about that series, ha ha. SD, smaller B Bottoms, and maybe a few S-series Bottoms are looking to be our best bets toward building exceptional Zero-G Stamina combos, I suppose?
A new thread isn't really necessary at the moment because we're still performing tests in the BBG-03 Attack Stadium, so competitive combos for this stadium should still fit here.
I'm also not a fan of Jog- anything, so I just won't comment about that series, ha ha. SD, smaller B Bottoms, and maybe a few S-series Bottoms are looking to be our best bets toward building exceptional Zero-G Stamina combos, I suppose?
@Carly, the S seriesd bottoms are now used for defense in Zero G. They have small suface area's and don't loose their balance that easily when used in a synchom combo such as Reivzer Revizer. S,MS,and ES are bad for stamina as they can be knocked out quite easily, even by a defense combo such as Saramanda Saramanda or a stamina combo using Phantom. EDS won't work either, because it will get off balance due to the swaying of the stadium and then go aggressive. This agression can be quite fatal as the Bey using EDS can knock itself out, be knocked out and loose enough stamina to stop.
As an added note, I've tested PD and surprisingly, it does very well in stamina, in fact, it did better than SD in my testing, which used to be the best stamina performance tip according to me. I also tried DS in stamina and it does good enough to earn a spot on my previous list (due to its mediocre but still decent added defense ability)... Also, bottoms such as WD,EWD,W2D,and SWD are really bad to use in the Zero G Attack stadium becuase their wide surface area makes them really easy to knock out in the end...
Competitive Metal Fight Zero G Beyblade Combos List (Updated Again)
Attack- MF-H/MF VariAres ED145/TR145/C145 RF/R2F/LRF/CF
MF-H/MF Blitz Unicorno II ED145/TR145/C145 R2F/RF/CF
Defense- MSF-H/MSF Revizer Revizer E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Saramanda E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
MF-H/MF Duo Aquario/Cancer/Kerbecs/Bull E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
Stamina- MF-L Duo Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 PD/SD/SB/B/DS/JB/BS
MF-L Phantom Cancer/Hades/Aquario/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 PD/SD/SB/B/DS/JB/BS
Balance- Ifraid Ifraid TH170 JB/SF
MF-H Flash Aquario Delta Drive
As an added note, I've tested PD and surprisingly, it does very well in stamina, in fact, it did better than SD in my testing, which used to be the best stamina performance tip according to me. I also tried DS in stamina and it does good enough to earn a spot on my previous list (due to its mediocre but still decent added defense ability)... Also, bottoms such as WD,EWD,W2D,and SWD are really bad to use in the Zero G Attack stadium becuase their wide surface area makes them really easy to knock out in the end...
Competitive Metal Fight Zero G Beyblade Combos List (Updated Again)
Attack- MF-H/MF VariAres ED145/TR145/C145 RF/R2F/LRF/CF
MF-H/MF Blitz Unicorno II ED145/TR145/C145 R2F/RF/CF
Defense- MSF-H/MSF Revizer Revizer E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Saramanda E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
MF-H/MF Duo Aquario/Cancer/Kerbecs/Bull E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
Stamina- MF-L Duo Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 PD/SD/SB/B/DS/JB/BS
MF-L Phantom Cancer/Hades/Aquario/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 PD/SD/SB/B/DS/JB/BS
Balance- Ifraid Ifraid TH170 JB/SF
MF-H Flash Aquario Delta Drive
(Jun. 17, 2012 4:15 AM)Mu Wrote: @Carly, the S seriesd bottoms are now used for defense in Zero G.
That's the idea Takara-Tomy's trying to push, but RS should still perform better than any other S Bottom for pure Defense given it has much better traction with the stadium surface.
Also, (IDK why I didn't think of it earlier) RB should probably do really well for Defense too given it's, well, a rubberized B. (as its name states, ha ha)
(Jun. 17, 2012 4:15 AM)Mu Wrote: As an added note, I've tested PD and surprisingly, it does very well in stamina, in fact, it did better than SD in my testing, which used to be the best stamina performance tip according to me. I also tried DS in stamina and it does good enough to earn a spot on my previous list
Isn't PD wider than D, one of the Bottoms that already goes berserk in this stadium?

We really need more people to do tests and verify others results...
RS does do better in terms of pure defense, but I prefer using regular tips, as BBG-04 wears them down especially fast. You've got heavy as hell customizations on top of it paired with the constant moving stadium. You'll wear them out after a few uses. PD has less friction with the stadium, so I'm not surprised if it does better. Not sure on the difference of the size however.
Maybe we should just stick to MB for Defense as it doesn't really wear that much being metal and all... Does MS still do poorly in either Stamina or Defense?
PD has the same width as D but its polished. We do need more members to test... none of the S series of bottoms can be effectively used in stamina aside from SB,BS,and DS. RB hasn't done very well in my testing as it does stend to move quite a bit, and sometimes can be KO'D AND SKO'D.. not a very good sign for any defense or stamina ability... (seeing as it's made fully up of rubber.)
Competitive Metal Fight Zero G Beyblade Combos List (Updated Again)
Attack- MF-H/MF VariAres ED145/TR145/C145 RF/R2F/LRF/CF
MF-H/MF Blitz Unicorno II ED145/TR145/C145 R2F/RF/CF
Defense- MSF-H/MSF Revizer Revizer E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Saramanda E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
MF-H/MF Duo Aquario/Cancer/Kerbecs/Bull E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
Stamina- MF-L Duo Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 SD/SB/B/DS/JB/BS
MF-L Phantom Cancer/Hades/Aquario/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 SD/SB/B/DS/JB/BS
Balance- Ifraid Ifraid TH170 JB/SF
MF-H Flash Aquario Delta Drive
Competitive Metal Fight Zero G Beyblade Combos List (Updated Again)
Attack- MF-H/MF VariAres ED145/TR145/C145 RF/R2F/LRF/CF
MF-H/MF Blitz Unicorno II ED145/TR145/C145 R2F/RF/CF
Defense- MSF-H/MSF Revizer Revizer E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Saramanda E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
MF-H/MF Duo Aquario/Cancer/Kerbecs/Bull E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
Stamina- MF-L Duo Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 SD/SB/B/DS/JB/BS
MF-L Phantom Cancer/Hades/Aquario/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 SD/SB/B/DS/JB/BS
Balance- Ifraid Ifraid TH170 JB/SF
MF-H Flash Aquario Delta Drive
DS just.. It just does almost as bad for me as a WD. It's the same as WD/EWD, ect. Easily SKO'd especially is why I don't like it in Zero-G.
The reason why I put DS up there was because of its/the added defense ability when compared to most other stamina performance tips. I'll definitely remove it. Also, I am definitely going to put PD up in stamina.
Competitive Metal Fight Zero G Beyblade Combos List (Updated Again)
Attack- MF-H/MF VariAres ED145/TR145/C145 RF/R2F/LRF/CF
MF-H/MF Blitz Unicorno II ED145/TR145/C145 R2F/RF/CF
Defense- MSF-H/MSF Revizer Revizer E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Saramanda E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
MF-H/MF Duo Aquario/Cancer/Kerbecs/Bull E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
Stamina- MF-L Duo Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 PD/SD/SB/B/JB/BS
MF-L Phantom Cancer/Hades/Aquario/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 PD/SD/SB/B/JB/BS
Balance- Ifraid Ifraid TH170 JB/SF
MF-H Flash Aquario Delta Drive
@Carly: As Rai said earlier, the Zero G stadium makes a bottom wear down faster. MB wouldn't give consistent results due to its high tilt level... I know it won't do very well... MB Does Wear Down Fairly Quickly.
MS has no use in defense or stamina whatsoever...
Its made up fully of metal, can be easily knocked out by a Phantom Stamina Combo, so Nuff Said...
Competitive Metal Fight Zero G Beyblade Combos List (Updated Again)
Attack- MF-H/MF VariAres ED145/TR145/C145 RF/R2F/LRF/CF
MF-H/MF Blitz Unicorno II ED145/TR145/C145 R2F/RF/CF
Defense- MSF-H/MSF Revizer Revizer E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Saramanda E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
MF-H/MF Duo Aquario/Cancer/Kerbecs/Bull E230/TH170/160/GB145 CS/RS/MB/SB/JB/GCF
Stamina- MF-L Duo Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 PD/SD/SB/B/JB/BS
MF-L Phantom Cancer/Hades/Aquario/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 PD/SD/SB/B/JB/BS
Balance- Ifraid Ifraid TH170 JB/SF
MF-H Flash Aquario Delta Drive
@Carly: As Rai said earlier, the Zero G stadium makes a bottom wear down faster. MB wouldn't give consistent results due to its high tilt level... I know it won't do very well... MB Does Wear Down Fairly Quickly.
MS has no use in defense or stamina whatsoever...
Its made up fully of metal, can be easily knocked out by a Phantom Stamina Combo, so Nuff Said...
I can understand MS, but nothing should do well for Defense if MB doesn't... Because launching Beys into Zero-G stadiums is like launching them onto the floor, plastic Bottoms should be taking more wear, and possibly tear, than metal ones since plastic is (obviously) less durable than metal. But by the logic that MB is bad because it wobbles and wears quickly, why bother with WB, B, JB, or SB then? At least MB won't dent or become defected as easily.
That's one of the exact things I first noticed when I got my stadium. It's the ONE thing I hate about it... Bottoms such as ES, or even the B series, take a lot more in it than the standard BB-10. Wear will be an extreme issue in the future.
That is very true. So according to Carly, RS and MB are our best options... I wouldn't mind keeping SB on the list as it doesn't wear as quickly when used in conjuncture with 160...(neither does MB)... Also, I am going to shorten my list by only keeping the top 2-3 parts on...
Competitive Metal Fight Zero G Beyblade Combos List (Updated With Major Changes)
Attack- MF-H/MF VariAres ED145/TR145 RF/R2F/LRF/CF
MF-H/MF Blitz Unicorno II ED145/TR145 R2F/RF/CF
Defense- MSF-H/MSF Revizer Revizer E230/TH170/160/GB145 RS/MB/SB
MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Saramanda E230/TH170/160/GB145 RS/MB/SB
MF-H/MF Duo Aquario/Cancer/Kerbecs/Bull E230/TH170/160/GB145 RS/MB/SB
Stamina- MF-L Duo Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 PD/SD/SB
MF-L Phantom Cancer/Hades/Aquario/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 PD/SD/SB
Balance- Ifraid Ifraid TH170 JB/SF
MF-H Flash Aquario Delta Drive
Competitive Metal Fight Zero G Beyblade Combos List (Updated With Major Changes)
Attack- MF-H/MF VariAres ED145/TR145 RF/R2F/LRF/CF
MF-H/MF Blitz Unicorno II ED145/TR145 R2F/RF/CF
Defense- MSF-H/MSF Revizer Revizer E230/TH170/160/GB145 RS/MB/SB
MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Saramanda E230/TH170/160/GB145 RS/MB/SB
MF-H/MF Duo Aquario/Cancer/Kerbecs/Bull E230/TH170/160/GB145 RS/MB/SB
Stamina- MF-L Duo Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 PD/SD/SB
MF-L Phantom Cancer/Hades/Aquario/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 PD/SD/SB
Balance- Ifraid Ifraid TH170 JB/SF
MF-H Flash Aquario Delta Drive
The thing about the MFB Attack Stadium is that its play-area is suspended above the the surface of which the stadium itself is set upon, so the force of a Bey landing in the stadium with its sudden impact is lessened greatly, preventing any major immediate damage to either party.
But because the Zero-G Attack Stadium's play area has a flat portion that touches the surface of which the stadium itself is set upon, any Bey launched into the center is not cushioned from the reaction of its impacting force on the solid surface below it, causing the Bey to take all the shock and then some, possibly damaging the Bey's parts in the process.
Now, if there were a small ring (~2-3mm high) around the underside of the flattened circle, then it would leave enough space between the stadium and the surface it's placed on to absorb most of the whiplash previously created due to the lack of suspension. Possible future legal modification? ^^
But because the Zero-G Attack Stadium's play area has a flat portion that touches the surface of which the stadium itself is set upon, any Bey launched into the center is not cushioned from the reaction of its impacting force on the solid surface below it, causing the Bey to take all the shock and then some, possibly damaging the Bey's parts in the process.
Now, if there were a small ring (~2-3mm high) around the underside of the flattened circle, then it would leave enough space between the stadium and the surface it's placed on to absorb most of the whiplash previously created due to the lack of suspension. Possible future legal modification? ^^
I completely understand what you're saying Carly... However, this is the Zero G Stadium and Takara Tomy didn't just invent it to destroy a Beyblade's bottom... no,no,no... instead of adding a ring, we need to test this stadium in an area where it won't sway much... my idea is bizzare and your idea sound's better but we can't come to a conclusion just yet... Heck, we can't even decide which parts will do good in the stadium without knowing which parts will wear down the fastest... This is by far The Biggest Problem in Zero G... I ike your idea but it just seems a bit too drastic... the first question that needs to be answered is: Is the list I created Good Enough to be a top tier list AT THE MOMENT (sorry for all caps)...? We need to decide now becuase otherwise we won't be able to keep up with the "never-ending" eternal Zero G metagame...(Don't even get me started with all the new future releases.)
* I ended up taking off PD due to its inconsistency... its really bad now so I decided to remove it off the list.
* I ended up taking off PD due to its inconsistency... its really bad now so I decided to remove it off the list.
Competitive Metal Fight Beyblade Zero G Combos List (Fully Updated)
•MF-H/MF VariAres ED145/GB145/160/TH170/E230 RF/R2F/LRF/CF/GCF
•MF-H/MF Blitz Unicorno II ED145/GB145/160/TH170/E230 R2F/RF/CF/GCF
Sway KO:
•MSF-H/MSF Revizer Revizer ED145/GB145/160/TH170/E230 CF/GCF/RF/R2F
•MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Saramanda ED145/GB145/160/TH170/E230 CF/GCF/RF/R2F
•MF-H Duo Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull E230/TH170/160/GB145 RS/MB/SB
•MF-H Death Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull E230/TH170/160/GB145 RS/MB/SB
Weight Based:
•MSF-H/MSF Revizer Revizer E230/GB145/TH170/160 RS/MB/SB
•MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Saramanda E230/GB145/TH170/160 RS/MB/SB
•MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Revizer E230/GB145/TH170/160 RS/MB/SB
•MSF-H/MSF Revizer Saramanda E230/GB145/TH170/160 RS/MB/SB
•MF-L Duo Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 SD/B/SB
•MF-L Phantom Cancer/Hades/Aquario/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 SD/B/SB
•MF-H/MF VariAres ED145/GB145/160/TH170/E230 RF/R2F/LRF/CF/GCF
•MF-H/MF Blitz Unicorno II ED145/GB145/160/TH170/E230 R2F/RF/CF/GCF
Sway KO:
•MSF-H/MSF Revizer Revizer ED145/GB145/160/TH170/E230 CF/GCF/RF/R2F
•MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Saramanda ED145/GB145/160/TH170/E230 CF/GCF/RF/R2F
•MF-H Duo Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull E230/TH170/160/GB145 RS/MB/SB
•MF-H Death Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull E230/TH170/160/GB145 RS/MB/SB
Weight Based:
•MSF-H/MSF Revizer Revizer E230/GB145/TH170/160 RS/MB/SB
•MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Saramanda E230/GB145/TH170/160 RS/MB/SB
•MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Revizer E230/GB145/TH170/160 RS/MB/SB
•MSF-H/MSF Revizer Saramanda E230/GB145/TH170/160 RS/MB/SB
•MF-L Duo Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 SD/B/SB
•MF-L Phantom Cancer/Hades/Aquario/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 SD/B/SB
(Jun. 18, 2012 4:22 AM)Mu Wrote: Competitive Metal Fight Beyblade Zero G Combos List (Fully Updated)^This is what you asked for, right Mu?
•MF-H/MF VariAres ED145/GB145/160/TH170/E230 RF/R2F/LRF/CF/GCF
•MF-H/MF Blitz Unicorno II ED145/GB145/160/TH170/E230 R2F/RF/CF/GCF
Sway KO:
•MSF-H/MSF Revizer Revizer ED145/GB145/160/TH170/E230 CF/GCF/RF/R2F
•MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Saramanda ED145/GB145/160/TH170/E230 CF/GCF/RF/R2F
•MF-H Duo Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull E230/TH170/160/GB145 RS/MB/SB
•MF-H Death Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull E230/TH170/160/GB145 RS/MB/SB
Weight Based:
•MSF-H/MSF Revizer Revizer E230/GB145/TH170/160 RS/MB/SB
•MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Saramanda E230/GB145/TH170/160 RS/MB/SB
•MSF-H/MSF Saramanda Revizer E230/GB145/TH170/160 RS/MB/SB
•MSF-H/MSF Revizer Saramanda E230/GB145/TH170/160 RS/MB/SB
•MF-L Duo Aquario/Cancer/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 SD/B/SB
•MF-L Phantom Cancer/Hades/Aquario/Cygnus/Bull AD145/160/TH170/230 SD/B/SB
The list that was listed above was combined with mine (Mu) and Carly's list.
My List (Click to View)
Carly's Really Extensive List (Click to View)
Yo Carly, how come E230 is on the attack list? Is it actually good for attack? Don't have mine yet, so I wouldn't know.

TBH, I tried E230 out in a wooden bowl with no fixed base... xD
I thought the disk would catch the bowl and spin out of control, yet, it actually did what it was designed to do... But you obviously can't call my experience a reliable source of testing, ha ha.
So when you get your E230, could you please test out MSF Phoenic Phoenic/Saramanda Saramanda/Revizer Reviser/Ifraid Ifraid (or whichever one you have two of) E230GCF/CF? The sheer weight, of any Synchrome combo really, with that Track/Bottom setup should tilt the stadium drastically. And, the combo should stay relatively controllable due to E230 as well as the weight of Synchrome slowing it down.
I thought the disk would catch the bowl and spin out of control, yet, it actually did what it was designed to do... But you obviously can't call my experience a reliable source of testing, ha ha.
So when you get your E230, could you please test out MSF Phoenic Phoenic/Saramanda Saramanda/Revizer Reviser/Ifraid Ifraid (or whichever one you have two of) E230GCF/CF? The sheer weight, of any Synchrome combo really, with that Track/Bottom setup should tilt the stadium drastically. And, the combo should stay relatively controllable due to E230 as well as the weight of Synchrome slowing it down.
Sure, I have two Ifraids, and I can do that. I can also try out some other Synch's, see if they work better than Ifraid Ifraid.