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(Jan. 03, 2011  10:10 PM)Themailman Wrote: Okay, I'm getting the Gravity Perseus Reshuffle Set, and I was wondering what I should use to make an attack combo. I have the three clear wheels to choose from and am at a loss as to which one is the best in terms of attack. I was thinking of using the green one (I don't know the proper name). I was gonna use RF but I dont know which track to use.

Which clear wheel/track should I use for an attack combo?
I think barely any testing was done with the new Perseus Clear Wheels. It is up to you. As for a Track, try D125.
whats the difference between burn mold 1 , mold 2 and mold 3

oh and for earth mold 1 and 2
(Jan. 03, 2011  11:17 PM)ShadowZoroark Wrote: whats the difference between burn mold 1 , mold 2 and mold 3

oh and for earth mold 1 and 2
Look at the topics for Burn Phoenix and Earth Aquila, and read on Beywiki ...
It doesnt tell me about Burn though...i now know about Earth
(Jan. 03, 2011  11:23 PM)ShadowZoroark Wrote: It doesnt tell me about Burn though...i now know about Earth
If it really does not say anything in the Burn Phoenix topic, then just assume that there are slight differences in performance between the molds.
But i want to know the differences because i want to know which mold mine is
(Jan. 03, 2011  11:28 PM)ShadowZoroark Wrote: But i want to know the differences because i want to know which mold mine is

I think it is like virgo, you don't know until you use it (correct me if I am wrong), btw mold 3 is hasbro
does any one know how to make a banner here
(Jan. 03, 2011  11:57 PM)tman14 Wrote:
(Jan. 03, 2011  11:28 PM)ShadowZoroark Wrote: But i want to know the differences because i want to know which mold mine is

I think it is like virgo, you don't know until you use it (correct me if I am wrong), btw mold 3 is hasbro

You have to check the bottom of the Metal Wheel actually.
(Jan. 03, 2011  11:28 PM)ShadowZoroark Wrote: But i want to know the differences because i want to know which mold mine is

She just said there are only slight in it wont matter...
does anyone here know how to make banners?
(Jan. 03, 2011  8:30 PM)Rukasu333 Wrote: Ive heard some things about WD being better than SD for stamina. Is this true?
(Jan. 04, 2011  12:07 AM)bladerg Wrote: does anyone here know how to make banners?

Second time Im telling you....this is the wrong thread.

But anyway let me google that for you.
What does the wings on DownForce105 do
Read Beywiki.
(Jan. 04, 2011  12:19 AM)Rukasu333 Wrote:
(Jan. 03, 2011  8:30 PM)Rukasu333 Wrote: Ive heard some things about WD being better than SD for stamina. Is this true?

Yes, from my tests it is.
Hey guys just curios is the hasbro flame libra t125 es BANNED from tournament play?? That's wat ive heard but WHY??? It's not amazing!!
(Jan. 04, 2011  1:38 AM)Dranzer5335 Wrote: Hey guys just curios is the hasbro flame libra t125 es BANNED from tournament play?? That's wat ive heard but WHY??? It's not amazing!!

The Pre-HWS Libra was banned, not Flame Libra.

Doesn't make sense anyways ... Read Beywiki to know why it was banned and so your questions will be answered next time.
i have heard of a light launcher 2. can anyone explain this to me?
srry if im being a noob XD
how come the wbo beywiki dose not have any of the explosion beys ( at least not the ones i looked ) and not all of the metal fusion beys as well i realy need to find out wich beys to get when metal masters comes out here please respond
(Jan. 04, 2011  1:45 AM)brianDAblader Wrote: i have heard of a light launcher 2. can anyone explain this to me?
srry if im being a noob XD

sure it is a new RIPCORD LAUNCHER that improves the speed and power from the original metal fight / fusion ripcord launcher kinda like the string launcher was replased for the long dragon ripcord ya its like that but i dont think it is as strong as the string launcher
Untrue. The sting launcher was an upgrade to the failed String Launcher from HMS.
(Jan. 04, 2011  2:05 AM)Megablader9 Wrote: Untrue. The sting launcher was an upgrade to the failed String Launcher from HMS.
they had a string launcher in the 4 layer system....? oh ya the ldrago one lol i forgot but there based on the old long dragon ripcords
(Jan. 04, 2011  2:05 AM)Megablader9 Wrote: Untrue. The sting launcher was an upgrade to the failed String Launcher from HMS.
never mind i just found out that in the past seres they had a string launcher WOW I NEVER KNEW THAT dose someone have it cuz i want to see its review
I'm talking about the Hard Metal System. Wolborg MS? Dragoon MS? DEMS? Never heard of them? Well, that string launcher was a complete fail.
They're based on the old ripcords that were really long (twice that of a normal ripcord) and came ONLY with dragoons (or electronic beys i guess...), but they're the regular size. String launchers are 3 times the length of a normal ripcord and 1 and a half times the length of a long ripcord

I am such a nerd
(Jan. 04, 2011  2:13 AM)Megablader9 Wrote: I'm talking about the Hard Metal System. Wolborg MS? Dragoon MS? DEMS? Never heard of them? Well, that string launcher was a complete fail.
lol ya i just saw them on the bey market but how bad was it i mean it cant be that bad and how come the beywiki is not being updated with new beys?