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go to my settings and on theleft column u will see many options, choose change avatar. Click on browse to upload the picture from your saved pictures. if u dont have any pics just go on google images and type in water u want and you should have an avatar. Smile
(Dec. 21, 2010  11:54 AM)ali_g229 Wrote: He didnt specify which blade he was going to be using. But in general if it was an attack bey you would usually go for the lower height. Am i correct?
No, not really.

Although a lot of the current Top-Tier Attack combos are at low heights, it doesn't mean that you would always aim go for a low height.

For example:
Metal Wheels like Vulcan utilizes its Smash Attack best at low heights, Gravity works very well at 125 height, and Wheels like Pegasis utilizes it's Smash Attack at 145 height.
Lightning L Drago utilizes both Smash and Destabilizing at 90/100 while it is a pure Smash Attack combo at 120-145 height.

Different Wheels have different 'ideal heights', you shouldn't just be aiming for one height.

(Dec. 21, 2010  12:58 PM)Night Virgo 11 Wrote: how do you get a avatar
These sorts of questions should be asked in the "Questions about the WBO" thread next time.
Is a customized launcher legal in a tournament

I found a way to use the 10 tooth gear from an ez shooter and the prong thingys from an mfb shooter . Im not done making the launcher but its supposed to look like a box with two holes in it and prong thingys sticking out

(theres a million things you can do with a swiss army knife) XD
Is it legeal to paint a beyblade?,and if so can it be used in a offical tournament?
if there is no change in perfomance i think its okay
1.does it matter if you give your bey a diffrent/custom name;i know this might sound like a silly question.
2.can you make your own custom FB stickers of the internet,and if so can it be used in a offical tournament?
1) no, but why?
2) yes, yes it doesent
2.if it doesent change the weight it is not a prob
I don't really understand how my friend's Lightning L-Drago Beats my Earth Virgo...handspun..
If we consider each beyblade a gear spinning in opposite directions, wouldn't each beyblade get the same tradeoff since they're technically living off each other?
(Dec. 21, 2010  6:27 PM)Soysaucexp Wrote: I don't really understand how my friend's Lightning L-Drago Beats my Earth Virgo...handspun..
If we consider each beyblade a gear spinning in opposite directions, wouldn't each beyblade get the same tradeoff since they're technically living off each other?

They Equal out at some point, and then the one with the most balance wins.
Ohhhhh I see Smile
So I presume WD would be ok for those kind of tradeoff things?
Can a Thermal Fusion Wheel have any other purposes than a Stamina wheel?
yes it can be used for other purposes then stanima,though Thermale isnt a great stanima wheel,attack wheel or defense wheel,its way outclassed
(Dec. 21, 2010  8:19 PM)Gloomy Wrote: yes it can be used for other purposes then stanima,though Thermale isnt a great stanima wheel,attack wheel or defense wheel,its way outclassed

Can't it be attack because of the ridges????

I dont play competitivly either so can it?????
which is heavier earth or grand
(Dec. 21, 2010  8:22 PM)Quetzalcoatal Wrote:
(Dec. 21, 2010  8:19 PM)Gloomy Wrote: yes it can be used for other purposes then stanima,though Thermale isnt a great stanima wheel,attack wheel or defense wheel,its way outclassed

Can't it be attack because of the ridges????

I dont play competitivly either so can it?????

its a bad attacker :\
like i said,it can,but their are way better choices then it,like Lighting Ldrago,or even Storm Pegasis
(Dec. 21, 2010  8:28 PM)Pyro Wrote: Earth.
wow that surprised me! which has better defense though
(Dec. 21, 2010  8:22 PM)Quetzalcoatal Wrote:
(Dec. 21, 2010  8:19 PM)Gloomy Wrote: yes it can be used for other purposes then stanima,though Thermale isnt a great stanima wheel,attack wheel or defense wheel,its way outclassed

Can't it be attack because of the ridges????

I dont play competitivly either so can it?????

It's ridges don't protrude enough to make any significant contact.
So no, it can't be used in an attack combo.
(Dec. 21, 2010  8:29 PM)leone Wrote:
(Dec. 21, 2010  8:28 PM)Pyro Wrote: Earth.
wow that surprised me! which has better defense though

ZOMG Earth yet again :T Earth is top tier cause of its weight and how little its recoil is
(Dec. 21, 2010  8:29 PM)leone Wrote:
(Dec. 21, 2010  8:28 PM)Pyro Wrote: Earth.
wow that surprised me! which has better defense though

Defense Types = Heavy
Earth = Heavy
Grand = Not so Heavy

I wonder.... Lol
which has better defense rsf or rs
lol i would love to see MFEarth(mold 1)BullGB145 on a RSF XD i am going to have to say RS..
aww not as epic as i though...