I saw the thread bashing the Thunder Whip stadium right before I was going to head out and buy it; the only stadium I have now is the Ultimate Stadium from Plastic Gen (H-38) and I hate how the Bey`s get trapped near the rotating floor.
I know general rule of thumb is avoid Hasbro Stadiums, but does anyone know how the `Super Vortex Stadium`
http://www.walmart.ca/details?assetId=67...earch=true is? Passable for casual play or just as ridiculously imbalanced as the Thunderwhip?
I really don`t want to dish out $40-$50 for a BB-10, BB-46 or BB-33 online. (if they`re even in stock)
I wish I could just drop into Chinatown and just get a cheap fake TT mold for $10 like the good ol`days...