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does anyone know why the original website was abandoned w/o any hope whatsoever? tell you the truth I thought beyblade was dead until i stumbled across this site today, i hadn't heard of the new beyblade show or any new beyblades for almost 4 years until today.
Kai-V answered you on the other thread which was closed.
Are any beyblade events occuring in texas any time soon?
(May. 25, 2009  8:14 PM)JAPANDA Wrote: Are any beyblade events occuring in texas any time soon?

Check the WBO General forum to see if anything was being organized in Texas (I don't think there is though). If you want a beyblade tournament/ event in texas, you'll have to organize one yourself. Check the Map for bladers from Texas.
What is your rarest beyblade? Name a few if you can't think of just one. Mine is Dark gaia dragoon, its rare but
it totally sucks in battle. Waiting for answers.
Probably Slash Riger...
(May. 25, 2009  11:01 PM)Megablader Wrote: What is your rarest beyblade? Name a few if you can't think of just one. Mine is Dark gaia dragoon, its rare but
it totally sucks in battle. Waiting for answers.

umm... this isn't really the type of question you would ask in this thread. This would require it's own thread (there might already be one so check first before you make one).
Wouldn't it make more sense for Megablader to just look through here, and they can see for themselves?
(May. 25, 2009  11:01 PM)Megablader Wrote: What is your rarest beyblade? Name a few if you can't think of just one. Mine is Dark gaia dragoon, its rare but
it totally sucks in battle. Waiting for answers.

Dark Gaia Dragoon comes with Survivor Ring, which is very useful for left spin zombies.
Why do people always say Storm Pegasis 105RF is the best attacking combo..
I thought this combo was based on upper attack.. would it not be better to use 100 or even 90 track instead of the 105..since it would lower the height of the beyblade, allowing for easier upper attack?
I think we've said it is the best blade uncustomized. Its better than any attacker unustomized, but even better with a lower track.
Storm Pegasis wheel is for smash. Plus we all say it is great because of RF and the wheel. 90 is a nice swap, but it isn't an easy track to get a hold of.
(May. 26, 2009  2:29 AM)Ghost Wrote: Why do people always say Storm Pegasis 105RF is the best attacking combo..
I thought this combo was based on upper attack.. would it not be better to use 100 or even 90 track instead of the 105..since it would lower the height of the beyblade, allowing for easier upper attack?

Best uncostumized attack MFB.

But yeah, Storm Pegasis 90RF would most likely be the best attack combo.
How do you bulk order on yja and wats the advantages?
Just go onto your account on MOJ and it explain's everything to you.
(May. 26, 2009  3:51 AM)muslimboi123 Wrote: How do you bulk order on yja and wats the advantages?

We have a giant thread on MOJ.
(May. 26, 2009  4:19 AM)Khel Wrote: We have a giant thread on MOJ.
ya read that but dosnt anythin about bulk order????
What beyblade comes with the 90 track?
Quetzcoatl. Or you can sometimes find a 090 Track, Quetzcoatl Face of WF (Wide Flat) bottom in the original booster packs (prior to the HWS release). There is a 1/8 chance of getting the piece through this method however.

(May. 26, 2009  12:23 PM)Ghost Wrote: What beyblade comes with the 90 track?
What would be better.. using the pegasis wheel or the storm pegasis wheel with the double wheel system.. on a 100RF..
storm pegasis, and for future reference the "double wheel system" is actually called the "hybrid wheel system", i just got a bit confused at first when i read it XD
But why is it better..

I've read that the metal frame weighs a few grams less and that the plastic part makes up for this..
But itsn't the pure metal better? Makes the actual part you attack with much heavier.. Also.. plastic attacking rings can break.. so I see the same happening to this clear wheel...
It's the shape of the storm pegasis wheel, it's superior to the original. Clear wheel's dont actually touch the oponents beyblade in battle.
But the loss in weight isn't a problem?