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(Apr. 18, 2009  3:15 PM)Rocky Wrote: Rubber has more friction so it can grip the stadium and follow the sliding shoot pattern right? And metal would just kinda slide away.........XD
I imagine that rubber would absorb the hit better but also give off some kind of recoil when it sorta sprang back to place? :3
Just guesses though. Joyful_3

Yes. That seems correct. I was thinking the same thing but I wasn't sure if I was correct lol
Okay, so why is it SG Metal Change works so well?
Haha, that's interesting, I never thought of that. XD
(Apr. 18, 2009  3:18 PM)Giga Wrote: Okay, so why is it SG Metal Change works so well?

Because of how the tip is shaped. I guess since, it's not completely flat or sharp, it can get away with it.
um i got aa quistion. which wheel weighs the trying to make the best defense blade
Libra - 43g. Best by far.
good i just ordered a defense and stamina its lucky for me
A defence bey would look like this Libra100WB.
(Apr. 18, 2009  3:53 PM)Giga Wrote: A defence bey would look like this Libra100WB.

Why 100?
Why not CH120 or D125, thy're both heavier than 100.
does rock leone do anything for a defence blader? or is libra just that superior to it Confused
I'd go with CH120 or even WD145. Can't see Libra being put off balance too much. But it doesn't really matter because he ordered the Defence and Stamina Set.......:X
Never tried CH120, but I would assume that height is more important than a small boost of weight? WB comes in Rock Leone, witch is the best bottom for defence out now.
Rock Leone is the heaviest HWS Wheel so it's good in that respect. It's still lighter than Libra though. By like 7g. Pinching_eyes_2
Didn't we already decide WB was better for Defense and D for Stamina? :X
(Apr. 18, 2009  3:56 PM)Giga Wrote: Never tried CH120, but I would assume that height is more important than a small boost of weight?

CH120 is 2g more than 100.
That extra weight can make a difference. The height isn't that bad, it's not like it's on a 145 track.
ok so rock leone does have one decent part to it lol good i mean i loe it but i want a blade that can do more than look pretty lol
Eh, it has to be tried out I guess.
What category does gemiosDF145F:
What category does gemiosDF145F come in:
also what category with pisces.
Attack. What type of pisces?
Sorry so gemiosDF145F would be classed as attack.
The one from RBV2. D125BS

Sam the F means it's gonna have attack movements. Why don't you just list your parts and we can make the best combo?
In the Build a Combo thread.