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what can i use to keep the paint from chipping off from the exclusive storm pegasus and lighting l drago
nail polish on stickers?
Thats pretty much it. They are not that rare anyway.
I hear some sort of sealant for plastic models is good to prolong the life of the paint. But then again, you can always respray the Bey with spray paint or an airbrush.
ik they rnt rare its just i dont really want the paint to chip and thnks
The upload will be done in a moment. Sorry, I couldn't find my card reader...
Ah, can't wait.. LOL
Lol. I will warn you that I start to ramble a bit. Just trying to be thorough. XD
Link it.
I will when it finishes uploading. 'Bout 1 more minute.
I'm getting a POSTPOSTPOST vibe from you gokkar. Is it really necessary to keep informing us of your status? You could have just kept most of it to yourself and posted the link when it was done.
Is the Super Vortex stadium or whatever it's called any good? I've just seen like nothing about it, whereas I've seen lots of talk about how carp the PTW is
Its bad, no chance of KOs. PTW is probably better.
I'm sorry. Im not trying to spam, although it may look like it. I apologize, and it won't happen again. Anyways, here's the link:
It doesn't even have pockets..
Edit: Gokkar, I thought it was a bump in the middle. This is different than I thought, so maybe it is abnormal and damaged.
I don't recall that it it is supposed to.
Damn, thats a huge bump. Try reading GMarket on their return policy. And I thought it was suppose to be yellow Unhappy, I will reply if mine has a bump too when it comes.
.. He got it from MSShop.
I know, thats the name of a seller from GMarket; where he ordered it -.-
Anyway I will get mine from when they finish construction.
Thanks so much for this help guys. I have contacted the seller and will see what I can do about a return.
Use GMarkets customer service. They are really great, answer in 1-2days.
r painted bey blades like having a painted dark wheel r they still legal in wbo tournaments
oh nad what bey stadium is more blanced thunder whip pegasus or super vortex staduim
would CLR be good for making metal wheels shiny?