Anyone plays LOL(League of Legends)

I usually research champions over 450 IP a lot before I buy them, as you can probably tell I don't have the patience to wait until champion I am interested in to go on free rotation (after researching, I'll probably get Tryndamere since I like his versatile abilities.). Btw, can he still solo or almost solo baron nashor? I have the feeling he got nerfed or baron got buffed after that info I read was put up...
(Feb. 24, 2015  5:11 AM)DRAGON KING Wrote: Was Zed nerfed in that update? He seems above average still, but IDK if he's OP.

Zed's most recent nerf was a slight attack speed reduction. Otherwise his damage remains unchanged

(Feb. 24, 2015  7:49 AM)DRAGON KING Wrote: Btw, can he still solo or almost solo baron nashor? I have the feeling he got nerfed or baron got buffed after that info I read was put up...

Doubt it unless you have a lifesteal build or heavy DPS at late game. New Baron does a hell of a lot of damage now
I've been playing LoL for about a little over a year, I'm Platinum V this season, as well as being Platinum last season.
IGN:MetalZMC, for those wondering.
Research is good and all. But until you've actually played them, you won't have any clue as to if you like playing them or not

Also, Janna's on free this week, so it's a great time for you to try her out

A little over a year and you're Plat V? I am impressed. I've been playing since September. Haven't started ranked, but as best I can tell I play at a Silver IV level (My next three champs are two 6300s and a 4800)
(Feb. 24, 2015  4:05 PM)KosherKitten Wrote: Research is good and all. But until you've actually played them, you won't have any clue as to if you like playing them or not

Also, Janna's on free this week, so it's a great time for you to try her out

A little over a year and you're Plat V? I am impressed. I've been playing since September. Haven't started ranked, but as best I can tell I play at a Silver IV level (My next three champs are two 6300s and a 4800)

Janna is already one of my mains lol.
Oh, was she? I thought you said Morg and, um, an ADC...

Also, while we're on mains, you really can't main more than three champs without sacrificing a lot of your ability in all of them, so keep that in mind. You can usually cover an entire role with just three champs (meaning you'll be able to pick something that's at least a skill matchup in any lane) And then you can have a couple extra champs you're okay at for all the other roles

So for example, I'm a Top main. I want to main Nautilus, Shyvana, and someone else--probably a 1v1 heavy AD caster like Quinn or Fiora. Naut is the ultimate being of CC (literally no one else has as much CC as he does), insanely tanky, and has okay damage output. He's no Cho'Gath, but good luck tower diving him. Shyvana is a great tank with a lot of offensive presence too. And my third pick will be someone who can dominate their lane and simply crush their opponent so badly that they'll be essentially useless in teamfights

If I try to pick up more than that, I sacrifice a lot of my time I could be spending learning to play those better. Right now you shouldn't even have to worry about mains though, that can wait until level 30 when you've got some full rune and mastery pages. But keep in mind what role you want to main and try to find a couple champions that you enjoy playing and can cover most of the opponents you'll be facing
Morgana, Janna and Taric. I was looking into getting an ADC (for variety). My main role I play is support. My lane is bottom.

Why do I get to have more mastery pages? Like I'm lv 7 and I can only have one I can change, but it's kinda a pain since I don't play just one champion.
Support is always assumed to be botlane. Lane swaps are a thing at high elos and competitive levels, but for the most part it's: Top, jungler, mid, support and ADC bot

And having variety in your champion pool is good, because in ranked you'll have to be able to play all roles at least a bit. But outside you main role you shouldn't really get more than one or two champions per role, at least not until you have a nice and flush champion pool

There's a little plus above the masteries themselves, next to the page name, let's you add new pages
So I tried Tryndamere, and I'm still not good with melee ADCs.... Oh well, back to my supports.
(Feb. 25, 2015  6:34 AM)DRAGON KING Wrote: So I tried Tryndamere, and I'm still not good with melee ADCs.... Oh well, back to my supports.
I'm going to assume you aren't using melee ADCs bot lane, correct..? I wouldn't consider Tryndamere an 'adc' rather than just a fighter/assassin with his loads of damage late game. ADCs are more along the lines on Jinx, Caitlyn, Ezreal, Tristana, Kog'Maw, Draven, and such. So basically just marksmen.
Melee ADC is still a viable term for a melee character that primary deals damage through their auto attacks. Though I wouldn't take a melee ADC to most botlanes

And not all Marksmen are ADCs. Ezreal is a hybrid between AD Caster and ADC, since he deals a lot of damage with his skills, in addition to his AAs

Trynd is one of the best examples of a melee ADC because he does very little damage with his skills, and most of them are just to help him get more AAs off
(Feb. 25, 2015  9:48 PM)KosherKitten Wrote: Melee ADC is still a viable term for a melee character that primary deals damage through their auto attacks. Though I wouldn't take a melee ADC to most botlanes

And not all Marksmen are ADCs. Ezreal is a hybrid between AD Caster and ADC, since he deals a lot of damage with his skills, in addition to his AAs

Trynd is one of the best examples of a melee ADC because he does very little damage with his skills, and most of them are just to help him get more AAs off

That's basically saying since Tryndamere is an 'ADC'- which by the definition of Attack Damage Carry he is, BUT if we're being technical with 'ADC' you should be referring to Marksmen, which Trynd is not.. and actually, all Marksmen are 'ADCs' besides Teemo. All because Ezreal is a hybrid of AD Caster and ADC doesn't mean he isn't an ADC. Also, AD Caster = ADC in it's own way Smile
Um, if you mean abbreviation-wise then yeah, AD caster can be "ADC"

Quinn is a "marksman" and still and AD caster. She can sorta be played like an ADC, she certainly has the poke and kiting ability, but she's really not very good at it and performs much better being built as a caster

As for Teemo... He actually can be an ADC, and actually not a bad one (not a good one either...) but he's generally built AP because... Actually IDK why he's built AP beyond having more AP ratios than AD ratios (as in no AD ratios, lol)

If we're being technical, then technically ADC means Attack Damage Carry, as you said, and no more. So it's not more technical to refer to only marksmen as ADCs
(Feb. 26, 2015  2:38 AM)KosherKitten Wrote: Um, if you mean abbreviation-wise then yeah, AD caster can be "ADC"

Quinn is a "marksman" and still and AD caster. She can sorta be played like an ADC, she certainly has the poke and kiting ability, but she's really not very good at it and performs much better being built as a caster

As for Teemo... He actually can be an ADC, and actually not a bad one (not a good one either...) but he's generally built AP because... Actually IDK why he's built AP beyond having more AP ratios than AD ratios (as in no AD ratios, lol)

If we're being technical, then technically ADC means Attack Damage Carry, as you said, and no more. So it's not more technical to refer to only marksmen as ADCs

Quinn is built like a regular ADC..? I have yet to run across anyone who builds her as a caster. Also Teemo isn't played AD because he has a low range for bot lane, no AD ratios, and performs WAY better with AP.
...Okay, one, Quinn shouldn't ever be building Shiv or Phantom Dancer. And I wouldn't recommend Bloodthirster (Bork is all the lifesteal you need) either. You build... AS Boots, LW, and sometimes IE the same as a standard ADC (Standard ADC is IE, PD/Shiv, LW, AS boots)

Your core should be Bork, AS boots, Last Whisper. Then you should have an IE or Triforce for damage and a pair of defensive items (Randuin's, Maw, Banshee's, GA) or one defensive item and the one of IE/Triforce you didn't get already if you're ahead
(Feb. 26, 2015  3:31 AM)KosherKitten Wrote: ...Okay, one, Quinn shouldn't ever be building Shiv or Phantom Dancer. And I wouldn't recommend Bloodthirster (Bork is all the lifesteal you need) either. You build... AS Boots, LW, and sometimes IE the same as a standard ADC (Standard ADC is IE, PD/Shiv, LW, AS boots)

Your core should be Bork, AS boots, Last Whisper. Then you should have an IE or Triforce for damage and a pair of defensive items (Randuin's, Maw, Banshee's, GA) or one defensive item and the one of IE/Triforce you didn't get already if you're ahead

??? Your logic makes no sense. You're basically calling Vayne the same as Quinn with the BoRK. You ALWAYS get BoRK and Shiv/PD on Quinn. A standard ADC generally has: BoRK/IE/Bloodthirster as a first item, Shiv/Triforce/PD as second, LW/IE/Bloodthirster as third, with Berserkers' somewhere in there. No offense, but I don't think you really play ADC or Quinn very often xD
I tried him Bot and Top lane.

So today I stop trying to get better with my other mains and just used Morgana and it really bright my league confidence back up.

Even though my teams lost most of the games, I got pretty good scores for a support (got 27 assists and 8 kills in one game....)
Well no, I don't ADC much, I based my standards on a friend of mine who's an ADC main telling me that was standard (IIRC he's Gold something?)

But I do play Quinn whenever she's free (I haven't bought her yet for some reason, IDK why since she's one of my favorite champs to play) This last time I mostly played her JG tho, largely because the Brutalizer jungle item and blue buff give me a way to put some CDR on her, which is hard to do normally since you have to start itemizing defensively after your core (I've considered experimenting with CDR boots, but if I get AS boots I don't have to finish Bork right away and can sit on Cutlass, relying on the boots for my AS while I finish my Triforce)

I've never heard of an ADC buying a Triforce. At the very least, you don't buy a Randuin's as ADC
I have a question, can one if you list the exact items and order I should buy and order I shoud sell items for Morgana? I know to read guides, but I'd prefer more detailed and "dumbed" down answers.

I usually just buy a Doran's Ring ring and 2 potions to start me off, then buy Berserkers Greaves/Sorcerers Shoes. I then stock up on Morellicons and maybe a Guardian Angel. Then I sell the boots and Ring to get a more aggressive items like a bloodthirster or BF Sword since I play a pretty aggressive support.
No, we can't, because items change depending on the game. However, I can tell you that if you're talking about support Morg, that's definitely not the way to go. Also you're making several major mistakes just generally in terms of items

Firstly, max CDR is %40. More than two Morellonomicon's is completely useless, and you should really only have one since Grievous Wounds only applies once (the only things you ever buy more than one of at a time are Doran's items) Don't buy attack speed or damage on Morg unless you're playing ADC Morg (which is a thing, but I'm P sure it's just a troll thing)

Now, for support you'll want to start:
Spellthief's Edge, HP pot, Stealth ward (you'll need the +40 gold mastery in the utility tree to get both), and , of course, warding totem

You should immediately upgrade your Spellthief's Edge to a Frostfang as soon as you can afford it. Then buy a Sightstone with your next 800 gold. When you buy the Sightstone, turn your Warding Totem into a Sweeping Lens. Then buy regular boots, no need to upgrade right now. And don't forget to keep two or three HP pots in your inventory at all times throughout laning. Also buy a Vision Ward at this time

Your items at this point should be: Frostfang, Sightstone, 2HP pots, boots, Vision Ward, Sweeping Lens (Trinket)

Toss the Vision Ward in the bush just at the end of the river and be sure to ward Dragon with your Sightstone

The next thing you should get is a Chalice of Harmony. This will help you keep your mana up and let you spam more Qs before having to back

Once you've got that, it's time to upgrade your boots. Get either Ionian Boots of Lucidity (CDR boots), or Mercury's Treads (Tenacity/Mr boots) Tenacity boots go with your ult and let you stick to the enemy team better in a fight, CDR boots will let you spam Qs more, but become a bit redundant later on since you build a lot of CDR anyways as Morg. Oh, and if your Vision Ward got destroyed, buy another and place it before continuing

Next, you should start building a Zhonya's Hourglass, buy a Seeker's Armguard

So now you should have: Frostfang, Sightstone, 2HP pots, CDR/MR boots, Chalice, , Armguard, Sweeping Lens (Trinket)

Since your inventory is mostly full, it's time to start finishing things, what order you do these depends on the enemy team, but generally the most effective order will be:
Upgrade Chalice into Mikael's Crucible, then upgrade Armguard into Zhonya's Hourglass, then upgrade Frostfang into Frost Queen's Claim. Also upgrade your Sweeping Lens to an Oracle's Lens somewhere in here. You no longer need to carry HP pots, so feel free to buy a Fiendish Codex or Needlessly Large Rod once you've used your pots up

Your build should now be: Frost Queen's Claim, Sightsone, CDR/MR boots, Zhonya's, Mikael's, Oracle's Lens (Trinket)

Your last item depends a lot on the enemy team:
Get Frozen Heart if they have a lot of physical damage and you need the armor
Get Twin Shadows if they're overall low damage and you want to play a bit more offensively
Get a Locket of the Iron Solari if they're dealing a lot of magic damage and you need the MR
Get a Rylai's Crystal Scepter if they're very mobile as it will boost your CC powers even more
Get a Zz'Rot Portal if your team is winning by a lot but can't seem to actually finish the game

All that remains now is to finish up a few things
Firstly, upgrade your Sightstone to a Ruby Sightstone
Then, get either the Captain or Homeguard Enchant for your boots. Basically: Captain if you're winning, Homeguard if you're losing
Finally, whenever you're at base, buy an Elixir of Sorcery or Elixir of Ruin (Elixir of Ruin is if you're trying to finish the game, otherwise go for Sorcery) It will activate as soon as you buy it since you have six items

Also, little tip: You can rearrange your items by clicking on their icons in the lower right-hand corner and dragging them to a new spot
Could you put it Ina tl;dr list? I'm sorry, I just screen shot stuff and I'm not gonna be able to read all that in game.
Not really, no. Items are more complicated than "buy this and this and this." I recommend you make item sets to help recall these things. You can classify things as: Starting items, first back/early game, core, and situational

But I'll still do my best

Get Warding Totem>Spellthief's Edge>Frostfang>Sightstone&Sweeping Lens>Boots>Chalice of Harmony>MR/CDR boots>Seeker's Armguard>Mikeal's Crucible>>Zhonya's Hourglass>Oracle's Lens>Frost Queen's Claim>Frozen Heart/Twin Shadows/Locket of the Iron Solari/Rylai's Crystal Scepter/Zz'Rot Portal>Homeguard/Captain>Ruby Sightstone>Elixir of Sorcery/Ruin

But, again, items and the order you build them have to be adapted to the opponent you're facing, you can't just use the same exact build every game
I've been buying the spell thief as my starting item and It's working pretty nicely Smile.

I almost have enough IP for a 3150 IP champion (I have 2567 IP right now iirc).

I want a support, but idk if I should get Sona ( pros: she's super annoying to go against in bot lane 2v2, she has a heal, she has an aggressive Ult which I like. Cons: I've heard she's super boring to play, her Ult stun is super short.), Anivia (Cons: nobody plays her much, not even when she was on few rotation. Which leads me to believe she's not all that great. She has no heal or shield. Pros: she has aggressive abilities. Her egg thing makes get annoying to kill and takes longer. She has slows. Her ice wall can stop or delay team fights and can slow chasing enemies. Nobody plays her much, so I wouldn't always have to be worried in draft games.), Karma ( Cons: She has no heal iirc. I really don't know much about her. Pros: her Ult doesn't need unlocking. ) or Lux (Pros: she has like 2 stuns. Her Ult is pretty long range. Cons: idk.)
Don't buy Anivia for a support, at least not with the meta as mobile as it is right now (honestly Anivia isn't that great in general)

Sona is a really good support, nice and easy

Karma is my personal favorite support. Not having a heal is not a con, having a heal is a pro. You hardly need a heal to be a good support, shields are far more useful (and Karma has the best shield in the game imo)

Lux don't have any stuns. She has a two-hit snare and a slow. Her slow gives vision tho, which is awesome. Lux is really good, but she's not really the best for the support meta ATM, you also have to be very careful with her, because she's absurdly easy to take kills with (I'm a former support Lux main, and I swear the KSing was only %30 intentional) She's very hard to play as an effective support, especially since she's all skillshots

Buy Karma or Sona
What the difference between snares and stuns?