Anyone plays LOL(League of Legends)

(Mar. 01, 2015  6:10 AM)DRAGON KING Wrote: What the difference between snares and stuns?

Root: A unit that is rooted is unable to control its movement for the duration (occasionally referred to as a Snare).
Stun: A unit that is stunned is unable to move, attack or cast abilities for the duration.
You may want to read this, Dragon:
LoL wiki acts weird for me. It's crashes, acts slow, etc.

I got lv 20, but idk about runes, so I'll wait a but before buying any.

PS: bought Anivia just for lawls. But wow, I thought she was an attack burst champions,but she barely does any damage. her wall is nice tho. Her Ultimate has a super quick cooldown, but it literal drains your mana
Without getting into specifics, the current meta favors Annie, Karma, Braum, Leona, Morgana, Lulu, Thresh, Blitz, and Sona for support. Soraka's rework and nerfs have left her outclassed by virtually every other support champ. Sona (and eventualy Bard) have taken her place as the heal mages of LoL.

Soraka cant even go to other lanes or even fufil her own role...its pretty upsetting, especialy to a former Soraka main.
1)her skill animation for her q is too long
2)She cant go AD anymore;
3)She canot heal herself with W;
4)If she builds tank, the cost of her W increases, making Soraka lose more health;
5)Her DPS isnt as good as other mages,no burst, no reliable CC.
6) No real escapes

As for Lux; she does have good CC, but her kit is better at mid. Her passive is good for cs, and the CC, range, and damage of her skills is best suited against mid lane opponents. Plus, she lacks mobility most current supports have.

If you wanna have some fun, play Lee Sin or Jayce Support. They are more viable than other joke roles. Ahri and Liss support were fun when I tried it too.

For tanks supports, I would say stick with Braum or Thresh. For AP, go Lulu or Sona.
I tried venturing out to mid since i find myself getting more kills than my ADCs playing support with Morgana (not KS or anything.)

Too my surprise, I can do pretty good ( Junglers seem to like ganking mid most tho).

I have Annie, but I've never tried playing her actually.
Yeah, if you're support, you shouldn't really be getting kills. A really good support will make sure their ADC gets nearly all the last hits, even if they did like all the work to get the kill

Lux support is actually really good (I think I mentioned that I used to main her, also just played her last night), so long as your ADC is okay with you getting more kills than them pre BF sword.

Lulu, is kinda bad right now actually. And Janna is still the best owo

Also, Anivia isn't a burst mage at all, no. Anivia is a sustained DPS mage. Her kit is basically built around keeping the entire enemy team inside her ult (and landing her E on something to make them disappear). Thing is, she's kinda really slow. And bursty mages are generally better. I think Anivia top is actually okay while laning, but has all the same issues as mid when it comes to teamfights. Anivia is a god in Aram tho

Also, junglers will gank mid the most, because they cross it the most. Just yesterday I ganked for an Annie laning against a Yasuo (easily Yasuo's worst lane) just because it was on my way to red buff
Wait, mid is yasuos worst lane? Thats where I see him most...

Anyways, to the support thing; I play more aggressive than my ADCs sometimes, and if I see a kill I could get, I'm not about to wait for them to decide if they wanna help or not lol. I have supported some better ADCs though, which I can get super fed.
Annie is Yasuo's worst lane

...Yeah, if your ADC isn't coming then that's fine. But try a target ping before you go in

Yeah, I guess so. I'm starting to really like mid, I'll probably start maining it now.

But it always seem I do well in my lane, but my teams just don't.... Like all day. I get good/ decent records like 8/1/9, 11/6/_ etc. it's really get annoying since their costing me IP/XP.

The only champion(s) I'm really freaked out about landing against is Zed (I will legit ask for someone to trade with me if in going against a Zed) and maybe vel'koz because of his OP ultimate.

As for my builds, now I go Spellthiefs Edge, warding totem, and 3 potions to start off. I upgrade to frostfang if I remember. Then I go Guardian Angel. After that I get a Morelicon and Twin Shadows. After that I get a Zhonya's Hourglass. I stay stocked on HP pots in between.
Eh, your team isn't doing as bad as you think, and you're not doing as well as you think. It also doesn't happen as much as you think Tongue_out

That's a pretty standard mindset for LoL, and it's also pretty bad. Just focus on playing your best. And if you're mid, remember to roam when you can

That's not a bad build if you're support, though not very good if it's for mid. One thing: Don't buy GA if you're support, GA is basically to prevent you from dying when the enemy team focuses you because you're carrying. And if you do buy it, it should almost always be your fifth or sixth item, definitely never your first. If you want something to keep you alive you should be rushing Zhonya's
(Mar. 04, 2015  12:18 AM)KosherKitten Wrote: Eh, your team isn't doing as bad as you think, and you're not doing as well as you think. It also doesn't happen as much as you think Tongue_out

That's a pretty standard mindset for LoL, and it's also pretty bad. Just focus on playing your best. And if you're mid, remember to roam when you can

That's not a bad build if you're support, though not very good if it's for mid. One thing: Don't buy GA if you're support, GA is basically to prevent you from dying when the enemy team focuses you because you're carrying. And if you do buy it, it should almost always be your fifth or sixth item, definitely never your first. If you want something to keep you alive you should be rushing Zhonya's

I had a Vel'Koz and Kha'zix go against a solo Yi top, and they each got 20 deaths (well, one got 19) T.T

The records don't look so amazing, but most if not all of my deaths were late game. I dominate early game mostly.

I sometimes buys zhonya's mostly for the 120 AP, but for the ability I like Guardian Angels more since it last longer before I respawn (if someone's coming to help....). Zhonyas work too I guess...
And you didn't go gank Yi before he got fed? (assuming you weren't on botlane, in which case yeah, nothing you could do except get your ADC fed) A fed Yi=GG

And in lane, lasting longer is bad

Zhonya's lets you dodge Veigar's ult and then instantly get going again with your skills back up, it also doesn't disable things like Morgana and Kennen's ults. So you can hop in the middle of the enemy team, Zhonya's while things die, and then help with the cleanup afterward. GA forces you to sit there and wait while the enemy team regroups around you. You should only buy it mid/late so that after you wreck the enemy team's health, your team can clean them up while you respawn. In lane you're just delaying your death

GA isn't worth your gold as a first item

If you're just buying Zhonya's for AP, then you should really be getting a Deathcap instead (not that both together is bad, DC should just be first if it's purely for AP)
(Mar. 04, 2015  9:04 PM)KosherKitten Wrote: And you didn't go gank Yi before he got fed? (assuming you weren't on botlane, in which case yeah, nothing you could do except get your ADC fed) A fed Yi=GG

And in lane, lasting longer is bad

Zhonya's lets you dodge Veigar's ult and then instantly get going again with your skills back up, it also doesn't disable things like Morgana and Kennen's ults. So you can hop in the middle of the enemy team, Zhonya's while things die, and then help with the cleanup afterward. GA forces you to sit there and wait while the enemy team regroups around you. You should only buy it mid/late so that after you wreck the enemy team's health, your team can clean them up while you respawn. In lane you're just delaying your death

GA isn't worth your gold as a first item

If you're just buying Zhonya's for AP, then you should really be getting a Deathcap instead (not that both together is bad, DC should just be first if it's purely for AP)

I was busy with a Yasuo mid lane, I didn't know mids were supposed to gank. That game was weird, our teams bot was to yasuo and aatrox. Even if I had they woulda kept feeding him, and I couldn't try to carry both lanes...

Like going on killing sprees is bad in lane....?

It really depends on where you die. I've gotten away before using flash, stun and Ult if there are multiple people chasing me as morg. Sometimes it can be a close one on one and they just gtfo. Even better if your using a champ with a movement speed ability. Once I got 2 kills in one game by using my GA and the stun skill shot, since I knew I was gonna die (there were like 3 grouped up waiting for me), might as well take one down with me. That rengar got trolled......

I never buy it as a first item.... I get spellthief's edge then upgrade to Frostfang or the one frostfang builds into (forgot the name).
Yes, mids are definitely supposed to gank. And indeed you can carry both lanes. All three probably not, but if you roam and get kills, you will get plenty fed and keep the other enemy lanes from getting fed themselves. And yes, they would have kept feeding, but he might have been more manageable

As in, GA taking longer to bring you back then Zhonya's is bad in lane. When you die, they can just sit there and wait to kill you again with GA. Zhonya's you can freeze yourself for just a moment to dodge their ult or somesuch, but you don't have to wait while they can position themselves to murder you better

Um, Frostfang doesn't count as first item, that's your starting stuff. If you built Frost Queen's Claim first then that would be your first item. Right now you're rushing GA. Which for one gives no AP, and for two is a late game teamfighting item for carries who are getting focused a lot
(Mar. 04, 2015  11:30 PM)KosherKitten Wrote: Yes, mids are definitely supposed to gank. And indeed you can carry both lanes. All three probably not, but if you roam and get kills, you will get plenty fed and keep the other enemy lanes from getting fed themselves. And yes, they would have kept feeding, but he might have been more manageable

As in, GA taking longer to bring you back then Zhonya's is bad in lane. When you die, they can just sit there and wait to kill you again with GA. Zhonya's you can freeze yourself for just a moment to dodge their ult or somesuch, but you don't have to wait while they can position themselves to murder you better

Um, Frostfang doesn't count as first item, that's your starting stuff. If you built Frost Queen's Claim first then that would be your first item. Right now you're rushing GA. Which for one gives no AP, and for two is a late game teamfighting item for carries who are getting focused a lot

K, I'll gank more next time I mid.

So I just realized, why does Zhonya's have the same AP power as Rabadon's DeathCap, but it also has the passive? Why do people even buy Rabadon's?

Well, I built frostfang too since I buy spell thief' sedge first then upgrade, right ?

I played a game earlier with Anivia again to say just to confirm my opinion of it, but she's actually pretty fun to play, although her E is a waste of mana unless you use your Q first. You gonna pack mana regen items and maybe a few mana potions, if you wanna use her Ult a lot. I'll probably just use her for support , since she doesn't do nearly enough damage for mid IMO. Plus, GEEZ IS SHE SLOW.
(Mar. 05, 2015  5:19 AM)DRAGON KING Wrote: So I just realized, why does Zhonya's have the same AP power as Rabadon's DeathCap, but it also has the passive? Why do people even buy Rabadon's?

Read Rabadon's passive. +30% Ability Power. Combined with the mastery Archmage, that is a 36.5% increase. All runes, items, masteries, and potions that increase AP will be accounted by that percentage. Deathcap even accounts for the 120 Ap it gives you on its own and adds 30% of that.

The idea is that your AP will exponentially increase, making your mage more likely to carry if you start to get more gold than the enemy (thus dealing higher damage than your opponents sooner), or as a way to be be beneficial in the late game if you didn't do well and managed to hang on.
(Mar. 05, 2015  5:19 AM)DRAGON KING Wrote: K, I'll gank more next time I mid.

So I just realized, why does Zhonya's have the same AP power as Rabadon's DeathCap, but it also has the passive? Why do people even buy Rabadon's?

Well, I built frostfang too since I buy spell thief' sedge first then upgrade, right ?

I played a game earlier with Anivia again to say just to confirm my opinion of it, but she's actually pretty fun to play, although her E is a waste of mana unless you use your Q first. You gonna pack mana regen items and maybe a few mana potions, if you wanna use her Ult a lot. I'll probably just use her for support , since she doesn't do nearly enough damage for mid IMO. Plus, GEEZ IS SHE SLOW.

Rabadon's gives a percentage increase to your AP. I.E. it gives a [Censored.] more AP than Zhonya's. Zhonya's is more of an anti-Zed thing than a pure AP thing Tongue_out

Let me try to spell it out for you: First, you buy your starting items. This happens before you even leave lane. Then, you buy some stuff on your first back, such as upgrading a gold item or buying boots. Then, you rush your first item. The item you finish building all the way until it has no more upgrades first, is your first item (This doesn't include Doran's items)

As for Anivia, IDK what you're talking about her "not doing enough damage" she has two %100 AP ratios, alongside one of the best sustained damage skills in the game, AKA her ult. You're right that she's mana hungry, but that's what blue buff is for. Build her a Rod of Ages, Archangel's Staff, and Deathcap and watch things melt inside her ult. She's a bit slow to get going, but if you reach the late game without getting behind, things will die

As for her E, the whole point is to use it on someone that's been Q'd/ulted (And once you're good at that, you should max Q first)

She's not a top tier midlaner, as midlane favors burstier champs like LeBlanc and Annie--or more maneuverable champs like LeBlanc and Ahri--right now. But she is coming into fashion, and with the right team comp you can make her work quite well. Also Blackfrost Anivia is <3

Don't bother with Anivia support outside just having fun. As you said, she moves really slowly, and that's bad for a support ATM. If you want a heavy CC support that also has okay damage, try Morgana (Tongue_out) or Karma
When I play her, she never does enough damage to 1v1 ( they avoid her Ult like asbestos ), hence why I play her support.

I main Morgana ...... I stopped playing her support because i wanted toget more kills and CS ingame.

So I bought Veigar and player him adc (someone called mid and I was lucky I guess, since the enemy te had a duo mid). Once you get to lvl 6, it's all combos. 8/10 Would play again, mid next time.
That's not her, that's just you being bad at her. You have to Q them, then ult, then put the wall wherever they try to walk to, and spam Es whenever you can. And as stated, she's terrible support. By taking her botlane, you're wasting her one redeeming factor (her AP ratios)

I know you main Morg, that's why I said that lol

ADC Veigar? Please no. His AA range is terrible and he has no AD ratios whatsoever. He's built to be the ultimate burst mage, which is literally like the exact opposite of an ADC >_>

Yeah, he kinda sucked early game, but did decent later when I had my Ult. I had seen Veigar bot a couple times, so I just tried it, But I just wanted to play him, since I had limited time.

I did a little worse when I played him mid (against a Yi), but came back late game.
Well, botlane Veigar is totally different from ADC Veigar. Not that I'd recommend either
Well, I had a support, so it just called myself adc.
Yeah, no, if you were building AP you were still an AP carry. Botlane is normally comprise of an AD carry and a support, but you can take a mage there if you like sometimes, though people will likely yell at you

I recommend you read this so you have a better understanding of positions and roles, because clearly my feeble attempts at explaining them have been less than successful.
Ohhhhh, yeah I was APC.

I've been practicing Anivia support and I'm starting to like a lot. A lot of it depends on getting your stuns/slows with your Q.

I tried Veigar mid and I'm still not good with him, I just can't get enough damage off unless my opponent is building AP (my Ult with dominate). My W is great for farming but has delay that is annoying and champions can easily avoid it. E is good but also has a delay and champions can avoid it. My Q is pretty useful for building AP, but only doesn't do much damage to champions.

My rant of today: when are they gonna nerf Zed? I wouldn't be complaining if there wasn't someone spamming Zed in like %60 of the games I play. Early game Zed is manageable, but when his gets to level 6, you can't risk getting close enough to do anything to him. Oh and don't try poking and leaving when your health gets low, this guy is probably the best chaser in the meta IMO. I don't wanna be one of those people that automatically wanna nerf a champion just because they lost once or twice, but I mean I've seen a nooby player that was way too easy to dominate against in lane early game, go all ham and cheese on me when he got his Ult. Just spam your Zed abilities and you WILL get kills. Not even turrets can protect you fom some of his abilities.
Yeah, your W is a bit tough ATM, hopefully Rito will lower the delay a bit. You should only be using your E to waveclear and hit champions that have been W'd. And Veigaar is a late game champion, your Q won't do much to them until you've farmed it up a bit, same with your ult. Veigar is built to instantly kill a champion,

Zed actually got a pretty big nerf recently, and he's a lot more manageable now. The idea of Zed is to instagib things, while also being able to waveclear and splitpush

If you're having trouble with him, try rushing Zhonya's and use it when he ults you, that's nullifies a lot of his damage