[Answered]  Which Driver is Better: Xtend+' or Dimension'?

I was wondering whether I should get Cho Z Achilles or Union Achilles and I like to think that the driver's all that matters... sooooo yeah....
(Feb. 20, 2021  3:17 PM)GhostFox Wrote: I was wondering whether I should get Cho Z Achilles or Union Achilles and I like to think that the driver's all that matters... sooooo yeah....

Cho-Z Achilles come with dimension.....
Lord Spriggan/Infinite Achilles that come with Dimension'

Xtend+ is obviously better
(Feb. 20, 2021  3:17 PM)GhostFox Wrote: I was wondering whether I should get Cho Z Achilles or Union Achilles and I like to think that the driver's all that matters... sooooo yeah....

So, it depends on what you want, overall extend+ is better, but it isnt just the driver that matters, but still you should bye union achillies
Xtend+ definetly

also, cho-z achilles comes with normal dimension, not dimension'
Xtend+' is better
See, Xtend Plus' does not exist. Probably the reason why they never made an Xtend' because it would be possible to make Xtend Plus' which would be OP for the meta.
(Feb. 20, 2021  5:56 PM)Valtryek Aoi Wrote: See, Xtend Plus' does not exist. Probably the reason why they never made an Xtend' because it would be possible to make Xtend Plus' which would be OP for the meta.
Zone’+Z is at least equal (probably better) than Xtend+, and it’s a dash driver that’s not OP to the point where it needs to be banned in Standard, so I don’t actually think Xtend+’ would be OP for the meta. The same argument can be made for a theoretical Bearing’ as well.
(Feb. 20, 2021  6:08 PM)BuilderROB Wrote:
(Feb. 20, 2021  5:56 PM)Valtryek Aoi Wrote: See, Xtend Plus' does not exist. Probably the reason why they never made an Xtend' because it would be possible to make Xtend Plus' which would be OP for the meta.
Zone’+Z is at least equal (probably better) than Xtend+, and it’s a dash driver that’s not OP to the point where it needs to be banned in Standard, so I don’t actually think Xtend+’ would be OP for the meta. The same argument can be made for a theoretical Bearing’ as well.

I'm talking about before better options were released. Dash drivers have been out for a long time now, but still no Xtend' up to this point.
(Feb. 20, 2021  4:29 PM)valtaoi_007 Wrote: also, cho-z achilles comes with normal dimension, not dimension'

oop, thx

Thanks everyone!
tbh, i find that xtend+ has more competitive use than dimension'. firstly, xtend+ has very high LAD, even in attack mode. xtend+'s LAD is significantly higher than that of dimension'. secondly, dimension''s rubber wears at quite a fast rate.
some things that dm' are better in:
dm' has more burst resistance than xtend+, but xtend+ can be used with certain combos to decrease its chance of bursting (eg using it with master). dm' has more defense but this can be countered by using judgement/rage on drift to spin equalise or ring it out.

Hnece i think xtend+ is better competitive wise.

(Feb. 20, 2021  3:17 PM)GhostFox Wrote: I was wondering whether I should get Cho Z Achilles or Union Achilles and I like to think that the driver's all that matters... sooooo yeah....