I have a max of like 20 dollars, and I am saving up for the golden string launcher( part of the master's kit) and I want to know how does the golden string launcher wear with use?( Also hi)
[Answered] How does the master's kit launcher wear?
It's pretty much exactly like the normal Beylauncher so you don't have to worry about it wearing down
Thanks, now how do I put answered on this post?
Thanks dude. You are a mega help.
I have one and it is wearing out but I have had for like 4 moths so.
I am unsurprised by this, Hasbro Launchers generally tend to wear out very fast compared to tt launchers.
as far as I know string launcher doesnt wear as fast if you use em with care. I think prongs skip after a while but not sure if thats case with master kit one