[8/26/12] [New York, NY] Double Shot Kirin


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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Double Shot Kirin

[Image: fef1xh.jpg]
Heckscher Playground, Central Park (TheDivineBladeR and Near's tournament location)
New York City, NY

From Midtown West:
The local train station on the West side is at the Time Warner Center, on West 57th St. or Columbus Circle under the big globe; both are within the same vicinity. Your ideal trains are the 1, A, C, B, and D trains.
If coming from New Jersey (Newark, Harrison, Jersey City, and Hoboken) via the NJ PATH, get off 33rd St. and take the B or D trains (only D trains on Weekends).
From Midtown East:
The local train station on the East side is at East 59th St and 5th Ave, near the Apple Store and the F.A.O. Shwarz. It is farther than the Midtown West stop. Ideal for players coming from Brooklyn, Queens, and Chinatown.

Registration is from 11:45 to 12:20 with the official start time being 12:35. It is recommended that you be there on time, if not earlier, to avoid lateness and complications. After 12:20, there will be no more registrations and Entrants that arrive later than 12:30 cannot enter. Once you're late, you cannot participate in the tournament. Please bear this in mind and come on time.

Entrance Fees:
One-time entrance fee is 5$ or 10$ gets you a Blader Passport which is valid for 365 days after purchase. Or, if you already have a Passport, you're all set.

Depends on the amount of entries.

To be determined...
  • If you have a BB-10 and wish to donate it for the tournament, it will be very much appreciated. The more BB-10s, the better. Please mark which is yours to avoid thefts and misplacements.
  • Please, PLEASE, PLEASE keep a hold on each and every part you own. We'd like to avoid thefts of all types, from Beyblades to game systems and laptops. Keep all your personal belongings close to your person at all times; do not leave them hanging around, as they are YOUR responsibility, and the tournament staff cannot be held liable for thefts.
  • There are concession stands located around the playground, but Kaji Motomiya recommends that you bring your own refreshments to save a bit from the overpriced drinks and food. There are restaurants located around Central Park after your time at the tournament is over.
  • Please, no "maybes". You're either going or you're not. We will not list you if you're "possibly", "probably", or "maybe" going. We'd like a firm and direct "yes" or "no" answer.

After The Tournament
there will be a strict 12 entrant (first come first serve) ZeroG Tournament. If you would like to enter, please make sure you can stay for a little while longer.

-Surprise Entrant-
striker x
Omen Lacerta
ray lantern
Blader Dan
shadow x 9365
Cyber Blader
Cyber Bladette
Blader Aki
Ethan H

If everybody who said that they are comining is definately coming, the format will be double elimination.

Need-to-Know Information

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Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

I watched and so did my dad
My dad saw Sniper cleaning his tip
I only saw Sniper stopping the 2 battles
In one of them, stormaquario(whoever that was) hit snipers bey hard causing sniper to lose balance and speed
And you didn't see anything wrong with that stoppage?

Seriously, everyone should be aware of the rules before attending a tournament, specifically for situations like this.
I was only watching for the first tie, then I had to use the bathroom, so I didn't see the 'mislaunches' happen, but really guys?

I tried to maintain the rules for the matches I was in or was fully watching, but come on I shouldn't be the only one doing it along with the hosts. Pyro and LBB were off playing YuGiOh while this happened, the two Cybers were busy talking to each other and I was in the bathroom. We shouldn't be the only ones who understand the rules and what to do in situations like this.

Also, Sniper, you pulled those beys out waaaaay too late. You're supposed to call 'Reshoot' and immediately pull it out, and that only happens once. Instead you wait until a few collisions, call a mislaunch and proceed to do it again after an even longer interval of battle? I think you've been to enough tournaments to know better than that display, and it is somewhat disheartening to see my own community acting like this and having blunders occur so often in plain sight with no one trying to fix it.

Those who did know the rules can only be present so often, everyone who attends (not just some of the judges...) should know the rules and take action when something like this occurs. When anyone here saw this, they should've pointed out and the match should have been redone with choosing combos and all again.
(Aug. 31, 2012  4:52 PM)th!nk Wrote: And you didn't see anything wrong with that stoppage?

Seriously, everyone should be aware of the rules before attending a tournament, specifically for situations like this.
yeah I did
the one where sniper lost balance and speed was a good launch
He called mislaunch just so he could win and the call was late

but I wasnt a judge and nobody would believe me since it was my first tourny
Man people should go over the rules before going to a tourny seriously I really didnt like to see this so if someone see this again step up and tell the host or judge so something like this can be prevented
Yeah, I noticed i did judge that match, and did not realize that you can use the re-shoot claws ONCE in a match, all i knew was that you can use it twice in the entire tournament. So yes i judged that match, and you can take away my DJ, but i promise i will read every rule 3 times and re-read them before every tournament i would go to.
(Aug. 31, 2012  4:59 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: I was only watching for the first tie, then I had to use the bathroom, so I didn't see the 'mislaunches' happen, but really guys?

I tried to maintain the rules for the matches I was in or was fully watching, but come on I shouldn't be the only one doing it along with the hosts. Pyro and LBB were off playing YuGiOh while this happened, the two Cybers were busy talking to each other and I was in the bathroom. We shouldn't be the only ones who understand the rules and what to do in situations like this.

Also, Sniper, you pulled those beys out waaaaay too late. You're supposed to call 'Reshoot' and immediately pull it out, and that only happens once. Instead you wait until a few collisions, call a mislaunch and proceed to do it again after an even longer interval of battle? I think you've been to enough tournaments to know better than that display, and it is somewhat disheartening to see my own community acting like this and having blunders occur so often in plain sight with no one trying to fix it.

Those who did know the rules can only be present so often, everyone who attends (not just some of the judges...) should know the rules and take action when something like this occurs. When anyone here saw this, they should've pointed out and the match should have been redone with choosing combos and all again.

[Pyro]was there!doing another match when this happen!LBB was the only one playing yugioh and how would you know if you were off at the bathroom!?!?!?!
yeah pyro was there but judging another match
sparkman321lir and laidbackblader were playing yugioh
(Aug. 31, 2012  6:15 PM)joseph317 Wrote: Yeah, I noticed i did judge that match, and did not realize that you can use the re-shoot claws ONCE in a match, all i knew was that you can use it twice in the entire tournament. So yes i judged that match, and you can take away my DJ, but i promise i will read every rule 3 times and re-read them before every tournament i would go to.

I'm going to state this clearly seeing as people are struggling to overlook the actual blindingly obvious illegal act that is the actual cause of this: The problem is that he stopped a beyblade mid match and then called a mislaunch. Reshoot clause is very clearly stated to only be valid if called as soon as the beyblade leaves the launcher, as it is obvious then that something is wrong.

... If you couldn't even figure that out on your own, then I'd suggest it be a very long time before you judge anything...

@sparkman321lir, use some basic common sense before throwing around absolutely stupid and completely baseless accusations.
This thread needs to be closed. Its getting out of control
Before a third person jumps on that bandwagon: We have mods for a reason, and they have their powers for a reason. Heck, if you're really concerned you could even contact one without spamming the thread, either via PM or the report button. Posts made about that serve absolutely no purpose, while the posts discussing the event have at least some reason to exist.

If you want the topic to die then bumping it won't do any good.

EDIT: Uh, fourth. Wow, this is just depressing.
(Aug. 31, 2012  6:29 PM)sparkman321lir Wrote: [Pyro]was there!doing another match when this happen!LBB was the only one playing yugioh and how would you know if you were off at the bathroom!?!?!?!

Please tell me you are joking...

I was there for most of the tournament, don't be dumb, and I have the ability to click a link and watch a video to see what happened when I momentarily wasn't there. I also have this thing called 'memory', so I can know what was going on before I left and after I came back.

Really now...
Ga, do you really think I'd be that stupid to duel while in the middle of running an event? The only ones dueling during the tournament were laidbackblader and sparkman, and even then they were both out of the tournament at that point.
I wasn't paying attention to who was judging, I will admit, so I mean no offense when I thought that you were dueling at the time. I saw you hanging around that area when I left so I thought you were dueling.

While some hosts have previously gone off and done other things while their tournament was running, I'm not trying to insinuate anything.
Sparkman and i wer the only ones dueling! plus [Pyro] doesnt like going up against me in a duel cause he would kno that i would win ;p. jk [pyro] but seriously, he was doing his job as a host(hosting). and the time he did come over was because i asked him if the brackets wer almost done so i could ready up my zero-g tournament to get things moving along.
(Aug. 31, 2012  10:02 PM)[Pyro] Wrote: Ga, do you really think I'd be that stupid to duel while in the middle of running an event? The only ones dueling during the tournament were laidbackblader and sparkman, and even then they were both out of the tournament at that point.

You should really stop being so aggressive with the "do you think I'm so stupid that I'd _____." It causes way too much unnecessary personal drama where there really shouldn't be any, and it really does seem to me that you're getting way too worked up over this - yes it's a serious concern but there's no need to take it so personally. People make mistakes, and it was within the realms of possibility that you could have made one here. I'm not implying that you did, either, I'm just saying that it is/was a possibility that had to be eliminated. You've done it at least twice now, but it's really not a good way to handle things, think about the responses: best case you get the explanation that "I saw x so it looked that way", worst case someone says yes or awkwardly works around that, which is going to offend you. Not a good way to handle things, basically.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is settled now, so unless someone has something new to add, I think this thread can be left to die.
I have something to add.

(Aug. 31, 2012  6:33 PM)th!nk Wrote: I'm going to state this clearly seeing as people are struggling to overlook the actual blindingly obvious illegal act that is the actual cause of this: The problem is that he stopped a beyblade mid match and then called a mislaunch. Reshoot clause is very clearly stated to only be valid if called as soon as the beyblade leaves the launcher, as it is obvious then that something is wrong.

This. A re-shoot needs to be associated with an obvious mechanical malfunction - like the bey getting stuck on the prongs, or the string getting stuck halfway out the launcher, or the launcher cracking in half, or something like that.

One Blader's subjective opinion that his launcher "skipped gears" or was a "weak launch" is not obvious by any stretch and is absolutely not allowed to be used as grounds for a re-shoot in any of the MD tournaments.

In fact, after clarifying this rule almost a year ago, we have only had the re-shoot clause invoked maybe 4 or 5 times over the past 9 months. It is a rare event that leads to a re-shoot - which by definition happens very rarely... Keep that in mind.
i wish i could have made it in but i didn't registered in time maybe next time
Faces and Credits for the MFB and Zero-G tournaments have now been awarded. Congratulations all!

Note on the MFB tournament results: Because of Sniper's retroactively enforced loss to Neo blaster #1, Sniper was technically eliminated from the DE tournament after his next loss to Pruebame and all of his subsequent matches were voided. This resulted in the following Place finishes:

1st: Pruebame
2nd: JE
3rd: Hydreigon
(Nov. 16, 2012  3:58 PM)Arupaeo Wrote: Faces and Credits for the MFB and Zero-G tournaments have now been awarded. Congratulations all!

Note on the MFB tournament results: Because of Sniper's retroactively enforced loss to Neo blaster #1, Sniper was technically eliminated from the DE tournament after his next loss to Pruebame and all of his subsequent matches were voided. This resulted in the following Place finishes:

1st: Pruebame
2nd: JE
3rd: Hydreigon
How is this possible? I would have never faced Pruebame if i had lost to Neo Blaster#1. I would have been placed into the losers bracket to have lost to someone else or have faced Pruebame later which could have had a whole different out come.
hello guys I know this is really off topic but when is the next beyblade tournament in the Portland oregon area or at least in oregon please respond I'll keep looking at this page for a response or pm me but Id prefer a post
(Nov. 19, 2012  3:32 AM)Mahoutsukai Wrote:
(Nov. 16, 2012  3:58 PM)Arupaeo Wrote: Faces and Credits for the MFB and Zero-G tournaments have now been awarded. Congratulations all!

Note on the MFB tournament results: Because of Sniper's retroactively enforced loss to Neo blaster #1, Sniper was technically eliminated from the DE tournament after his next loss to Pruebame and all of his subsequent matches were voided. This resulted in the following Place finishes:

1st: Pruebame
2nd: JE
3rd: Hydreigon
How is this possible? I would have never faced Pruebame if i had lost to Neo Blaster#1. I would have been placed into the losers bracket to have lost to someone else or have faced Pruebame later which could have had a whole different out come.

If we had a time machine then we could go back and move you into the loser's bracket as you suggest. But because we don't have a time machine all we can do is reverse the outcome of the match caused by you picking up your bey illegally, and then eliminate you from a Double Elimination tournament after your second loss - which is what we did.
(Nov. 19, 2012  3:32 AM)Mahoutsukai Wrote:
(Nov. 16, 2012  3:58 PM)Arupaeo Wrote: Faces and Credits for the MFB and Zero-G tournaments have now been awarded. Congratulations all!

Note on the MFB tournament results: Because of Sniper's retroactively enforced loss to Neo blaster #1, Sniper was technically eliminated from the DE tournament after his next loss to Pruebame and all of his subsequent matches were voided. This resulted in the following Place finishes:

1st: Pruebame
2nd: JE
3rd: Hydreigon
How is this possible? I would have never faced Pruebame if i had lost to Neo Blaster#1. I would have been placed into the losers bracket to have lost to someone else or have faced Pruebame later which could have had a whole different out come.

Bro, you're not exactly in a position to argue that right now, you're the one under fire because you messed up.

Like Aru said, this is the best the committee can do right now.