(Jan. 15, 2011 5:00 AM)LILHOBOHUNTER Wrote: hope i win
last time i almost got it IF IT WASNT 4 SKY PRINCE * runs in circles*
lol. what can i say? i'm just a tough cookie to crack. XD
and dani, i hope things go well... haha, meanwhile, i'm teaching my girlfriend the concept of this new thing... ummm i believe it was called "beyblade"? (sarcasm). haha, just expect her to get to the finals... (top 6). haha, i expect to see gabe, ikmv, joseph, cye, and my girlfriend in the top 6... everyone else, all i can say is "surprise me"... no really... i expect someone to pop out at me while i'm walking up to the stairs to the 2nd floor of the building, scare the carp out of me and i fall down the stairs and crack my skull... no really, don't do that or the store owner will get mad... LOL! but yeah, dani, i might bring my stadium... if u need one that is.... (takara tomy attack.... it hasn't arrived yet but its expected to arrive before your party)
"I don't care about winning, losing, or getting the prize. All i care about is winning my place in the rankings fair and square." - Sky Prince (me)
(Aug. 02, 2011 8:17 AM)Sky Prince Wrote: .... you could probably get an experienced host to start hosting there. or find a well experienced blader to start hosting. the hosts of tournaments were not "born with the experience" and placed in a random state. someone has to step up! that goes for anyone IN ANY STATE/COUNTRY!