Do you want to showcase your community to the world? If so, then you might be interested in submitting tournament footage to BeyChannel! We have over 10,000 subscribers, so it's sure to be seen by a huge amount of people globally. Submitting your footage is easy, and anyone who attends a tournament can do it:
Submission Process
1. Assemble tournament footage into a 2-6min clip (footage must have not been posted on Youtube before)
2. Upload the assembled footage to a file sharing website and send it to th!nk for review. The title of your PM should read as follows: "Beyblade Channel Video Submission : [TOURNAMENT DATE, LOCATION] - [TOURNAMENT NAME] - [FORMAT]. The text of the PM should include a link to the tournament thread. And the file name of the video should us the following naming convention: eventdate-location-tournamentname-FORMAT (example: 121716-Toronto-Canada-Welcome-to-AC-Games-BST)
3. If approved, the WBO Committee will add the BeyChannel intro/outro to your footage, and then post the video on BeyChannel!
Simple, isn't it? If you decide that this is something you'd like to do, please read these precise guidelines:
BeyChannel Tournament Footage Guidelines (Click to View)
In addition to tournament footage contributors who have their material posted on BeyChannel receiving Credits in the video itself, and in the description, they will also be given one of the following Face Boosters as our way of saying "thank you" for all of your efforts:
- Bit Booster RED [Image: faceboosterred.png]
- Bit Booster BLUE [Image: faceboosterblue.png]
- Bit Booster GREEN [Image: faceboostergreen.png]
- Bit Booster ORANGE [Image: faceboosterorange.png]
- Bit Booster YELLOW [Image: FaceBoosterIconYellow.png]
- Bit Booster PURPLE [Image: FaceBoosterIconPurple.png]
- Bit Booster CRIMSON [Image: faceboostercrimson.png]
- Bit Booster AZURE [Image: faceboosterazure.png]
- Bit Booster AMBER [Image: faceboosteramber.png]
- Bit Booster VIOLET [Image: faceboosterviolet.png]
- Bit Booster JADE [Image: faceboosterjade.png]
- Bit Booster JET [Image: faceboosterjet.png]
- Bit Booster VIVID [Image: faceboostervivid.png]
- Bit Booster AMETHYST [Image: Face_Booster_AMETHYST.png]
- Bit Booster SAPPHIRE [Image: Face_Booster_SAPPHIRE.png]
- Bit Booster EMERALD [Image: Face_Booster_EMERALD.png]
- Bit Booster RUBY [Image: Face_Booster_RUBY.png]
- Bit Booster ONYX [Image: Face_Booster_ONYX.png]
- Bit Booster DRIVER[Image: h9jFJhE.png]
If you have any questions, feel free to post them here. :)