World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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How to Submit Tournament Footage for Beyblade Channel
BeyChannel Tournament Videos

Do you want to showcase your community to the world? If so, then you might be interested in submitting tournament footage to BeyChannel! We have over 10,000 subscribers, so it's sure to be seen by a huge amount of people globally. Submitting your footage is easy, and anyone who attends a tournament can do it:

Submission Process
1. Assemble tournament footage into a 2-6min clip (footage must have not been posted on Youtube before)
2. Upload the assembled footage to a file sharing website and send it to th!nk for review. The title of your PM should read as follows: "Beyblade Channel Video Submission : [TOURNAMENT DATE, LOCATION] - [TOURNAMENT NAME] - [FORMAT]. The text of the PM should include a link to the tournament thread. And the file name of the video should us the following naming convention: eventdate-location-tournamentname-FORMAT (example: 121716-Toronto-Canada-Welcome-to-AC-Games-BST)
3. If approved, the WBO Committee will add the BeyChannel intro/outro to your footage, and then post the video on BeyChannel!

Simple, isn't it? If you decide that this is something you'd like to do, please read these precise guidelines:

BeyChannel Tournament Footage Guidelines (Click to View)

In addition to tournament footage contributors who have their material posted on BeyChannel receiving Credits in the video itself, and in the description, they will also be given one of the following Face Boosters as our way of saying "thank you" for all of your efforts:

If you have any questions, feel free to post them here. :)
Is there any specific editing program that we have to use to put the text on? And must we have to give commentary of the tournament?
(Oct. 22, 2012  5:35 PM)pyrus10000 Wrote: [ -> ]Is there any specific editing program that we have to use to put the text on? And must we have to give commentary of the tournament?

I use iMovie when I do editing for BeyChannel, but as long as you can get it to look like it does on our current tournament videos, then it should be fine. There's no crazy effects on the text, so it should be easy to mimic.

And no, no commentary is necessary! It's fine if you can hear people talking in the footage (you can see many instances of this in the tournament videos that are already up), but for the most part, the music will be the main focus.
Ooo, I will definitely catch footage from my next tournament. This seems interesting, I've always been subbed to the channel but nothing's been done with it Unhappy
(Oct. 22, 2012  6:32 PM)RAW Wrote: [ -> ]Ooo, I will definitely catch footage from my next tournament. This seems interesting, I've always been subbed to the channel but nothing's been done with it Unhappy

That's part of the reason why we're "revitalizing" it now! There's so many people who shoot footage at tournaments, yet it never really is seen because the channel they post it on does not have a large base of subscribers. And to me, it's only appropriate that BeyChannel feature official WBO tournaments from around the world, rather than just Toronto. By allowing others to submit their edited footage to us, we're hoping to make this happen.
Regarding posting footage submitted to BeyChannel elsewhere:
(Oct. 23, 2012  2:10 PM)DrPepsidew Wrote: [ -> ]I have a question, I know we should donate to the Beychannel, but what if we want tournament footage to our own channel? Could we give a different tournament and keep another to ourselves or would we HAVE to give both? Uncertain

(Oct. 23, 2012  9:33 PM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 23, 2012  2:21 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]It might be OK if you upload the video to your channel but later; you would have to ask Kei. However, the World Beyblade Organization is what makes you able to organise/participate in those tournaments, so there is no reason why the footage would not be donated to its BeyChannel first.

I'd probably have to say "no" in most cases. However, a better way to approach this would be to choose the best footage to condense into a 2-4 minute clip for BeyChannel, then post the rest of what you have elsewhere. I wouldn't have a problem with that, and I'd probably even provide a link in the description of the video on BeyChannel to the alternate footage (like I did for the BEYBLADE CRUSADE video where I provided a link to Daegor42's footage in the description).

hey is it compulsory to write in the video... and audio?
(May. 02, 2013  2:18 PM)Flare_boy Wrote: [ -> ]hey is it compulsory to write in the video... and audio?

"write in the video"? Are you talking about the titles/text we need included on the video? If so, then yes it is. I could add it myself if someone submitting footage cannot do it, though. Same with the "audio" (I'm assuming you're referring to music?).
lets say... i want to post a long version on my own channel... and edit a short version for wbo... is that ok? if not thats fine... ill make a video for wbo anyway :3
(Sep. 08, 2013  11:41 PM)1234beyblade Wrote: [ -> ]lets say... i want to post a long version on my own channel... and edit a short version for wbo... is that ok? if not thats fine... ill make a video for wbo anyway :3

That would be fine, yeah. The WBO version should be posted first/at the same time as the long version, though.

But are you talking about making a video for the tournament we had today? If so, it might be best for you to just send me some of your best footage so that I can eventually include it with mine. If we do it this way, you'll have to refrain from posting whatever footage you send me, since there are several other tournaments I have footage from that will be posted first.

edit: Hahaha, I just noticed your new usertitle. Sorry. Tongue_out
(Sep. 09, 2013  12:29 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]
(Sep. 08, 2013  11:41 PM)1234beyblade Wrote: [ -> ]lets say... i want to post a long version on my own channel... and edit a short version for wbo... is that ok? if not thats fine... ill make a video for wbo anyway :3

That would be fine, yeah. The WBO version should be posted first/at the same time as the long version, though.

But are you talking about making a video for the tournament we had today? If so, it might be best for you to just send me some of your best footage so that I can eventually include it with mine. If we do it this way, you'll have to refrain from posting whatever footage you send me, since there are several other tournaments I have footage from that will be posted first.

edit: Hahaha, I just noticed your new usertitle. Sorry. Tongue_out
XD... well if you are gonna make a video for this tourney then i guess i will just wait for an opportunity for when you dont record Wink i dont think i had any good footage anyway Uncertain
(Sep. 09, 2013  12:33 AM)1234beyblade Wrote: [ -> ]XD... well if you are gonna make a video for this tourney then i guess i will just wait for an opportunity for when you dont record Wink i dont think i had any good footage anyway Uncertain

Sure. I'll just take pictures next time haha.
Right Now I Use Two Editors Right Now. Windows Live Movie Maker And Just A Little Of iMovie.
By The Way Are You Sure You Like The Font 321Impact The Best Font To Use?
There Are Other Cool Font's Like Defused, Most Wazted, And Dead Kansas. Go Check Those Out Smile
Defused and Dead Kansas are awfully similar to 321impact, and honestly 321 has a cooler back story. Tongue_out

Most Wazted is hard to read. Uncertain
Yes, we want 321impact/Verdana so that our videos can remain fairly consistent design-wise. Basically, the only exceptions are for tournament titles where you can be a bit more creative to give it some personality.
Oh Ok. I Actually Just Bought A HUGE Tripod Early Today. Expect Me To Be Holding A Huge Case At The Walking Bey Tongue_out
So for footage, would I be able to delete a (hardly viewed) youtube video of footage & send to the WBO, or would that still not be allowed?
(Dec. 04, 2013  9:53 PM)The Supreme One Wrote: [ -> ]So for footage, would I be able to delete a (hardly viewed) youtube video of footage & send to the WBO, or would that still not be allowed?

Is it very very recent, or is it for some reason so bad that nobody has wanted to watch it since ?
I certainly hope it isn't so bad that people don't want to watch it :p It's from Connecticon & has under 200 views. I figured I might as well ask, since it's the only footage I have & a few people will probably want footage from Leone19 & I's tournament for the scavenger hunt.
(Dec. 05, 2013  2:53 AM)The Supreme One Wrote: [ -> ]I certainly hope it isn't so bad that people don't want to watch it :p It's from Connecticon & has under 200 views. I figured I might as well ask, since it's the only footage I have & a few people will probably want footage from Leone19 & I's tournament for the scavenger hunt.

It would be better to do whole new videos at your December 27th tournament. Connecticon was a while ago unfortunately.
Ah, okay. My only concern was that the guidelines say only one video of footage can be submitted per tournament, so if I'm not the only one who wants to record it, only one person would get 4 points for the scavenger hunt lol Pinching_eyes_2
hey can i submit a footage of 1.20 seconds
Do you mean 1 minute and 20 seconds? If so no, it has to be between 2-4 minutes.
ok thnx for guidance

i had posted my video on youtube but when i know this it was removed from youtube by me is this ok
During the Scavenger Hunt period, do we still get a free FaceBooster for turning one in?
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