World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: 3rd Beyblade Burst series: "Super Z" [超ゼツ, Chouzetsu]
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(Mar. 17, 2018  4:56 PM)BeyCrafter Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks to Leo Burst, we now know what the Level Chip does. It's used to make the Layers more balanced and can give them a little nore weight. So they intentionally made the Layers unbalanced to get people to get a Level Chip, which apparently can be obtained at tournaments as far as we know.
Welp, time for me to 3d print a level chip

Am I the only one that looks at eF and thinks dark/mad metal wheel?
(Mar. 17, 2018  5:32 PM)TheGalaxyHeart Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 17, 2018  5:25 PM)Bey_$avage Wrote: [ -> ]trust me paying 25-30$ for an item coming from overseas that literally just debuted to the world less than 24hrs ago is a pretty fair price yo

i ordered a eF for 25$ last night, cus its a dream to think that we'll ever pay as low as they do in japan for beyblades

That's why you wait until they sell it in hong kong where you can buy it significantly cheaper
it costs as much as it does in japan for japanese people, as it does for chinese people in hong kong. and there already are listings up on ebay from hong kong and they cost the same as japanese listings man

hong kong already has cho Z today as well i believe
(Mar. 17, 2018  5:37 PM)Bey_$avage Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 17, 2018  5:32 PM)TheGalaxyHeart Wrote: [ -> ]That's why you wait until they sell it in hong kong where you can buy it significantly cheaper
it costs as much as it does in japan for japanese people, as it does for chinese people in hong kong. and there already are listings up on ebay from hong kong and they cost the same as japanese listings man
give it a few days
cus ive seen a few videos from chinese beytubers

and its already out there
Juuuust to put it out there, heres the cheapest listings I could find for cho Z beys
Winning Valkyrie:
Zet Achilles:
Emperor Forneus:
If you guys don't want to get robbed wait a few days before the prices settle.
(Mar. 17, 2018  5:33 PM)K1D Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 17, 2018  4:56 PM)BeyCrafter Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks to Leo Burst, we now know what the Level Chip does. It's used to make the Layers more balanced and can give them a little nore weight. So they intentionally made the Layers unbalanced to get people to get a Level Chip, which apparently can be obtained at tournaments as far as we know.
Welp, time for me to 3d print a level chip

Am I the only one that looks at eF and thinks dark/mad metal wheel?
No you aren't the overall shape looks alot like the dark metal wheel
(Mar. 17, 2018  5:47 PM)Limetka Wrote: [ -> ]If you don't want to get robbed wait a few days before the prices settle.

the sooner you buy the sooner it comes though ( usually )
(Mar. 17, 2018  5:49 PM)Bey_$avage Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 17, 2018  5:47 PM)Limetka Wrote: [ -> ]If you don't want to get robbed wait a few days before the prices settle.

the sooner you buy the sooner it comes though ( usually )

Well considering most markets in Japan has a limit of 1-2 beyblades per customer, online sellers are going to have a hard time getting them in stock for ebay. Might be a good idea to wait.
(Mar. 17, 2018  5:25 PM)Bey_$avage Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 17, 2018  5:21 PM)bblader/90 Wrote: [ -> ]Sure, but some offers barely reached 20$

trust me paying 25-30$ for an item coming from overseas that literally just debuted to the world less than 24hrs ago is a pretty fair price yo

(Mar. 17, 2018  5:21 PM)bblader/90 Wrote: [ -> ]Sure, but some offers barely reached 20$

i ordered a eF for 25$ last night, cus its a dream to think that we'll ever pay as low as they do in japan for beyblades
That's for sure. Buying from Japan keeps the beys' value correct, which is between the prices you mentioned. It's when they arrive to USA-Europe that the price gets a X2 treatment (.... cough -shame on you Hasbro- cough....) eheheh
(Mar. 17, 2018  4:44 PM)K1D Wrote: [ -> ]Soooo, what's the Lowest price wV anyone has found, I have $40 and need some money left over for a convention. Essentially, can someone link me to a cheap wV

I made a a video about it Smile, look around on ebay and such.
Just a reminder to everyone that each individual product does have it's own thread, and focus should be shifting to each of those threads now that Super-Z has actually launched, haha. This thread will remain open, but let's try and give these abandoned threads some love too Tongue_out
I'm never going to get these with AUD they are all $30 or more
(Mar. 18, 2018  5:41 AM)Medave111 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm never going to get these with AUD  they are all $30 or more

You should probably wait for the price to go down, the hype is still strong when they released so sellers usually sell them for more at this time. It'll definitely be lower in about a month
(Mar. 18, 2018  5:43 AM)Mage Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 18, 2018  5:41 AM)Medave111 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm never going to get these with AUD  they are all $30 or more

You should probably wait for the price to go down, the hype is still strong when they released so sellers usually sell them for more at this time. It'll definitely be lower in about a month
I don't think I can wait that long but it is reasonable to wait a bit for the prices to go down
This thread is dying already, people are posting stuff on all the product threads now
(Mar. 18, 2018  8:33 AM)Lego bey god Wrote: [ -> ]This thread is dying already, people are posting stuff on all the product threads now
I agree it is dying a even after a few hours [my meaning of few is about 8]
So what if it dies, Do you ever see the shogunsteel or even god thread active?
(Mar. 18, 2018  5:41 AM)Medave111 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm never going to get these with AUD  they are all $30 or more

same. AUD is so expensive and just for switchstrike beys they cost $25
This is totally unrelated to your current conversation, but does anyone think TT will continue to remake classic beys within the Cho Z line? Like Drigger F, Draciel F, etc.? I mean they gotta complete the set right? I certainly hope they do.
(Mar. 18, 2018  4:59 PM)BeyHunter_Yura Wrote: [ -> ]This is totally unrelated to your current conversation, but does anyone think TT will continue to remake classic beys within the Cho Z line? Like Drigger F, Draciel F, etc.? I mean they gotta complete the set right? I certainly hope they do.

They probably will IMO. Even though the remakes aren't really competitive beys, I think TT will still make them just to complete the set for the beys that have appeared in the first series of Beyblade. Maybe? If that's the case, I can see Draciel F coming with Yard (though you could argue it would come with Planet).

Personally, I hope we don't see anymore remakes being shoved into anymore Random Boosters for Super Z. I do like the classic beys and the remakes were special for the first time but they become tiring after being shoehorned in too many times with recolours of them IMO but that's just me. I'd rather see Super Z have something new in their line (or upgrades to tW and kD).
I totally agree. They don't need to go crazy and start making the G series, but they definitely need those two I mentioned. I'd like to see beys get the Cho Z metal treatment that didn't get a God form. Metal Minoboros!
(Mar. 18, 2018  4:59 PM)BeyHunter_Yura Wrote: [ -> ]This is totally unrelated to your current conversation,  but does anyone think TT will continue to remake classic beys within the Cho Z line? Like Drigger F, Draciel F, etc.? I mean they gotta complete the set right? I certainly hope they do.

They're most likely to finish those of in a rush and then work on the MS ones as they make more sense with more metal al around the bey
(Mar. 18, 2018  5:25 PM)BeyHunter_Yura Wrote: [ -> ]I totally agree. They don't need to go crazy and start making the G series, but they definitely need those two I mentioned. I'd like to see beys get the Cho Z metal treatment that didn't get a God form. Metal Minoboros!

I'd also love to have a comeback for Unicorn with a metal horn or something.
We need a return of Gigant Gaia, I need the Swing Counter back in my life!
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