World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: 3rd Beyblade Burst series: "Super Z" [超ゼツ, Chouzetsu]
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They also said in the tweet that Longinus will have a "rubber spiral" so basically LRF
(Feb. 20, 2018  3:19 PM)Jay Dragoon Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 20, 2018  7:57 AM)Bey_$avage Wrote: [ -> ]apparently the new longinus is called Shin Longinus

Maybe Lui has joined the main cast? and also in Japanese "Shin" means heart.

I am not sure about this.. cause the meaning could vary depending upon how it is written in Kanji..
 For eg:
  • 真, "true"

  • 伸, "extend"

  • 新, "new"

  • 心, "heart"

  • 信, "belief"

  • 進, "progress"

  • 慎, "humility"

  • 晋, "advance"

  • 紳, "gentleman"

    So I won't get my hopes high on that name...
I have a theory now on the anime story of Chouzetsu:

After looking at Valt on the starter set, he seems to be wearing a referees clothes. Maybe Valt won the god bladers cup and became #1 and was moved to a referee. Maybe Valt wanted to still Beyblade to greater heights, but not with Valkyrie. If you look at the owner of Zet Achilles, he actually looks a lot like Valt, so maybe he went in disguise as the owner to become #1 again. Idk if I’m right, but it’s fun to theorize
Uh why would Valt not want to go with Valkyrie?
(Feb. 20, 2018  4:38 PM)KnightPro Wrote: [ -> ]Uh why would Valt not want to go with Valkyrie?

I don’t know I’m not saying he’s abandoning Valkyrie but maybe he knows that Valkyrie is in its superior form. It’s only a theory because the owner of Zet Achilles looks like Valt
(Feb. 20, 2018  8:37 AM)ou RedPanda2 Wrote: [ -> ]yes god layer parts are compatible with super-z, except for god chips.

i would just hate to be in the position of being interested in super-z, and buying into hasbro now then having to wait many months for it to come out.  and there is a risk hasbro won’t make enough again.

and to be frank, are you seriously still thinking about hasbro after seeing these new beys?!?
cmon man!

Compatible isn't the same as relevant and worth using. The single layer bursts are compatible, but pretty irrelevent, aren't they? (Honest question, as a Burst newbie, because that's the impression I've gotten.)

I'm really tired here, so forgive me. Excited, but so tired...!

Why does it matter if I still want Hasbro for the Switchstrike series? I'd have more money toward these TT Super Z. But more than that, there's a Habro Switchstrike bey whose design I loved on sight that TT doesn't have. I have never wanted a bey so badly in years...and I think that counts for something. A Hasbro bey stole my heart, so you c'mon man! :P

I'm not trying to lock myself into Hasbro for Super Z, that's the whole point of what I'm asking. I might just go ahead and get the couple Hasbro Switchstrike ones that I really want, and then I can just go TT from there. I just wish I could get a more straight-forward answer to what I'm asking, since I'm new to Burst and am not sure how things evolve between sets (though it seems to lean toward giving up on getting older beys when the new set drop, but I'm not 100% sure on that).

Because is even buying God Layer/Switchstrike worth it anymore, or just buy Super Z? I'm at nothing now.

I'll go make a separate thread on the topic if I can't get an answer after this post, since I feel I'm just dragging it out and I don't wanna do that. (Though I admit me being tired may be the reason it has dragged.)
(Feb. 20, 2018  11:35 AM)aggregor941 Wrote: [ -> ]Are they all gonna be stickerless? I think so

I hope so.

Anyway, I'm pretty suprised we do not see Spriggan yet, because 

I can see why Shu quit beyblade he went through so much so I dont really think we will see him in this season.
Apperently Vl is like hold, but smaller.
Winning Valkyrie: this is really awesome. Although the basic shape of Valkyrie almost have not changed since V2, it really give me a feeling of evolution. (Someone said that it’s driver would be similar to Hold, and I hope we can have a more controllable driver than Sp or X.)
Z Achilles: I like its design. However, it looks not like a balance type, but an attack type, instead. It looks so aggressive that I really doubt it have any competitiveness in defense. (Someone said that it’s driver would have height change gimmick. I think that would be cool)
Crush Ragnaruk: It looks almost the same as bR, but I think it’s okay, since bR is not so bad (at least better than sR. XD).
? Longinus: I am really disappointed for this. It seems to have nothing new. It have four metal dragon head, but have no click gimmick as nL. And it’s wings are smaller than either L2 or nL, so I think it would not have such good KO attack as L2 or nL. It could be regarded as the evolution of L2, but I don’t think it is really evolution of nL. Instead, I would like to say that nL is the evolution of this Longinus.
(Feb. 20, 2018  4:46 PM)KnightPro Wrote: [ -> ]I can see why Shu quit beyblade he went through so much so I dont really think we will see him in this season.

You know just because Shu became Valts friend in the manga, does not mean it will happen in the anime. However, I don’t think it’s  over for Shu he may be fashionably late for the anime, but he will return as Valts friend
I'm just trying to figure out why Valt looks so different on the Super Z entry set he looks like a biker. Thoughts?
(Feb. 20, 2018  5:12 PM)KnightPro Wrote: [ -> ]I'm just trying to figure out why Valt looks so different on the Super Z entry set he looks like a biker. Thoughts?

Someone said he looked like he was wearing referee attire.
Please would someone tell me that when did Shu quit beyblading?! Or is it a prediction that he quit beyblading?
Lots of speculation going on. While I don't think it hurts too much to speculate, I think some of you need to scale down your speculation a little, haha.
  • New Longinus doesn't have a name yet. The use of "Shin" is just because it's new. Wait for a name for it.
  • Valt does indeed have a new outfit, but let's not make assumptions about him being a referee. He's definitely not dressed for that...
  • Official series subtitle from the packaging is "Cho Z", so it's safe to use Super Z as a title now.
  • And let's not confuse each other on whether Shu has quit. Nobody knows that, just keep an eye on the anime/manga yourself, haha.
(Feb. 20, 2018  3:51 PM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 20, 2018  7:43 AM)Bey_$avage Wrote: [ -> ]also crash Ragnaruk is the new name and the combo is cR.4R.Wd (april random booster)

4R? New Frame?
Yes the "R" frame is a new product

(Feb. 20, 2018  3:11 PM)ThePheonix Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 20, 2018  7:57 AM)Bey_$avage Wrote: [ -> ]apparently the new longinus is called Shin Longinus

What source did you use?

Translations from the Twitter users posts who dropped all this info
(Feb. 20, 2018  4:40 PM)Frostic Fox Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 20, 2018  8:37 AM)ou RedPanda2 Wrote: [ -> ]yes god layer parts are compatible with super-z, except for god chips.

i would just hate to be in the position of being interested in super-z, and buying into hasbro now then having to wait many months for it to come out.  and there is a risk hasbro won’t make enough again.

and to be frank, are you seriously still thinking about hasbro after seeing these new beys?!?
cmon man!

Compatible isn't the same as relevant and worth using. The single layer bursts are compatible, but pretty irrelevent, aren't they? (Honest question, as a Burst newbie, because that's the impression I've gotten.)

I'm really tired here, so forgive me. Excited, but so tired...!

Why does it matter if I still want Hasbro for the Switchstrike series? I'd have more money toward these TT Super Z. But more than that, there's a Habro Switchstrike bey whose design I loved on sight that TT doesn't have. I have never wanted a bey so badly in years...and I think that counts for something. A Hasbro bey stole my heart, so you c'mon man! :P

I'm not trying to lock myself into Hasbro for Super Z, that's the whole point of what I'm asking. I might just go ahead and get the couple Hasbro Switchstrike ones that I really want, and then I can just go TT from there. I just wish I could get a more straight-forward answer to what I'm asking, since I'm new to Burst and am not sure how things evolve between sets (though it seems to lean toward giving up on getting older beys when the new set drop, but I'm not 100% sure on that).

Because is even buying God Layer/Switchstrike worth it anymore, or just buy Super Z? I'm at nothing now.

I'll go make a separate thread on the topic if I can't get an answer after this post, since I feel I'm just dragging it out and I don't wanna do that. (Though I admit me being tired may be the reason it has dragged.)

as far as competitiveness, no one knows what god parts will or will not be competitive within super z. 

we do know one super z bey includes a god core disc.  again, no idea if that is competitive. 

i speculate super z will have a wave or two of multiple releases, and then i expect a slower monthly trickle after that. this means it will take time to build a super z system for yourself, and by defacto god layer is still “relevant”. 

further, the earlier new series releases usually outclass the previous series, but not 100% completely so at the start, at least compared to the final releases in the latest series. 

if you have some burning desire for a specific bey from any manfracturer, go for it man. we’ve all been there!

that said, generally speaking this hobby is best enjoyed as owning a system of compatible parts. as mentioned before TT and hasbro do not have cross compatible layers and drivers with each other.  so you are basically buying into a forked road with one dead end when you mix manufacturers. 

if you want to do that, go for it.  personally i recommend sticking to one system, and focusing your energy on understanding that one system. 

please feel free to PM me, if you want, about this topic. I returned to beyblade after many years as well.  its disorienting and i understand.
The guy who translated all this stuff said Emporer Forneus driver is a mix between Defense driver+Orbit
Alright, thanks a lot @[RedPanda2]! That really helps me understand better. Smile
(Feb. 20, 2018  6:00 PM)KnightPro Wrote: [ -> ]The guy who translated all this stuff said Emporer Forneus driver is a mix between Defense driver+Orbit

It’s said that Zet Achilles is a balance type, and Emperor Foreneus is a defense type, so that could be right

(Feb. 20, 2018  5:23 PM)~Mana~ Wrote: [ -> ]Lots of speculation going on. While I don't think it hurts too much to speculate, I think some of you need to scale down your speculation a little, haha.
  • New Longinus doesn't have a name yet. The use of "Shin" is just because it's new. Wait for a name for it.
  • Valt does indeed have a new outfit, but let's not make assumptions about him being a referee. He's definitely not dressed for that...
  • Official series subtitle from the packaging is "Cho Z", so it's safe to use Super Z as a title now.
  • And let's not confuse each other on whether Shu has quit. Nobody knows that, just keep an eye on the anime/manga yourself, haha.

About my theory on Valt being a referee, I’d prefer him not be one and still try to get further to the top, I just thought so since it kinda looked like Valts clothes were that, and the owner of Achilles looks a lot like Valt.
(Feb. 20, 2018  6:00 PM)KnightPro Wrote: [ -> ]The guy who translated all this stuff said Emporer Forneus driver is a mix between Defense driver+Orbit

So basically a smaller rolling ball. It could be good, or it could be bad. Probably won't be better at stamina than Atomic or Orbit.
The Driver is HUGE and emporer forneus is easily the biggest defense type ive ever seen. Plus with the metal on the layer the 0 disk and that huge driver that must be very heavy
(Feb. 20, 2018  8:46 AM)Real_ilinnuc Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 20, 2018  8:20 AM)RedPanda2 Wrote: [ -> ]if you are interested in super z, i’d probably avoid hasbro anything.  the drivers and layers are not compatible.

Not trying to spread false info here, but i've tried takara drivers and hasbro layers and they work perfectly fine.

Can you make a quick video on that?
(Feb. 20, 2018  6:33 PM)Dragon Blader02 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 20, 2018  8:46 AM)Real_ilinnuc Wrote: [ -> ]Not trying to spread false info here, but i've tried takara drivers and hasbro layers and they work perfectly fine.

Can you make a quick video on that?

Yeah, and tell what parts are compatible, I have a few TT beys, and more than a few Hasbro ones. Also I think we should talk about this on the random thoughts thread.
(Feb. 20, 2018  6:38 PM)Discord Blader Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 20, 2018  6:33 PM)Dragon Blader02 Wrote: [ -> ]Can you make a quick video on that?

Yeah, and tell what parts are compatible, I have a few TT beys, and more than a few Hasbro ones. Also I think we should talk about this on the random thoughts thread.

as per the WBO organizers guide:

TT and Hasbro layers and drivers are not cross compatible 

TT drivers damage Hasbro layers over time:

[Image: 9NLQeIm.jpg]
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