World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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(Oct. 30, 2017  12:01 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 29, 2017  11:34 PM)DaJetsnake Wrote: [ -> ]All your characters are op lol
I wasn't aware of that. But I'll try to come up with some weaker characters, if that works better?

You don't have to, but it would make them more believable
Name: Vis Tordaline
Looks: pale skin, black messy hair, gray eyes. Trap
Personality: he is highly determined and focused. Observant.
Beyblade: Iris sonar.8A.Br
Layer: Is is named after the minor goddess of light Iris and is a stamina defense hybrid. It has two main blades shaped like bR/dC with a small gap between them. The gimmick is when hit or at low spin speed the outer ring of the layer is free spining causing attacks to roll off it. The gimmick works like shadow orochium. The God chip is white with a uppercase S behind an uppercase I. The S is black while the I is gold. The layer itself is white with gray details.
Core disk: 8 this disk is a heavy disk allowing for great spin times.
Frame: Accel. This frame is two sided like Iris for increased speed and stamina. This frame is gray.
Driver: bearing. This driver has survive shaped POM on a bearing allowing for great stamina. Black driver with white POM.
Overall: Is.8A.Br is a strong stamina type with a gimmick that causes attacks to have minimum effect.

Special moves:
Spiral hold: chain launch on steroids. The free spinning layer stop enemy attacks cold.
Retro shoot: Vis swings the launcher left causing Iris to roll left to counter attacks.
Trick of the light: Iris Sonar uses its free spining layer and the bearing driver to roll around attacks making it seem like the attack phased right through it.
Bounce shoot: Vis tilts the launcher in a way that the accel frame will bounce off the stadium giving a quick speed boost to avoid attacks.
Test launch: Vis extends both of his arms over the stadium and launches from that state. This is always done first to see how the opposing beyblade acts.
Rolling Counter: Iris uses the bearing driver and accel frame to take the knockback of an attack to speed around the stadium hitting the attacker as it circles.
Echo Boost: Vis holds the launcher in a way that the beyblade it at a 90 degree angle to the stadium. This causes Iris to spin on it's layer before the accel frame grips and launches the beyblade at the enemy flinging the beyblade and itself out of the stadium. has burst potential.

Extra: Vis is blind. He was born blind but he learned to listen to his surroundings. He can tell what type the enemy is by the sound of its movement and impacts.

Has a voice that is higher than normal.

Free has problems facing Vis. Due to The free spining gimmick of iris free can not rely on spin stealing late in the match.

Despite partially named after the goddess of color Iris the only part of the beyblade that isn't monochrome is the gold I on the God chip.

This beyblade has two names. It can be called sonar or Iris.

never starts with the retro or bounce shoot.

Vis calls it Iris for gimmick based defense moves like trick of the light and Spiral Hold. Vis calls it Sonar for aggressive moves like Gripping counter.

Can "see" a Bladers launch stance by making a click sound and listening for how long it takes to return. This allows him to create a mental image of this pose and make a guess on how it will move. The down side is if the stance is changed he can not prepare for that

Tends to be quite mellow at the beginning of the battle but slowly becomes more aggressive and apathetic as he finds what makes you tick. combining this and his unnerving trick of opening his eyes and grinning slightly can catch most bladers off guard.

After his string launcher broke zac gave him the first production model of the neo light launcher. This launcher is as strong as a light launcher + long winder with it's normal ripcord and has a bigger gear ratio for more rotational speed and torque.

Version up form: MGC-H iris Sonar II.Or.Cn
god chip: metal god chip heavy. a full metal god chip with a S into the design. Gold with black details
layer: iris Sonar II. Layer is slightly more aggressive, stronger teeth, small metal weights. gold accents.
Disk: orbit. plastic core metal outer ring. High OWD. translucent black plastic with gold metal.
Driver: Counter. bearing with plastic instead of POM. Has a rubber "counter ring" that is rigid that is just past the rim of the survive like free spinning surface. Black with gold rubber.
overall MGC-H iS-II.Or.Cn has improved stamina and defense.

Gimmick: Echo counter. when the gimmick engages the layer will turn then attack. 

Echo Counter
Blinding light: uses the gimmick to roll around an attack and attack as the opponent goes past.
Reverb Shoot: Vis dashes forwards and swings the launcher right adding more power to the first attack.
Gripping counter: Sonar takes the attack and uses the rubber ring to rise up the stadium and dash back into the center.
Test launch
Afterimage barrage: hits the opponent then circles at high speeds trapping the other beyblade inside constantly impacting as it makes the circle tighter. Only used once so far.
Mirage shoot: Vis holds the launcher in his left hand and stands still. When the count hits two he swings the launcher at high speeds making Sonar bounce off the wall and right into the center.

MGC-H iS-II.Or.Cn is slightly heavier than @[Dragunix]'s Neo Dragoon

Vis' battle style became more aggressive after iris Sonar shattered. The design of iris Sonar II echos this.

Dual Layer: Silent Sonar S2.G.G
layer: Silent Sonar. Rounded layer with small recoil points.
Disk: Gravity.
Driver: Gyro

Single layer: Sonar S.S.S
Layer: Sonar. oval shaped
Disk: Spread.
Driver: Survive.
(Oct. 30, 2017  12:14 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]actually, despite the beys numerous strengths, they have some weaknesses:

Neo Dragoon: Low stamina, can be bursted if hit hard enough, and can be KOed.

Tidal Leviathan: slightly lower burst resistance than usual (I'd prefer to say Tornado Wyvern or gK level teeth, will change) that is accompanied by the 8 disk (increased risk of bursting due to OWD). Glide is also a bit mobile for a Defense type and is prone to being Over Finished due to minimal friction and mobility.

Blitz Vulcan: high OWD from both Layer and Disk equals less burst resistance(?). It also possesses recoil and reduced friction w/stadium, and that plus the mobility that Mjolnir does produce can result in KO finishes if hit hard enough.

Frost Boreas: almost too aggressive (low stamina layer like Neo Dragoon), prone to destabilization (metal & POM tip), and loses flower pattern from same source. And if it is not hit at the right angle, the gimmick won't activate and it can burst.

I'm gonna have to edit the originals and nerf them a bit.

(Oct. 30, 2017  12:09 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]Name: Vis Tordaline
Looks: pale skin, black messy hair, gray eyes.
Personality: he is highly determined and focused.
Beyblade: Iris sonar.8R.St
Layer: Is is named after the minor goddess of light Iris and is a stamina defense hybrid. It has two main blades with a small gap between them. The gimmick is when hit or at low spin speed the outer ring of the layer is free spining causing attacks to roll off it. The gimmick works like shadow orochium.
Core disk: 8 this disk is a heavy disk allowing for great spin times.
Frame: roll. This frame is circular like polish for lad.
Driver: stable. This driver has a survive shaped rubber on a bearing allowing for great stamina and KO defense.
Overall: Is.8R.St is a strong defensively with a gimmick that causes attacks to have minimum effect and great stamina.

Extra: Vis is blind. He was born blind but he learned to listen to his surroundings. He can tell what type the enemy is by the sound of its movement and impacts.

Free has problems facing Vis. Due to The free spining gimmick of iris free can not rely on spin stealing late in the match.
Nice. This is pretty interesting. How hard would the rubber be?

I would say slightly harder than bite. Soft enough for high friction but hard enough to move around. More of a rubberized plastic than rubber.
(Oct. 30, 2017  12:14 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]actually, despite the beys numerous strengths, they have some weaknesses:

Neo Dragoon: Low stamina, can be bursted if hit hard enough, and can be KOed.

Tidal Leviathan: slightly lower burst resistance than usual (I'd prefer to say Tornado Wyvern or gK level teeth, will change) that is accompanied by the 8 disk (increased risk of bursting due to OWD). Glide is also a bit mobile for a Defense type and is prone to being Over Finished due to minimal friction and mobility.

Blitz Vulcan: high OWD from both Layer and Disk equals less burst resistance(?). It also possesses recoil and reduced friction w/stadium, and that plus the mobility that Mjolnir does produce can result in KO finishes if hit hard enough.

Frost Boreas: almost too aggressive (low stamina layer like Neo Dragoon), prone to destabilization (metal & POM tip), and loses flower pattern from same source. And if it is not hit at the right angle, the gimmick won't activate and it can burst.

I understand that they have weaknesses, but their track record suggests otherwise
If anyone remembers the team double threat the fith member is now replaced with Vis and the previous fith member now acts like a coach for the team.
An example of Is in action.

"The crowd favorite, you already know who I'm talking about. Valt Aoi." Says the announcer, "up against the rising blader no one saw coming, Vis Tordaline." Valt runs up to the stadium as Vis slowly walks up to the stadium and stops right before walking into the stadium itself. Valt gets ready for a rush launch as Vis holds the launcher above the stadium arms extended. They launch and Iris slowly rolls to the center. Valkyrie charges into Iris but rolls of giving Iris a small boost of speed and Iris takes the center. "So your beyblade is an attack type." Says Vis looking forward in a slightly monotone voice, "Iris, spiral hold." As Vis said that the two blades on Iris retract turning it into free mode. Valt goes for a bound shoot but is stopped on impact. The free spining layer of Iris nullifies the bound layer of God Valkyrie as Iris keeps spinning. Because God Valkyrie can not bounce off the free spining layer the beyblade slowly stops spinning. Iris wins by survivor finish.

The next battle Valt goes for a runaway shoot and Vis swings his launcher to the left as he launches causing Iris to roll left countering Valkyrie's attack causing it to click twice. Then Iris takes the center. Valkyrie goes for another attack causing it to burst.

"Vis Tordaline wins 3 to 0." Said the referee as the crowd goes crazy.
(Oct. 30, 2017  12:21 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 30, 2017  12:18 AM)DaJetsnake Wrote: [ -> ]I understand that they have weaknesses, but their track record suggests otherwise
Rykos ties more against other strong bladers and doesn't destroy everything, Iris ties more, Oraiyun is slightly nerfed (with Rykos, because the metal sections are now hollow), and Aurora's bey and Iris' bey have had POM sections removed and all records are slightly nerfed. Tell me specifics if anything else needs to be nerfed to even it out and make them more realistic in terms of characters, because I've seen some pretty OP designs before I even joined the site.

Those are all good, the reason I'm asking for yours to be nerfed specifically is because with your amazing character making prowess, I thought you could make your own story following your line of characters in BBB
Beyblade Burst God Collab
Episode 1: ______
Anyone got an episode name for a collab that all of us can work on?
(Oct. 30, 2017  12:53 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 30, 2017  12:50 AM)DaJetsnake Wrote: [ -> ]Those are all good, the reason I'm asking for yours to be nerfed specifically is because with your amazing character making prowess, I thought you could make your own story following your line of characters in BBB
Thank you! I really appreciate your request for improvement on these, and the fact that you gave me ideas for this. Maybe I could do a series, but there's schoolwork, so idk. I could still do it, but as my bio says, the updates would be inconsistent and would probably take a while.

One quick thing you can try is writing a story involving a battle between on of your Beyblades against Iris sonar. I will write one also. Just tell me which beyblade will be battling. Also just so you know Iris is known as the attack killer due to how its gimmick works.
(Oct. 30, 2017  12:58 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 30, 2017  12:55 AM)dt1000 Wrote: [ -> ]Beyblade Burst God Collab
Episode 1: ______
Anyone got an episode name for a collab that all of us can work on?

Episode 1: Explosion! Blazing Clash Approaches

Episode 2: Doomsday's Perseverance! Ragnaruk vs [insert OC/OG Bey name here]

Just some ideas...

Episode 3: Iris! The blind mans plight. (Subject to Change.)
(Oct. 30, 2017  12:53 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 30, 2017  12:50 AM)DaJetsnake Wrote: [ -> ]Those are all good, the reason I'm asking for yours to be nerfed specifically is because with your amazing character making prowess, I thought you could make your own story following your line of characters in BBB
Thank you! I really appreciate your request for improvement on these, and the fact that you gave me ideas for this. Maybe I could do a series, but there's schoolwork, so idk. I could still do it, but as my bio says, the updates would be inconsistent and would probably take a while. I'm also not the best when it comes to priorities and organization in writing, and play-by-play style writing has always been a buzzing fly for me.

If you really think you can't do play-by-play writing, try pming me, I have some experience, like my MFB story
(Oct. 30, 2017  1:01 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 30, 2017  12:53 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you! I really appreciate your request for improvement on these, and the fact that you gave me ideas for this. Maybe I could do a series, but there's schoolwork, so idk. I could still do it, but as my bio says, the updates would be inconsistent and would probably take a while.

One quick thing you can try is writing a story involving a battle between on of your Beyblades against Iris sonar. I will write one also. Just tell me which beyblade will be battling. Also just so you know Iris is known as the attack killer due to how its gimmick works.
It will  probably be Iris Sonar vs Tide Leviathan or Blitz Vulcan. Stamina vs Defense/Stamina? What type is Iris Sonar?
(Oct. 30, 2017  1:07 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 30, 2017  1:01 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]One quick thing you can try is writing a story involving a battle between on of your Beyblades against Iris sonar. I will write one also. Just tell me which beyblade will be battling. Also just so you know Iris is known as the attack killer due to how its gimmick works.
It will  probably be Iris Sonar vs Tide Leviathan or Blitz Vulcan. Stamina vs Defense/Stamina? What type is Iris Sonar?

Iris sonar (Iris is capitalized because it is the name. It is named like spriggan requirum) is a stamina defense hybrid. It has properties of both types.
(Oct. 30, 2017  1:07 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]
(Oct. 30, 2017  1:01 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]One quick thing you can try is writing a story involving a battle between on of your Beyblades against Iris sonar. I will write one also. Just tell me which beyblade will be battling. Also just so you know Iris is known as the attack killer due to how its gimmick works.
It will  probably be Iris Sonar vs Tide Leviathan or Blitz Vulcan. Stamina vs Defense/Stamina? What type is Iris Sonar?

I can write it for you. I like to write and I have a lot of time to write

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Marian White
Beyblade: Divine Tsukiyomi 0 Saucer

Divine Tsukyonmi is a layer much shaped like Dranzer GT's AR, but more round. It's gimmick is it has blades that spring back when hit.

0 is a round and heavy disc.

Saucer is much like Cycle but with a round saucer and a metal sharp tip.

Description: Very shy, was bullied in the past, but very smart and analytical.

Techniques: Lunar Counter: The god ability with the springs.

Will post more soon.
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I will post my other 5 charas soon. Note that Tsukiyomi is spelled with a Greek letter, as are the rest of my beys.
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