World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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Dan Teira
Dan is very mysterious about his past and background. He is very shy and quiet, but during battle he can launch lightning fast and he has a very close bond with his bey, Magnum Thunderbird .9.Mj. Dan wears a black hoodie and headphones around his neck. He has spiky black hair and brown eyes, black jeans, and red shoes.
Layer - Magnum Thunderbird
Magnum Thunderbird features four blades. The part is symmetrical, with each blade curved right and completely level. It's gimmick is: Each blade can be pushed upwards to create an upper attack blade or pushed downwards to create a force smash blade, or not touched for a smash attack blade.
Disk - 9
9 has nine protrusions, four on one side and five on the other. This gives an unbalance, however the weight is barely more focused there, making its imbalance almost unnoticeable.
Driver - Mjolnir
Mjolnir features a flat tip that is slightly larger than accel, but made of a slightly harder plastic. Inside this are two bearings to help it spin longer and absorb hits. On top of this there is another gimmick: Along the outside are four holes that line up with the layer's blades. The tip comes with a metal ball that can be placed in one to focus the weight into that point and increase force behind attacks.

Also, Dan is a member of Winter Breeze, Snowy's team.
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(Nov. 05, 2017  3:14 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]Nice alternative concept of the Mjolnir Driver. It's a lot different than the one on Blitz Vulcan.

I was reading the marvel wikia entry that said it could focus the users energy into blasts (The metal ball holes) and it could absorb energy (bearings).
Cool. Mine's based on the actual hammer itself,  but I didn't think on the powers it possessed in the myths or in the Marvel Universe. This looks pretty good.
Thank you.
Name: Mytero  Konosaba
Description: a strong willed blader from Japan. He wears a white jacket tied around his waist along with a red t-shirt.
Beyblade: Fabled Ifrit three vortex kindled (fI.3v.Ki)
Layer: Ifrit is a three sided layer where the contact points are the dots of three "I"s and the face of Ifrit is found in the gaps Aoi the three blades. The gimmick is that in the dot of the i's is a small metal ball and the line of the i's has a track for the metal balls with a sub layer that will push the balls to closer to the center with each click so at the beginning of a battle the three balls are on the contact points adding force to the attack and increasing OWD but after three clicks the balls are moved to the center increasing IWD giving a small boost in spin speed.
Core: 3 is a three sided yet balanced core disk made to line up with vortex.
Frame: vortex is a three sided frame first found on god Valkyrie
Driver: kindled this driver acts like a reverse f:d and goes from a large rubber surface the size of variable to a plastic ball like on tip.

Overall fI.3V.Ki is a strong hitter that then gets less aggressive to save spin.

Special moves:
Torch launch: Mytero slams the launcher down as he launches to get Ifrit to touch the stadium as fast as possible. Can cause Ifrit to bounce.
Enbā no ken: translates to sword of embers and is when Ifrit charges forwards with high impact force due to the high OWD of the metal balls. before first click
Sekitan o shifuto: Translates to shifting Coals and is weight shifting gimmick.
Honō no kabe: translates to wall of flames and is when Ifrit switches to the semi flat and the metal balls are near the center as it takes a more defensive stance to ward off attacks. activates on third click

He moved to the US when he was ten and is fluent in English but still says his special moves in Japanese
He is a fan of anime. (Not a weabo)
He is great friends with Vis and almost joined a Double threat but declined. He still keeps up with Vis when he can and the tend to battle to test each others improvement.
uses the neo flame launcher with was originally the neo wing launcher for Rykos but a second design was chosen and Mytero liked the original design.
[Deleted post]
urios reshelher

beyblade rustung usra 2C Bullet

he is very confident tough and rube and never fears to battle some one
he wears a snowy coat a scarf and sky glasses

rustung ursa:defense type

layer: the layer has 8 blades and an inferior part with 4 big blades and 4 small blades it chan be switched beetween counter mode with 8 blades and defense mode with a semi cicular shape

disk 2

frame cross

driver bullet: the driver resembles sb(mfb) that increases the beyblades stamina by reducing the surfice area

minora defense: when is in counter mode and the defense is 50% strong
mayora defense: when is in defense mode and the defense is 100% strong

visual draw:
Tre Kuroba
He is very rude and spoiled, but always seems to get his way due to his intelligence and sneakiness. He wears a plain green shirt and khaki shorts, with wild brown hair, emerald eyes, and black shoes.
Beyblade: Clover Tyche .7M.Ev
Layer - Clover Tyche
Clover Tyche has a rounded four bladed design. When the left blade is hit, a sharp point comes out, when the right blade is hit, it slides back and then springs out, when the top blade is hit, it slides in and a POM blade comes out, and when the bottom blade is hit, it slides back and then a POM sharp point springs outwards.
Disk - 7
7 was first seen in Legend Spriggan.
Frame - Meteor
Meteor was first seen on Alter Chronos.
Driver - Everything
Everything has a sharp POM tip, a wider ball tip around it made of plastic, and a rubber flat tip around that.
Special Moves:
Luck of the Draw
When hit, one of Tyche's other tips hit the stadium and either defend or speed up and counterattack. Tre relies completely on luck to use this move, meaning it can easily be defeated with planning.
(Nov. 04, 2017  10:17 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]Name: Fyleon Azuki

A distant relative of Rykos, Fyleon is a blader who entered the game to prove to his abusive step-father he wasn't worthless. His hair is a deep red, and he has rose-red eyes. His face has a long scratch running down the side of his face, from his hairline to the edge of his cheek that his step-father gave him. Despite this, Fyleon is very cheerful, more so when he is blading, in contrast to his more serious cousin Rykos. He was also a former member of team Kryo-Gale before joining and later leaving BC Sol to ally with his cousin in Heavenly Trigram. His bey is Requiem Kronos 12F (Flow) En (Endeavor).

Layer: Requiem Kronos

This layer is an obsidian black inner ring surrounded by a brilliant translucent silver that slightly goes underneath a rubber ring. The God Chip is a dark red with a silver inverted "K" adorning the face of the chip. The layer has teeth around the height of Blaze Ragnaruk, and possesses three teeth. The layer's gimmick is that the rubber is set on a spinning POM ring that can be locked and unlocked manually, and is also dual spin.

Unlocked: the rubber absorbs hits and spins freely to prevent stamina loss.

Locked: the rubber is locked for spin equalization, and can still take hits, as well as having greater burst potential due to the rubber catching the opponent's layer and bursting the bey.

The rubber can catch onto the stadium, but most of the time, it cannot due to the shield of plastic underneath which is too short to interfere with the gimmick. The plastic used on the ring is POM, increasing LAD properties.

Note: the rubber feels around the same as that of Meteo L-Drago and Fusion Hades combined, but slightly harder.

Disk: 12

The disk was first introduced on Rebirth Tiamat 12H. If. It is heavier than 7, but only by 2 grams. It has slightly more OWD as well, but is not extremely prone to bursting.

Frame: Flow

First found on Maximum Garuda. I need more info on it.

Driver: Endeavor

This driver is interesting to say the least; it is a larger Fusion shaped tip, but with a metal WD in the middle and a POM segment on the outside. Both parts are attached to hybrid ceramic bearings, allowing for LAD, precession, and stamina when combined with the low friction materials. The whole driver is relatively heavy, and is great at burst resistance due to its weight, but is slightly less resilient towards KOs. However, the free-spinning POM ring and its weight often outweigh these flaws.

- Mugen no Shisha: Roughly translating to Infinite Reaper, this technique is used against beys spinning in the opposite direction, equalizing spin before bursting the opponent with the rubber catching the opponent's layer when locked in place. Is also used to accelerate as a last resort against the stadium wall when hit hard enough by the opponent.
- Boundless Requiem: Kronos spins faster and faster, before leaning onto the side of its driver to utilize the high precession of the driver and the low friction POM of the ridge to deflect attacks and outspin an opponent. This technique has the potential to negate Nova Storm, and has even KOed Tiamat on one occasion.

History: TBD

- This bey is the third of my concepts to include a driver utilizing a bearing, but is the first with two drivers in the bearing.
- Fyleon's step-father is [TBA], and is the original owner of [TBA].
-Both Rykos and Fyleon share the family line, but they have two different types of beys.

New concept. Critique if you'd like, but I decided to make a weird concept that seems impractical for once since the anime always does so. Also, it no longer has a bearing in the layer, because that kind of weight would prove a bit too much.
Also a relative of Ben azuki I assume?

New bey and character, hoping for an epic battle with iris (human not bey, sorry vis)
Blader: Katie feline:
Lurks in the shadows, only coming out to fight those who are worthy. Wears lepeord print running clothes and a mask like you'd wear at a masquerade. Does a runaway shot but with a front flip added in somewhere. Not much is known about her except the fact she's only lost once.
Bey: flame jaguar 5ln
Flame jaguar layer:
Shows six small claws, two small fire like contact points and four larger jagged ones. Has the image of a jaguar with the god chip between it's jaws. It's got ability is basically nL on steroids. After skipping one tooth in battle, one larger attack point will connect to the smaller one on each side. And when the second tooth is skipped, the double attack point attaches to the third one and when it's on it's last tooth, the triple attack point lines up with the first claw.
5 disc:
Seen on bJ and sR
Lean driver:
A manual height change tip with an assault size flat.
(Nov. 05, 2017  4:22 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting. How aggressive is the layer to be able to take a defensive stance? Not too mucb recoil, I assume? And the three stage reverse FGrin is pretty cool as well

It is more defensive by comparison. It goes from strong OWD basically a fully worn variable to high IWD and semi flat.
[Deleted post]
Ben Azuki is the owner of Beast Behemoth
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He is very mysterious in general and aims to revive Nemesis. He wears a tuxedo and has a very business-like hairstyle. He also has fire red eyes and wears black polished shoes. He has mastered the power of synchronization. He has learned many illegal Beyblade mods.
When he was 9 his generic bey, Storm Spriggan Triple Variable, was destroyed in an earthquake that also killed his parents.
Since then he has had such horrible luck that he has vowed to get his revenge on the world.
Counterblow Nemesis 7M Ov
Layer - cN
Counterblow Nemesis has a rounded design and two short blades angled outwards. When spinning they slide out, and when spinning weaker, they slide in for a more defensive design.
Disk - 7
First seen on lS.
Frame - Meteo
First seen on aC.
Driver - Overdrive
Overdrive has a free spinning ball tip with a wide free spinning disk around it. The ball is somewhat fast, and the disk gives it even more speed and the ability to change direction instantly just by tilting.
Special Moves:
Nemesis has shown the ability to use any special move ever used thanks to it's tip.
Nemesis combines the speed of the god rebound, the power of dual impact, the burst resistance of the shield shoot, and the overall strength of synchronization to destroy opposing Beyblades.

If his opponent is really strong he uses the following Beyblade:
Counterblow Nemesis VerticalKnuckle Overdrive
Layer - cN
Counterblow Nemesis has a rounded design and two short blades angled outwards. When spinning they slide out, and when spinning weaker, they slide in for a more defensive design.
Disk - Vertical, Rip Fire Knuckle (Metal Frame Mod)
This makes it almost impossible to burst and adds a lot of extra weight.
Driver - Overdrive
Overdrive has a free spinning ball tip with a wide free spinning disk around it. The ball is somewhat fast, and the disk gives it even more speed and the ability to change direction instantly just by tilting.

Special Moves:
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(Nov. 06, 2017  11:20 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]Dang that's op. Is that the same Nemesis from MFB? Also, aggressive moves like Nova Storm wouldn't work because the bearings would nullify acceleration. Sorry for being so blunt, but there's a reason for me keeping nD at least low stamina, if nothing else.

There aren't any bearings, it is the same nemesis, and it's defensive ability is low, so it can be outspun if hit hard by moves like Nova Storm, and also, you can outspin it with basically any stamina type with an ounce of speed. Sorry for being so blunt.

Vine Ladon 5Flow Force (vL.5F.Fr)

Vine Ladon
vL is a left spinning layer based off the mystical serpent guarding the Garden of the Hesperides. Its main feature is the 3 dragon heads that are angled slightly downwards. These heads all house the layer's main gimmick, layers of rough vine-like blades running clockwise.  Similarly to Twin Nemesis, there are tabs that lock in the heads, when you unlock the tab, the layer's head can slide to another position. In this position, the vines are exposed, the vines are also embedded with rubberized plastic (yes, cliche) When vL's heads are covering most of the vines this is called Rupture Mode, when the vines from inside the head are exposed, that is Capture Mode. While a large amount of attack may imply a strong layer, Vine Ladon is hindered by its weight because the heads are somewhat hollowed out to house the vines. It has medium-high teeth.
First found in Blast Jinnius, similar performance to 4, no real advantage or disadvantage with it.
First found with Maximum Garuda, a counter-clockwise frame that has many blades
Force has a large ball which has similar rubberized plastic to βite, the main ball has 3 'brakes' to help prevent KOs further. That, however, isn't the main gimmick, below the teeth system there are two jaggy tabs. These tabs slide and lock into different positions, these positions are labeled '1' and '2'. There are 2 basic bearings, one is POM, keeps the tabs in place, the other, which is metal, allows the free spinning base. 1 mode holds the driver to be stationary, the second mode does the opposite. 2 mode makes the part below entirely free spinning, not just the ball. This increases stamina and LAD greatly, due to the free-spinning part, more of the friction goes towards the driver, which helps with burst prevention (?)

I need help with the logic of the driver
(Nov. 07, 2017  12:04 AM)DaJetsnake Wrote: [ -> ]????

Vine Ladon 5Flow Force (vL.5F.Fr)

Vine Ladon
vL is a left spinning layer based off the mystical serpent guarding the Garden of the Hesperides. Its main feature is the 3 dragon heads that are angled slightly downwards. These heads all house the layer's main gimmick, layers of rough vine-like blades running clockwise. Similarly to Twin Nemesis, there are tabs that lock in the heads, when you unlock the tab, the layer's head can slide to another position. In this position, the vines are exposed, the vines are also embedded with rubberized plastic (yes, cliche) When vL's heads are covering most of the vines this is called Rupture Mode, when the vines from inside the head are exposed, that is Capture Mode. While a large amount of attack may imply a strong layer, Vine Ladon is hindered by its weight because the heads are somewhat hollowed out to house the vines. It has medium-high teeth.
First found in Blast Jinnius, similar performance to 4, no real advantage or disadvantage with it.
First found with Maximum Garuda, a counter-clockwise frame that has many blades
Force has a large ball which has similar rubberized plastic to βite, the main ball has 3 'brakes' to help prevent KOs further. That, however, isn't the main gimmick, below the teeth system there are two jaggy tabs. These tabs slide and lock into different positions, these positions are labeled '1' and '2'. 1 mode holds the driver to be stationary, the second mode does the opposite. 2 mode makes the part below entirely free spinning, not just the ball. This increases stamina and LAD greatly, due to the free-spinning part, more of the friction goes towards the driver, which helps with burst prevention (?)

I need help with the logic of the driver

It can come with two bearings, one with two tabs to lock the tip and one made of metal that lets it spin freely.
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(Nov. 07, 2017  12:34 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 06, 2017  11:53 PM)dt1000 Wrote: [ -> ]There aren't any bearings, it is the same nemesis, and it's defensive ability is low, so it can be outspun if hit hard by moves like Nova Storm, and also, you can outspin it with basically any stamina type with an ounce of speed. Sorry for being so blunt.
I was referring to the bearings in the driver. Sorry.

Tips can spin freely without bearings.
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(Nov. 07, 2017  12:58 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 07, 2017  12:57 AM)dt1000 Wrote: [ -> ]Tips can spin freely without bearings.

I wasn't saying they couldn't. I was saying that the bearings in your bey's driver was what I referred to.

It didn't have a bearing though.
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(Nov. 07, 2017  1:10 AM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 06, 2017  11:16 PM)dt1000 Wrote: [ -> ]Driver - Overdrive
Overdrive has a free spinning ball tip with a wide free spinning disk around it, and two bearings, one for each. The ball is somewhat fast, and the disk gives it even more speed and the ability to change direction instantly just by tilting. 

What do you mean it doesn't, it says it right there.

oh, I didn't mean to put that there, i'll get rid of it.
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