World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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(Nov. 04, 2017  4:00 AM)ayggdrasilgy Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 04, 2017  3:56 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]Well with the driver a free spining driver can not get aggressive without help so having it free spin half way through the,battle would hinder the attack potential of your beyblade. Maybe a second draft would be in order. The seven blade design seems like it would be too cluttered for attack but if they are swept back it would have great defensive properties. Let's say the blade count was bumped to eight. Now a gimmick can be created, as it clicks four extra blades start to fill the gaps increasing defense. Combine this with an improved release with a more stationary design and voila. hV 2.0

Just a suggestion to improve. I like the idea for the driver but the layer was basically a seven sided Iris Sonar without the ability to free spin on impact.

you have a good scence of vision i love your idea but mmine is agresive at start but passive at second half
but thanks i love youre idea about your decing

(Nov. 04, 2017  4:00 AM)ayggdrasilgy Wrote: [ -> ]you have a good scence of vision i love your idea but mmine is agresive at start but passive at second half
but thanks i love youre idea about your desing
and you just gave me an ide for another bey just wait and see

and sorry about my bad ortography but im takin english clases

So what I am taking from this is instead of making hV less of a "copy" you are using the suggestion to make a new beyblade?
[Deleted post]
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:12 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:00 AM)ayggdrasilgy Wrote: [ -> ]you have a good scence of vision i love your idea but mmine is agresive at start but passive at second half
but thanks i love youre idea about your decing

So what I am taking from this is instead of making hV less of a "copy" you are using the suggestion to make a new beyblade?

Yep and his name will be(spoilers,drumroll)
Rustung ursa 
Blader urios reshelher
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:52 AM)ayggdrasilgy Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:12 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]So what I am taking from this is instead of making hV less of a "copy" you are using the suggestion to make a new beyblade?

Yep and his name will be(spoilers,drumroll)
Rustung ursa 
Blader urios reshelher

It was not an idea for a new beyblade but a suggestion to change hV so it doesn't copy IS.
Rykos vs Snowy
Snowy and Rykos ran up to the stadium. Rykos angled for a Nova Storm and Snowy for a Glacier Wall. "3, 2, 1, let it rip!" Boreas glid into the middle, Dragoon zooming around the stadium. The acceleration ring hit the stadium, causing it to speed up and become even faster. Suddenly, it changed direction and zoomed towards the middle fast. "Go! Nova Storm!" Rykos yelled. "Blow it away, Boreas!" Snowy shouted. Dragoon was reflected off and flew from the stadium. "One point to Snowy's Boreas with a ring out finish, making the score 1-0."

"What happened?" Rykos thought in surprise as he stared at Dragoon. Than he looked up at Snowy and cried out, "We'll burst you this time!". He angled for a Breaker Grapple and Snowy aimed for a Glacier Wall. "3, 2, 1, let it rip!" Boreas took the middle and Dragoon began surrounding it completely. "Breaker Grapple! Now!" Boreas's ring shrank inwards due to the stamina loss. Suddenly, you could hear three clicks and Boreas burst. Dragoon shot into the wall right after and burst. "Two points to Rykos and Dragoon with a Burst Finish, making the score 1-2!"

"We'll have to show them our other move, Boreas." Snowy said to Boreas. They got to their positions, Snowy at an unknown angle and Rykos for a Bound Storm. "3, 2, 1, let it rip!" Boreas glided around the center, never touching. Dragoon sped up to the point where it could barely be seen, before angling in and shooting through the center like a Rush Launch that never touched Boreas. Then Dragoon curved in for a fierce strike. "Go! Glacier Drift!" Boreas' driver's metal balls slid downwards, causing it to wobble slightly and speed up, dodging the hit. It sped up and hit Dragoon from behind, knocking it out of the stadium. Midair, Dragoon burst. "Two points to Snowy and Boreas with a Burst Finish! Snowy and Freeze Boreas win 3-2!"
Guys, just so you know, this is a character creation thread, not a story telling one.
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:58 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:52 AM)ayggdrasilgy Wrote: [ -> ]Yep and his name will be(spoilers,drumroll)
Rustung ursa 
Blader urios reshelher

It was not an idea for a new beyblade but a suggestion to change hV so it doesn't copy IS.
Well just gotta wait but as soon as I post a picture of hV you will see the difference
New thread at:

For stories specifically
(Nov. 04, 2017  3:41 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]This was meant to be a while before Iris vs Arashi and Vis vs Rykos, but meh. I've finally tried my hand at this.

Wakiya vs Rykos (in other words, the total and utter humiliation of the constantly nerfed character.)

Part 1: Explosive Anger! A New Dragon?

The desert expanded beyond the vast horizon, but as Rykos gazed outwards from the window, he noticed a group of bladers walking through the desert towards the house.

"Iris, you might want to see this. I'll prepare some refreshments for our...guests. You might as well talk to someone else besides me." Iris nodded, glad to have some other company. Recently, a sandstorm had brought in a fresh tide of sand, swamping a watch Rykos had left out to dry a while back. The watch happened to belong to Iris, and when Rykos had been able to retrieve it, the glass had been scratched, making the numbers indiscernible to an obscene degree.

Iris was rather irritated by this desecration of her personal property.

Meanwhile---out of pure coincidence, of course---Valt Aoi was rather irritated as well.

"Wakiya!" he whined. "You said there was a house this way! I need water, food! I'd kill for a kebab right now!"

"Quiet down, Valt! I can't navigate if you're whining so much!"

"Look who's talking!" Valt irritably replies.

"I think it would be best if we walked the remaining 15 feet to this house and cease the pointless argument we are having," Daina says, breaking the argument in a slightly irritated tone. The group looks up at the house, a mixture of straw, wood, and brick basking in the desert sun. Meanwhile, Iris approached the BC Sol bladers.

"Hi!" Iris pauses when she notices their blank stares. Fetching a bucket of water, she dumps the liquid on them, causing them to suddenly come back to life.

"Wow, you're pretty..." Valt mutters, before being slapped on the head by Rantaro. "Hey, what was that about?"

"You're making a bad impression. Besides, this is my chance, not-" he pauses, seeing Iris stare at the two in bewilderment. Pretending not to have heard what she listened to a few moments ago, she spoke.

"Are you alright? You seem to have been traveling for quite some time, and I'd like to help out a bit. My name's Iris Makina, and I'm just out here, training."

"Really?" Wakiya asked. "Then why don't you just cross through the whole desert instead of staying in a house?"

"Because I'm not insane enough to do suicidal things like that!" Iris responded.

"Geez, just introduce the other guy then." Wakiya felt undignified, and turned away from Iris. Daina looked past Iris, and towards the stairs leading up into the house. A young man with a shock of spiky white hair was coming down the stairs, bringing an ice chest and some sandwiches.

"Oh, hello. My name is Rykos Azuki, and-" he was cut off by a sudden yanking at the ice chest and plate of sandwiches.

"Please!" Valt was almost crying at this point, while Wakiya just planted his face into his hands, muttering about tiny boys who couldn't be patient for even a second of their lives. Rykos just chuckled, amused by the sudden display of desperateness.

"Alright then." He laid the chest and the plate down. "Dig in." Valt scrambled for drinks, while Rantaro pulled at the sandwiches. Daina, like Wakiya, simply stared at the spectale, but eventually gave in and grabbed a drink and a sandwich. Afterwards, Valt noticed a stadium hiding behind the house.

"Can we battle in this? I've been super pumped to battle once in a while!" Rykos was shocked. "Me? Why not Iris? She's better at this than me."

"That's not true, Rykos. You're way better at launches and strategy in matches," Iris replied.

"Please, look at this place!" Wakiya grumbled. "It's filthy!"


"And for that matter, those sandwiches were disgusting! Who knew a simple food could be ruined!"


"I'm sick of being with these whiny, immature brats who keep on asking me for stuff! Give me a break!"


"Hey, give Rykos a break, alright? He started preparing when we could see you, and you got here just a few minutes later! Besides, you wouldn't have eaten the whole sandwich either if you didn't enjoy it!" Iris grumpily replied.

"Oh, now you're going off on the guy who has such a big tolerance for a whiny kid like him? How pathetic! I'm the only good blader around here!" Wakiya snapped.

Valt began sniffling.


"And lastly, just why do you want to battle this old guy, Valt?"


"I'm around 17, alright?" Rykos growled.

"Fine. But considering that, who taught you how to be such a trash blader? Your grandfather?" Iris began shaking.


"Wakiya, I don't believe that was the best thing to say, so if you could-" she was cut off by a harsh desert breeze. Rykos eyes were alight with rage, the black emotion consuming him.

"You..." he pointed at Wakiya. "Come here and battle me then."

"Fine. It won't matter anyway, we just needed the food and stuff."

"That's not true!" Valt cried.

Wakiya and Rykos sidled up to the stadium. Rykos curled his launcher to his upper right, which Wakiya took notice of and began snickering.

"What kind of launch is that? And for that matter, why don't you use a string launcher?" Daina's eyes narrowed.

"3...2...1...Go Shoot!" A loud 'smack' sound echoed across the dunes of sand before subsiding. It took everyone there except for Iris to notice that Tornado Wyvern had already been KOed 5 seconds ago.

"Just, what kind of blader is this guy?" asked Daina. Iris just shook her head.

"He and I...we go back a long way, but were on the team Heavenly Trigram." She earned a look of shock from the usually collected blader. Turning back to the match, Daina muttered "Wakiya's screwed then."

"Now do you get it?" asked Rykos. "You can't win this. But you'll just have to battle me one more time." his eyes were scarlet now, not even resembling their usual azure color.

Wakiya trembled. "I-I guess so..." he picked up Wyvern, readying a launch with a shaky hand. Once again, the two bladers launched their beys, but this time, Dragoon was visible.

"Alright then," Wakiya grinned, regaining some of his previous vigor. "Wyvern! Take the center!" But it was to no avail. Dragoon sent Wyvern flying towards the wall, when Wyvern's driver clung to the stadium edge. Dragoon was now circling at high speeds, as Wakiya called out "Hyper Shield Crash!" Rykos growled lightly as he was bathed in a scarlet aura.

"Remember this, I won't ever forgive you again if you decide to be inconsiderate like that, you understand?" Dragoon glowed scarlet, and began diving towards Wyvern. "Roar with all your might! Bound Storm!" Dragoon slammed into Wyvern, the two beasts struggling against each other before Wyvern submitted, allowing Dragoon to burst it. However, the layer and disk remained together, and slammed into a rock underneath the sand, snapping the ring on Tornado Wyvern in half.

"W-wyvern..." Wakiya stuttered. He slumped down, onto his knees, before a shadow covered him. Looking up, he saw the fragile cage that contained Rykos' fury within him through the white-haired blader's eyes. Rykos knelt in front of him.

"My grandfather died when I was seven. And you know what he told me? Become the best blader in the world. I won't have people like you, with no idea of how much pain his passing caused me, talking about him as if he was nothing." His eyes were azure once again, their former anger once again a mere ember. Rykos ripped the launcher out of Wakiya's hands. "In my eyes, you don't deserve the title of a blader." Rykos then flung the launcher into the stadium, where it clattered to the center. "So, go pick up the pieces of your ego, and think on what you said to me." Iris was silent, but she spoke up.

"Rykos...give him a chance. He didn't know." Rykos snorted.

"As if that's a good enough reason for me to forgive him." But Rykos retrieved Wyvern, as well as the launcher, handing them to Iris. "You know how to repair beys. Go on ahead. You too, Wakiya," he said spitting out the latter's name as if it were a lemon shoved into his mouth. Wakiya nodded, shaken, before following Iris up into the house. Turning towards Valt, Rykos smiled. "Now, you said you wanted a battle?"

"How could I want to battle you when you did that to him?" Valt yelled, pointing towards the direction Wakiya had gone.

"How could I? When he didn't bother trying to be polite and even going far enough know what, forget this. If you want to be angry, be angry against me in a battle, not this." The younger blader pouted, before bringing out his bey.

"Fine then, if you want it, my God Valkyrie and I will take you down, no sweat!" Rykos only grinned ready for the possible challenge of self-restraint...

Part 2: Endeavors Unleashed! Valt Aoi vs Rykos Azuki...

Part 2 will come eventually. Please critique as much as you need.

(Nov. 04, 2017  5:08 AM)dt1000 Wrote: [ -> ]Rykos vs Snowy
Snowy and Rykos ran up to the stadium. Rykos angled for a Nova Storm and Snowy for a Glacier Wall. "3, 2, 1, let it rip!" Boreas glid into the middle, Dragoon zooming around the stadium. The acceleration ring hit the stadium, causing it to speed up and become even faster. Suddenly, it changed direction and zoomed towards the middle fast. "Go! Nova Storm!" Rykos yelled. "Blow it away, Boreas!" Snowy shouted. Dragoon was reflected off and flew from the stadium. "One point to Snowy's Boreas with a ring out finish, making the score 1-0."

"What happened?" Rykos thought in surprise as he stared at Dragoon. Than he looked up at Snowy and cried out, "We'll burst you this time!". He angled for a Breaker Grapple and Snowy aimed for a Glacier Wall. "3, 2, 1, let it rip!" Boreas took the middle and Dragoon began surrounding it completely. "Breaker Grapple! Now!" Boreas's ring shrank inwards due to the stamina loss. Suddenly, you could hear three clicks and Boreas burst. Dragoon shot into the wall right after and burst. "Two points to Rykos and Dragoon with a Burst Finish, making the score 1-2!"

"We'll have to show them our other move, Boreas." Snowy said to Boreas. They got to their positions, Snowy at an unknown angle and Rykos for a Bound Storm. "3, 2, 1, let it rip!" Boreas glided around the center, never touching. Dragoon sped up to the point where it could barely be seen, before angling in and shooting through the center like a Rush Launch that never touched Boreas. Then Dragoon curved in for a fierce strike. "Go! Glacier Drift!" Boreas' driver's metal balls slid downwards, causing it to wobble slightly and speed up, dodging the hit. It sped up and hit Dragoon from behind, knocking it out of the stadium. Midair, Dragoon burst. "Two points to Snowy and Boreas with a Burst Finish! Snowy and Freeze Boreas win 3-2!"
Dragoon keeps on getting nerfed like crazy. This is driving me nuts, but one thing I really don't know is why there is an "unknown angle." What is that supposed to be? And again, why does everyone nerf Dragoon to make it seem underwhelming? I understand it losing, but for it to lose it has to be kinda reasonable. I don't get how it bursts so easily, as its weight and speed would have made it hard to burst or slow down, much less KO due to the high friction of the driver. And this sounds almost like my concept for Blitz Vulcan.

and if it has to be a character exclusive thread, maybe someone could open up a new one for story drafts like the ones that keep on taking up space like mad. I might.

New thread at:

For stories specifically

It was an "Unknown Angle" because it was a new, never seen before special move, so nobody knew what would happen.
[Deleted post]
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:19 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:07 PM)dt1000 Wrote: [ -> ]It was an "Unknown Angle" because it was a new, never seen before special move, so nobody knew what would happen.
But still, it was still nerfed badly. Dragoon's like top tier beys in several ways and it still gets defeated by beys that don't make total sense? What I mean is that the bey is a defense type, but manages to fling Dragoon out with ease. Not only that, but Dragoon has far more superior teeth compared to Boreas, so why did it get nerfed? It had strong enough traits to burst Boreas from the start. I don't mean to be rude, but it just feels like this will always happen unless I keep people from writing using my characters.

Next time I'll try not to nerf Rykos at all.
[Deleted post]
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:24 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you. I'm really sorry about my general douchebagginess. I'm not saying don't nerf. I'm saying he can lose, but with more even results. I don't mean to be very aggressive about him winning constantly; I wrote a draft of him losing to Vis on this thread. But again, I apologize for my rudeness.

Its okay, I didn't mean to nerf Rykos or Dragoon so much, I wouldn't be happy either if someone would do that to my Beyblade. Can you make a battle for my Snowy against Rykos, minus all the nerfing?
(Nov. 04, 2017  2:56 PM)ayggdrasilgy Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:58 AM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]It was not an idea for a new beyblade but a suggestion to change hV so it doesn't copy IS.
Well just gotta wait but as soon as I post a picture of hV you will see the difference

Looks don't change the gimmick. Gimmick wise it is a weakened IS.
[Deleted post]
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:32 PM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 04, 2017  2:56 PM)ayggdrasilgy Wrote: [ -> ]Well just gotta wait but as soon as I post a picture of hV you will see the difference

Looks don't change the gimmick. Gimmick wise it is a weakened IS.

well  you say iS gimmick normal first half free spin second half it is it or not, and i changed 7 blades for 9 blades

by the way this is the image
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:49 PM)Dragunix Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:29 PM)dt1000 Wrote: [ -> ]Its okay, I didn't mean to nerf Rykos or Dragoon so much, I wouldn't be happy either if someone would do that to my Beyblade. Can you make a battle for my Snowy against Rykos, minus all the nerfing?
I could try after part 2 of Rykos vs Valt. And it's actually pretty good, really.

Thank you, but yours are better.
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:55 PM)ayggdrasilgy Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:32 PM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]Looks don't change the gimmick. Gimmick wise it is a weakened IS.

well  you say iS gimmick normal first half free spin second half it is it or not, and i changed 7 blades for 9 blades

by the way this is the image

Iris Sonar's gimmick is the free spinning layer. And it activates like shadow orochium so yes. It is. And changing to nine blades doesn't change the gimmick.
(Nov. 04, 2017  5:58 PM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 04, 2017  4:55 PM)ayggdrasilgy Wrote: [ -> ]well  you say iS gimmick normal first half free spin second half it is it or not, and i changed 7 blades for 9 blades

by the way this is the image

Iris Sonar's gimmick is the free spinning layer. And it activates like shadow orochium so yes. It is. And changing to nine blades doesn't change the gimmick.

ok i geet it so well sorry its becauuse i have the idea of the driver for a long time and i was trying to make the layer with a similar gimmick
but im going to left it like that
so did you like the draw
(Nov. 04, 2017  6:08 PM)ayggdrasilgy Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 04, 2017  5:58 PM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]Iris Sonar's gimmick is the free spinning layer. And it activates like shadow orochium so yes. It is. And changing to nine blades doesn't change the gimmick.

ok i geet it so well sorry its becauuse i have the idea of the driver for a long time and i was trying to make the layer with a similar gimmick
but im going to left it like that
so did you like the draw

The drawing wasn't bad but I am confused on how the gimmick would activate. There is no way that the blades have anything to do with it. Also you can have a similar gimmick to the driver without copying. So the driver rotates. Let's make hV have blades that are spring loaded and swing outwards. At the beginning it is aggressive as the blades are out but when it slows down the blades swing inwards making it more defensive to match the aggressive then passive nature of release (I like the name of that driver. If I credit you can I use it in the future?)
(Nov. 04, 2017  6:15 PM)MWF Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 04, 2017  6:08 PM)ayggdrasilgy Wrote: [ -> ]ok i geet it so well sorry its becauuse i have the idea of the driver for a long time and i was trying to make the layer with a similar gimmick
but im going to left it like that
so did you like the draw

The drawing wasn't bad but I am confused on how the gimmick would activate. There is no way that the blades have anything to do with it. Also you can have a similar gimmick to the driver without copying. So the driver rotates. Let's make  hV have blades that are spring loaded and swing outwards. At the beginning it is aggressive as the blades are out but when it slows down the blades swing inwards making it more defensive to match the aggressive then passive nature of release (I like the name of that driver. If I credit you can I use it in the future?)

That would be shelter regulus but I like it and it will match with the smooth blades and I just edited thanks for the Idea
Well i thought of another two
Names; Helian Octavio and Jax Riker
Look: Helian wears a black shirt with two long sleeves coming from it, black jeans, and wears a grey jacket. His hair is black with a white area that covers one eye. Jax wears a blue suit, with a red shirt underneath, wearing jeans and a bowtie. His hair is light blue, with parts spiking off the front like xhaka does.
Their beyblades are Demonic Hydra and Dual Jiaolong
Hydra is a tanky beyblade, having the parts 9mt Pl (mt is my metal frame mod thing). It’s gimmick is that the layer has metal weights, as well as having POM on the layer.
Jiaolong is a reverse rotation beyblade, with the parts 8Star Rs. the layer’s gimmick is it has four dragon heads, two light blue and two dark blue, the light blue having POM on their sides, the dark blue having rubber. Rs is basically Final Survive.
The two are part of a team with Karai, Aiko and Arin, called team StarStorm. Hylian is the leader.
special moves; Hydra has Return Clash, which is basically shield crash but much more dangerous. Jiaolong has Central Barrage, which is an off balance barrage of attacks.
deleted 12/29
Name: Vuikutoro Kaperari (my Japanese name)
Bey: Link Horizon (reference to the games that I love) (The lengend of zelda, Forza horizon and Portal)
God Habits: The layer closely resembles the Aperture Science portal game logo in black and green colors and has 3 modes.
1- attack mode (where there are more impact points)
2 - defense mode (where the layer would be rounder)
3 - mode of resistance (where it became a near perfect circle "as the maximum garuda")
Disco and frame: I still do not know which one would be the best
Driver: trans (to swap along with layer modes)

I know I could have invented a lot, but I like to personalize my things and my beyblade is not different, 'honoring' my favorite games with something else that is in my heart
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