World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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Don't the first letters have to be the same?
Yes. No one cares though. Ppl. EXAMPLES: Chelzar/Chimera. Both start with C. Valt/Valkyrie. Both start with V. This is just a suggestion, but I do recommend doing it.
Lance Arakawa
12 yrs old
razor leon 6 cross operate
(balance type)
gimmick:when blades contracts in the sides .it will go faster than the normal speed

special moves

lion switch
fang glory
scratch launch
Name: Gary Makrodu

Bey: Victory Gozorika - Run - Charge - Shin

System: Gatinko

Type: Attack

Moves: Heavenly Strike
Blader: Hitomi Shiro
Beyblade: HH.Ph.Rt Metsu/Sen
Chip: Houndfell. Depicts a large dog with its mouth open. Has four tall teeth.
Weights: Metsu/Sen the two weights are used interchangeably.
Base: Hybrid. The base has two large wings and two walls. The gimmick is that the wings are spring loaded and can compress into the weight space. It has two modes. The first mode is when weights like Gen or Metsu are used, this mode allows the wings to be pushed in for defense. The second mode is when weights like Sen, Retsu, Zan, Ten, or Goku are used, in this mode the wings are forced inwards to make a more oval shape for a counter attack. Go is an interesting case and isn't recommended.
Disk: Phantom. This disk has a plastic core with a heavy metal outside for powerful OWD.
Driver: Return. This Driver is a small ball shaped tip with a metal bearing that is ment to catch the bey when it gets knocked back.
Special moves
Hybrid Guard: In deflect mode it uses its wings to block attacks.
Hybrid Strike: In counter mode it uses the retracted wings to catch the attacks and hits back with the walls.
character: RemoLlazumai
bey: storm Feedback
special move: ultra storm break
Blader: Yatogami: well it is Yato from noragami
Bey Yuki Tsukoyomi 00 Wall Charge'+ 説
Moves Setsu,  Zan, Kyoukai, Baku.
YT 00W CH'+ 説

Chip: Tsukyomi, despics a crescent moon with green eyes ( Like valkyrie's). Have 3 teeth, with one really strong, and 2 regular.
Weight: left upper, left mid and right upper, unlike the most weights 説 have the right lil' weight being heavier that the other 2.
Base: Yuki is a right spin base, with 2 medium atack points  a gimmick simmilar to pegasus and bahamut's, as the disk moves a rubber blade will be growing on the 2 great impact points and will form a crescent moon.
Charge'+: basically  charge with  golden spring and rubber instead of plastic ( in the contact area).
Zan: an full impact with the 2 blades.
Setsu: an really fast impact with the blades can split every bey in 2.
Hafuri: gimmick.
Baku and Kyoukai an quick counter-strike that glare the opponent.
Blader: Anton Will
Beyblade: RW.Xt+ Ren
Layer Chip: Wolfram. Depicts a wolf howling. Has one medium to high tooth at the end. Most of the teeth is similar to Garuda.
Layer weight: Ren. Reverse Metsu.
Layer Base: Rewind. Layer base is generally round with two points of impact similar to Flare or Grand. The base has a built in disk and the disk prongs move a spring loaded sublayer that pushes back on the prongs to try to regain clicks. Making it harder to burst.
Driver: Xtend Plus

Special Move:
Last Stand Impact. Wolfram slams into the opponent the the extra pushback resistance of Rewind causes the opponent to take more burst damage.
Survivors Guard: Uses its gimmick to take hits without taking any permanent burst damage.
Blader: Guinevere Lyn
Layer Base: Limit(L). An attack type base with two main smash attack blades weighted by metal. The secondary sweeping impact points are rubber. Can't take weights with a center hexagon.
Layer weight: Mukai(向). An extended right spin Metsu with a sou middle circle but no center hexagon.
Layer Chip: Grindnyr(G). Depicts a wolf-like beast. Seven moderate teeth. Right spin.
Disk: Slip(Sl). Plastic core with a heavy and free-spinning Metal ring. The core has a mechanism that locks the ring at low velocities.
Driver: Boost dash(Bs'). A rubber flat driver with a wind-up system on a high torque gearing. The mechanism is made to work with Slip to where when the disk releases, the catch on the driver does as well, Speeding up the beyblade's rotation speed at the beginning of a battle.
For my character we have Uazuki Mortem ( a guy)
A 14 year old with white hair and black spots on it, wear a shirt with a arm covered and a arm sticking out, with sharp teeth aligned like a triangle. Pretty tall. His pants are short little man dress, with boots and light blue eyes. His personality is quiet, but can get pretty scary in battle. . .
His bey is Murder Unison ZD, AN, (attack type.)
Layer weight Murder Unison= a diamond shaped layer colored white, blue, purple and red with little spaces. In between those spaces are metal contact points that slide. It's called Unison because when hit with heavy damage, the layer contracts (Unison).
Disc is Zodiac, nothing special. Just a disc with a star shaped down for knockout resistance.
Driver= Arcana, which is pretty unique. Similar to Power on Slash Valkyrie, But in corners, there is rubber. And when pressed down, the rubber hits the stadium, giving the bey an extra boost when low on stamina.
Special Moves= Arcana Shoot, the rubber hitting the stadium and giving the bey a boost
Final Unison: The points come together and the rubber hits the stadium, giving an even more power boost and over damaging the bey.
Unison Hail: a basic dive move hitting the opposing bey head on
Perfect Unison: The calling of the layer to contract.
Name:Akage Haru
Bey:Xenon Orion (Stamina Type)
Layer power: Orion's Revenge,Xenon Shield
actually he wears a cap and his cap has an X O sign.So that's why its name Xenon Orion.I make it Stamina Type because if i want my own bey maybe i make it Stamina Type.I don't really understand about disc's and driver so i didn't wirte the disc's types or driver types And the layer design....i'm still work on it.

Story:He meets Aiga somewhere and then they dicided to beybattle together and Aiga wins.Haru was amazed by Aiga's bey(Achilles) and he decided to be his freind.Aiga aceept Haru because Haru is kinda strong.When Aiga wins defeat Valt and became the champion,Aiga needs to go somewhere.Haru was so worried because Aiga is going alone,he beg Aiga that Haru can go along with him.But Aiga say he better do it by himself.So Haru let him be and he go to Beigoma Academy to train his beybattle so he can meet Aiga and beat him.

I think that's all :V
I'm tired besides i'm at school bai

//Rusa out
Name: Zion Albescu

Bey: Zburator Vangaurd Zeta Metsu
Layer base has 5 dragon wings that can be pushed in and pulled out while the GT Chip looks like 2 wolves charging into the center
Blader: Asher Zakari
He is quiet, shy and timid, yet he is incredibly powerful and possesses incredible physical strength, though he may not look like it. He doesn't have many friends and prefers to go by himself, staying hidden in the shadows. He loves music and uses it as a form of escape from the world's problems. When him and his bey work together, their bond is so powerful that even sparks come flying from their resonance.

Bey layer: Monody Fenris
Named after the wolf of Norse mythology, Monody Fenris is a balance type bey. It is able to release three broken chain-like pieces into the stadium, simulating how the wolf would break free from its chains. The design is a wolf's head facing to the right, with red shining eyes.

Disk: Sting

Driver: Rhythm
Rhythm is a balance driver that switches mid battle from attack, defense, and stamina. It goes from an aggressive rubber tip, to releasing more and more of the rubber as it battles. It will act like Xtreme, then Friction, to finally Keep/Orbit.

Special moves: Chain breaker, Harmony wolf, Melodic Crusher

Finisher move: Psycho Fang
Name: James Kibu

Bey: Unite Werewolf, balance type

Appearance: Spiky hair, beanie, when reasonating with werewolf his hair fizzes and his beanie flys off, red jacket with white shirt on the inside, black pants and he has a black glove on his right hand

Personality: Nice, Intense when in a battle.
Bey: dark bone

Layer can absorb attacks. 2 layers top layer can go any Direction bottom layer gos spin direction.can switch between Directions in mid battle

Special move: bone breaker
Type: balance
Character: Diago Akabane

Wear’s black skeleton costume
Bladder Name: Salem Skye
Bey: Betrayal Seer 0 Vortex Zeta’
Bladder Description: Salem Skye is a female with short black hair and red eyes. She trains in the woods, far from anyone else strengthening her muscles. By night she trains in the stadium. She wears black and red clothes and battles with a blindfold on.
Bladder Personality Description: Salem Skye is closed off and doesn't talk with many others unless in a battle. She may come off as mean despite only being herself. She is always either training or working on something. She has not much respect for anyone unless they can beat her in a battle.
Layer description: Betrayal Seer is a right spinning balance type with every type. You change it’s type by rotating a disc on the layer. It changes the appearance of the bey as well as how it behaves. It is a black gold and red bey.
Performance Description: when in balance mode, Seer will be slightly off balance making it wobble and move less than an attack type, while still moving more than a stamina or defense type. When in attack mode Seer will move quite a bit like a Turbo bey in sling shock mode. It will move quickly with hard hits but little stamina. It will have many contact points making this mode quite powerful. While in stamina mode, Seer will take the center and save stamina. It will absorb shocks well, making it move less helping conserve more stamina. In defense mode, Seer will absorb every shock coming it’s way making it nearly impossible to move it. It’s round shape will roll the other bey right off.
Layer appearance description: Betrayal Seer’s appearance changes when the disk is moved.when in balance mode, similar to Z-Achilles, Seer has two main attack contact points, and 2 main defense contact points. This brings balance to the Bey. In addition one defense and one attack point are bigger than the other ones making the Bey slightly off balance. In attack mode there are four main contact points with smaller ones in between. This makes for some red hot battles with plenty of contact and power. When in stamina mode the bey is an almost perfect circle with rubber at the bottom. The rubber is thin, helping absorb shocks without causing much friction. When in defense mode this bey has 2 small “shields” with rubber on them protecting the bey from heavy impacts. The rest of the bey is smooth.
My turn.

Character Name: AYASE KUROSAKI
Beyblade: Rampage Ajax 6Meteor Orbit

Appearance: Ayase sports a long blonde hair with red and vivid dark blue streak. His eye color is red and sports a black headband. He has a fiery logo which is based of the letter R located in his left cheek near his eye. He wears a black leather jacket designed with a Beyblade symbol in his left shoulder and a fiery logo in the chest part underneath a black shirt. He wears a pair of jeans colored turquoise and green blended, along with a chain hanging from his belt. He has a drumstick holder with a pair of black drumsticks in his right belt. He also sports black arm warmers and black fingerless gloves with blue-green cuffs.

Personality: Ayase is described to be serious, hard-working and genius. As a musician, he mostly includes some music catchphrases or terms, similar to Orochi. Ayase is also good at parkour, as in every battle, he runs and flips 3x and stays in air before his bey reaches the stadium, just like Valt's Aerial Boost, and Aiger's launching style. He also has a habit of talking to his bey after every achievement. He is also good at arts, as he designed his own logo on his own. When he resonates with his bey, he picks up is sticks and twirls it before doing a blast beat pattern.

Ayase is based from Fubuki Sumiye, Orochi Ginba, Valt Aoi, and Aiger Akabane.

As for his bey:

Ajax is a Balance-type bey with some similarities with Achilles and Regulus. Ajax sports a thunder-like motif. It switches modes instantly depends upon the battle. Unlike the bey's namesake, Ajax the Great, the lion in his shield attacks from his shield befor Ajax pierces the enemy with his spears.

Layer: Rampage Ajax

Disc: 6

Frame: Meteor

Tip: Orbit

Special moves: Rampage Shield Slam
Infinite Rampage Spin
Byzance Counter
Thunderstorm Breaker
Thunder Slash
Byzance Defense
Ultra Byzance Reboot
I have one. Vero Talc and his bey Volt Vrael V2, down unite. two of the three blades are metal wings and the last one is a metal sword, it is blue and red in coloring, and it is a dragon and rider. The next evolution would be Flame Vrael V2, 7 fusion-s, then Wyrda Vrael V3, 5 vortex needle-s, then Turbo Vrael V4, zenith evolution, then Rise Vrael V5, zenith blitz, then Brisingr Vrael V6, Chassis Evolution dash.

special moves, volt launch, volt pulse, volt whip, vorpal sword.
Flare blitz, Flame burst, flametongue.
fatal whip, fate breaker, fatal defense.
Turbo vrael whip.
Rising sword.
ascending sword - Brisingr!
My character: Luck Kami

My Bey: Divine Lo

A left spin balance type with 2 modes

Mode 1: Absorb mode this mode can steal the spin from any right rotation bey

Mode 2: Bash Mode this mode is when you slide the metal on the layer to cover the rubber and so all major contact points are metal


Layer: Divine Lo

Disk: 00 Bump

Chasis: 1B

Driver: Myth A metal sharp that can be changed into a metal hole flat

Special moves: Scale Armour
Godly Absorb
Dragon's Dive


4 Dragons covered in rubber except for the heads which are metal that can be moved up and locked

The driver is tall and can be twisted to change between modes

My Bey's Prevolutions:
Lo Armed Fusion
Legendary Lo Magna Orbit
Key Lo 8 Cross Trans
Act Lo 10 Turn Xtend+
Wind Lo Convert Trick' Go

Yeah I did it for every generation 😅😅😅😁
One of my characters in my series/OC

Kristoffer Tyson Hohenheim

Eye color:Dark Teal
Hair color:Blonde with red streaks
Bey:Veil Kraken 13Meteor Volcanic' 1D
Gimmick:once the contact points are aligned into the disc.a free spinning part of the layer will start spinning in counterclockwise and the spinning part will become faster and faster for more deadly attacks
veil squall
Counterclockwise Tag (tag team move by Zero Genji)
Ocean Dagger(tag team move by Okasa Kirishima)
Aquatic menace attack
(May. 25, 2020  4:44 PM)daheavydl3 Wrote: [ -> ]One of my characters in my series/OC

Kristoffer Tyson Hohenheim

Eye colorGrinark Teal
Hair color:Blonde with red streaks
Bey:Veil Kraken 13Meteor Volcanic' 1D
Gimmick:once the contact points are aligned into the disc.a free spinning part of the layer will start spinning in counterclockwise and the spinning part will become faster and faster for more deadly attacks
veil squall
Counterclockwise Tag (tag team move by Zero Genji)
Ocean Dagger(tag team move by Okasa Kirishima)
Aquatic menace attack

Name: Benji Tsuyoi
Beyblade: DL: Burning Basilisk, GL: Scorch Basilisk, Cho-Z: Quazar Basilisk, GT: Inferno & asunder Basilisk, Terror Basilisk

Personality: Stubborn, calculating, quick-witted

Moves: Basilisk whip, Aligned counter, Basilisk shield.
(May. 25, 2020  4:54 PM)FreeFafnir64 Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 25, 2020  4:44 PM)daheavydl3 Wrote: [ -> ]One of my characters in my series/OC

Kristoffer Tyson Hohenheim

Eye colorGrinark Teal
Hair color:Blonde with red streaks
Bey:Veil Kraken 13Meteor Volcanic' 1D
Gimmick:once the contact points are aligned into the disc.a free spinning part of the layer will start spinning in counterclockwise and the spinning part will become faster and faster for more deadly attacks
veil squall
Counterclockwise Tag (tag team move by Zero Genji)
Ocean Dagger(tag team move by Okasa Kirishima)
Aquatic menace attack


so you are an FMA bro
(May. 26, 2020  10:06 AM)daheavydl3 Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 25, 2020  4:54 PM)FreeFafnir64 Wrote: [ -> ]HOHENHEIM!

so you are an FMA bro

Yeah, I definitely am. Are you?
(May. 26, 2020  4:11 PM)FreeFafnir64 Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 26, 2020  10:06 AM)daheavydl3 Wrote: [ -> ]so you are an FMA bro

Yeah, I definitely am. Are you?

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