World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: 1/23/11 [Brooklyn, New York] Deikailo's Beyblade Birthday Battle!
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(Jan. 16, 2011  11:23 PM)Sky Prince Wrote: [ -> ]lol. Zeox just got owned by Kai-v... haha, and fyi, i was the one who told Joseph that the super attack is the better buy since it's legal for tourneys. =P good thing i ACTUALLY read the rules and regulations.

to make this not spam:
dani, did u decide to make it a block round robin or double elimination?

Hey I said I wasn't sure ;3

I think she wants it to be block round robin, but if she does not get more judges she has to make it double elim. <Basing it on what she said earlier

darkbladea-Every individual, and do not put family and group together as if it were the same. I think they make exceptions if its your family, but they are not playing just watching over you. They obviously have to be alot older then you though Uncertain
well if you let deikailo know that you're going to use your $5, it counts as your entry fee (since it's really to pay for the rent of the 2nd floor). and it's per blader that's participating in the tourney, not per group.
@ zeox lol. which is y i'm asking if she decided yet... Tongue_out
Hey i'm a new blader and i'd like to wish u a happy birthday and sorry if i cant come i live a little far from new york sorry
(Jan. 17, 2011  12:29 AM)Sky Prince Wrote: [ -> ]well if you let deikailo know that you're going to use your $5, it counts as your entry fee (since it's really to pay for the rent of the 2nd floor). and it's per blader that's participating in the tourney, not per group.
lol. which is y i'm asking if she decided yet... Tongue_out

Lol, its not pay for the rent. Kings games has a rule that to go upstairs for whatever reason,you have to make a $5 purchase I'm actually suprised theres no additional fee. Entering yugioh/mtg tournaments there cost about $10 or $15 to enter if its something special.
LOL! (i'm sorry, your sentences were so pooly formed. it really made me LOL! no offense... )
well, i didn't mean literally the rent.... =P
either way, you're still paying $5...
plus, if i were to buy a snack or drink... my girlfriend would kill me... so i'd have to buy something not edible. my girlfriend is very health conscious and bottled water is bad (which is very true... bottled water has chemicals that you don't even know about....)
edit: ok, you fixed your sentences... haha but still, it was so funny. XD
(Jan. 16, 2011  11:02 PM)Cyber Red Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone have a spare RS i could borrow? my sister made mine get stuck in the heater. I need it for my balance customization.

I'd be willing to buy the RS part for $3 maybe...I need it for a tournament at school and I might use it at this tournament as a backup combo...
(Jan. 16, 2011  11:23 PM)Sky Prince Wrote: [ -> ]dani, did u decide to make it a block round robin or double elimination?
I'm going to decide at the tournament.
(Jan. 17, 2011  12:18 AM)darkbladea Wrote: [ -> ]crayzeperson and I have confirmed with our parents and will be coming to this tournament. Good luck all!

One question: Does every individual have to pay $5 at the concession stand along with the entry fee, or is it for every group/family?
I'm glad to hear it! Smile No, the $5 is included per person in the fee. There's no stand, this is a store.
(Jan. 17, 2011  12:31 AM)Zeox Wrote: [ -> ]Kings games has a rule that to go upstairs for whatever reason,you have to make a $5 purchase I'm actually suprised theres no additional fee. Entering yugioh/mtg tournaments there cost about $10 or $15 to enter if its something special.
The $5 fee is actually going toward first prize. First prize gets $5x in store credit, x representing the amount of players.

In other news, IKMV and I just bombed TRU and I grabbed half of the Beyblades on their shelves for any new bladers who do not have Beyblades. Unfortunately, when I got to the counter, I found out my debit card was missing so IKMV let me use his in the meantime. When I got back to my car (parked at his house, we went in his car) I found my debit card on the ground, frozen in the ice. Wow, we were laughing so hard.
(Jan. 17, 2011  12:38 AM)Sky Prince Wrote: [ -> ]LOL! (i'm sorry, your sentences were so pooly formed. it really made me LOL! no offense... )
well, i didn't mean literally the rent.... =P
either way, you're still paying $5...
plus, if i were to buy a snack or drink... my girlfriend would kill me... so i'd have to buy something not edible. my girlfriend is very health conscious and bottled water is bad (which is very true... bottled water has chemicals that you don't even know about....)
edit: ok, you fixed your sentences... haha but still, it was so funny. XD

......What? You'r girlfreind wont let or drink water? lol. How are you still alive!!

Btw, is using a Hasbro Winder illegal, since its shorter then regular ones? I had this cool thing I wanted to try out at the tourny

Dei: That's funny lol, I was going to go to TRU with my dad to buy some beyblades..and my dad needed some technical stuff, but they had none... Now I'm going to target instead at 8 mixed up target with TRU lol
(Jan. 17, 2011  1:15 AM)Zeox Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 17, 2011  12:38 AM)Sky Prince Wrote: [ -> ]LOL! (i'm sorry, your sentences were so pooly formed. it really made me LOL! no offense... )
well, i didn't mean literally the rent.... =P
either way, you're still paying $5...
plus, if i were to buy a snack or drink... my girlfriend would kill me... so i'd have to buy something not edible. my girlfriend is very health conscious and bottled water is bad (which is very true... bottled water has chemicals that you don't even know about....)
edit: ok, you fixed your sentences... haha but still, it was so funny. XD

......What? You'r girlfreind wont let or drink water? lol. How are you still alive!!

Btw, is using a Hasbro Winder illegal, since its shorter then regular ones? I had this cool thing I wanted to try out at the tourny

Dei: That's funny lol, I was going to go to target with my dad to buy some beyblades..and my dad needed some technical stuff.
I doubt it's illegal considering that's all hasbro sells in light launchers.
Deikailo are japanese beyblades illegal at U.S tournys?
lol. no, she won't let me drink BOTTLED water.... but that's not the subject at hand. My point is, we need the $5 for the 1st place prize. haha, everyone's gonna be battling it out... and oh, i got a new RF... u guys gotta watch out now. >:3 SLIDING SHOOT!!!! AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *flys in they sky with the rubber flat*.
@ dani WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS DRAG ME ALONG?!?!?!? [Image: warstarplz.png?1]
i wanted to buy new blades.... but NOOOO! i had to go to target and get suckish Rock aquario and storm pegasus.... [Image: butbutplz.png]
and i wouldn't have minded riding on a string attached to the back of IKMV's car.... [Image: ultraangryplz.png]
Yes, Takara tomy and Hasbro Beyblades are both legal for tournys
edit: ooohh, zeox owned... again... this time by deikailo... o.O
edit #2: this meant to attach to my most recent post....
(Jan. 17, 2011  1:24 AM)Sky Prince Wrote: [ -> ]@ dani WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS DRAG ME ALONG?!?!?!? [Image: warstarplz.png?1]
i wanted to buy new blades.... but NOOOO! i had to go to target and get suckish Rock aquario and storm pegasus.... [Image: butbutplz.png]
and i wouldn't have minded riding on a string attached to the back of IKMV's car.... [Image: ultraangryplz.png]
I offered for $10, I'd pick you up.

- No, they are legal. Same with Korean beys.
but you didn't say u'd take me up on that offer. T.T
lol. and how does $10 pay for gas?
lol. i guess my purchase was worth it i guess. i got a new attack type and balance. I have a SF tip now (not FS).
Well, generally, you pull up to a gas station pump, put your car in park, get out and give the $10 to the guy at the counter. He then allows $10's worth of gas to empty the pump to the location of your choosing.

If you really wanted to come, you could pick up the phone and call or do I have to be responsible for everyone's personal agenda?
(Jan. 17, 2011  1:49 AM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]Well, generally, you pull up to a gas station pump, put your car in park, get out and give the $10 to the guy at the counter. He then allows $10's worth of gas to empty the pump to the location of your choosing.

If you really wanted to come, you could pick up the phone and call or do I have to be responsible for everyone's personal agenda?

Sky Prince got owned!!! do you know if there will be people watchin us blade?
(Jan. 17, 2011  1:53 AM)Cyber Red Wrote: [ -> ]Sky Prince got owned!!! do you know if there will be people watchin us blade?
Online or in person? In person, parents most likely. We're currently working on a live feed for the rest of the WBO to watch our tournament.
(Jan. 17, 2011  1:54 AM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 17, 2011  1:53 AM)Cyber Red Wrote: [ -> ]Sky Prince got owned!!! do you know if there will be people watchin us blade?
Online or in person? In person, parents most likely. We're currently working on a live feed for the rest of the WBO to watch our tournament.

That's cool...Will it go on the Beychannel on youtube?
(Jan. 17, 2011  1:56 AM)Cyber Red Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 17, 2011  1:54 AM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 17, 2011  1:53 AM)Cyber Red Wrote: [ -> ]Sky Prince got owned!!! do you know if there will be people watchin us blade?
Online or in person? In person, parents most likely. We're currently working on a live feed for the rest of the WBO to watch our tournament.

That's cool...Will it go on the Beychannel on youtube?
No, it's going to be a LIVE feed. Meaning, they will see everything real time with only a 5-10 second processing delay.
T.T datte datte datte datte.... (i'm pretty much saying "but but but but.....")
ahh, well i could get my revenge at the tourney... (unless someone else takes you out first... not that i'm hoping for that... XD)
[Image: shnitzelplz.jpg] the next few days dani... u better not sleep.... because in the middle of the night, i'm gonna go over your house.... AND PLAY BEYBLADE! [Image: shaplz.png?1] (i'm only saying that because you can't sleep. lol)
Deikailo thanks for the info
My cousin might come, he's gonna make an account now.
(Jan. 17, 2011  3:02 AM)Cyber Red Wrote: [ -> ]My cousin might come, he's gonna make an account now.
Yeah, I'm comin'.
If all 33 people on the list show, that means first place wins $165 in store credit...holy carp, I want to win bad now.
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