World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: 1/23/11 [Brooklyn, New York] Deikailo's Beyblade Birthday Battle!
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Daaang....some dam good prizes...
to bad I don't live in New York....Unhappy
wtf i dont check the page for a day and 19 more people entered. this tournament will take forever lol did we break a record someone should check.
(Jan. 19, 2011  4:01 PM)thedefenseking Wrote: [ -> ]wtf i dont check the page for a day and 19 more people entered. this tournament will take forever lol did we break a record someone should check.
The record is 58. Did you check out the new contest?
With so many people, you should definitely do Double Elimination. It is too much for Blocks now. I know you had already been planning the blocks, so contact me if you need help reorganising and understanding the Double Elimination system. In any case it is explained in the Event Guide.

This tournament really needs to work. Not only will it be held in a location known for its organised play, with several participants, but it is ridiculous that none of the past tournaments in New York have worked : more than a year ago, it was a problem with people not attending, or canceling at the last minute; with MorningMess' event, the format of the battles themselves was not respected, judges were not even Bladers, and people were unfairly moved out of the competition if they complained; with Ikki's, nobody had a legal Beystadium, not even one, yet we had used the money collected from the previous tournament to provide great prizes, not to mention Ikki never sent us a list of who paid what; with the latest one, a weird mix of tournament formats was used while the Event Guide clearly explains a very simple method to do the battles, so more matches should have happened, and money was collected at the last second.

I know that apparently this will be your birthday, Deikailo, but we cannot hide the fact that there is a lot of pressure for this event.
If, for whatever reason, we have 36 people or less, I'll go with block robin robin, but as it stands, you're right, it should be double elim.
Whats the new contest
It's on the front page...
(Jan. 19, 2011  5:35 AM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 19, 2011  4:19 AM)StormHollow Wrote: [ -> ]Is there Transportation? If there isn't then I maybe cant come. But if there is and if it can be sent to Spring Valley then alright.
Oh, that's right by Nyack! Haha, I went to school near there.

Anyway, I think Limeguy64 is coming from that general area. You should PM him and ask how he is getting to the tournament. I think he's coming from Nanuet, if I'm not mistaken.

O just wanted to clarify, I'm about 15 minutes south from Nyack. I'll be crossing the Hudson via the Tappan Zee bridge and hoping on the Hudson line down to Grand Central. I'll then use a medley of subways and shuttles to get to Kings Games (if all goes well, aha)

Also, Deikailo, I just wanted to let you know how absolutely excited I am for Sunday. As well as how thankful I am for your efforts in organizing this event.
Jacksonville Florida and I'm only 11 and barely any bladers and no money.
It doesn't look like I can make this one Unhappy my folks say it's too far away, too long of a drive, and too much expenses ( to get in, to eat, and to get gas).
wow, the numbers keep bouncing up and down. mannn....
If you guys don't know the rules and are new to the whole beyblade game, watch this video: =) i just made it last night. so it'll help you guys prepare...
I just went to Kings Games afterschool, I needed to wait there anyway for something but I'm so excited for the tournament in 4 days, Dawn of the something day, 96 hours remain..

Sky prince- I'm gonna watch your vid just for the lolz
lol. i tried to make it as professionally as possible but my younger brother kept ****ing around.... also, i heard that my Takara Tomy attack stadium won't be arriving for another week.... so it wont be in time for the tourney. yeah, i plan on redoing the video once my T.T. Attack stadium arrives. XD
do we need a bladerpassport in this tournament?
So...this you'r 3rd..4th..5th time asking? You got an answer before, just look back
don't worry dude, i'll PM him the answer so he won't have to ask again.....
I find it weird, how his first/only 10 posts are in this thread alone.
well, it's probably because he's rarely on... and when he comes on, he has like 50 posts piled on top of his answer to his question... u gotta admit, we get posts on this thread every 2-3 hours... ok, to get back on topic, yeah, if you guys wanna review the rules again: i might bring my laptop for the purpose of showing this video for the rules. =) .... or deikailo could do that since she's bringing her laptop....
i would come but my brother said he works all weekend idk if my sister could take me
(Jan. 19, 2011  10:09 PM)Sky Prince Wrote: [ -> ]well, it's probably because he's rarely on... and when he comes on, he has like 50 posts piled on top of his answer to his question... u gotta admit, we get posts on this thread every 2-3 hours... ok, to get back on topic, yeah, if you guys wanna review the rules again: i might bring my laptop for the purpose of showing this video for the rules. =) .... or deikailo could do that since she's bringing her laptop....

You say we get posts every 2 - 3 hours, and someone posts after 3 hours. Shouldn't you change where it says format to Double Elimination?
lol. i didn't mean literally 2-3 hours. my point was that people are constantly commenting. and Deikailo didn't decide on double elimination yet... she said she would decide on the day of the tournament... (or something like that)

and what is the purpose of the "afterschool blading program"? like, beyblade isn't really something you could "study". and mailing money is not very reliable... money could be lost in the postage sometimes.....
my sister can't take me she gets of work at 4:00
when will the tournament start like what time do we have to be there like 1, 2, 3, 4, cuz if it 4 i could probably go
Read the OP, it says noon
i did but noon can mean anything from like 12 to 6 or somewhere in that range
I'm pretty sure the format will be selected depending on how many people actually show up.
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