World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: 1/23/11 [Brooklyn, New York] Deikailo's Beyblade Birthday Battle!
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Oh SWEET! me and my friend will go if i can explain to my dad if i can go with him when he gets home.
(Jan. 15, 2011  3:24 PM)DarkBlader237 Wrote: [ -> ]Oh SWEET! me and my friend will go if i can explain to my dad if i can go with him when he gets home.
Okay. Just make sure your friend registers on this website. Tell me when you're both definitely going.
okay, my friends name is bladebreaker157 and i have to call him up because he doesn't go on as much as i do. but i know im definetly goin.
Wow, I went home on Friday, did some stuff, then I wake up on Saturday....

Anyway, so this is sanctioned now, good news!. So, if about 40+ are coming, you sure you have enough tokens? lol. You're gonna have to go to Chuck'e'Cheeses and win a lot of those games lol
My other TT atk stadium came in so ill be bringing them. With all these people coming , mention if you have a TT atk stadium and if you do bring it.
I have a TT atk stadium. So..I'll bring one too IKMV.
(Jan. 15, 2011  2:47 PM)Sky Prince Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 15, 2011  9:20 AM)LILHOBOHUNTER Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan. 15, 2011  8:45 AM)Sky Prince Wrote: [ -> ]wait cye... did your stadium from beyblademon ever come in? or did you make a claim to get your money back and bought a new one?

no he got japan toys 1 beyblademon is a fake a scammer

lol.. i know beyblademon is a scammer.... which is y i asked if cye made his claim...

oh 0.0 psh i knew that >.> <--- rlly didnt know
We'll have enough TT Attack Stadiums because people will be buying the ones I have for sale. ;)
We'll also be using super attack and balance.

To all who bring stadiums, WRITE YOUR NAME ON THEM.

(Jan. 15, 2011  6:16 PM)Zeox Wrote: [ -> ]Wow, I went home on Friday, did some stuff, then I wake up on Saturday....

Anyway, so this is sanctioned now, good news!. So, if about 40+ are coming, you sure you have enough tokens? lol. You're gonna have to go to Chuck'e'Cheeses and win a lot of those games lol
Haha, I'm just going to buy plastic coins for it.

lilhobohunter, stop spamming in my thread. Half of your posts are off topic.
hey wait, you have tt attack stadiums for SALE! How much each, because i really want one but i cant really getmy hands on one.
PM me an offer for it.

EDIT: Actually, I'm just going to Chinese auction them at the tournament.
i cant wait theres 7 more days and the 8th day is the tournament.
Deikailo sign me up for your tournement
I like this guy. He's very direct. Bring your friends, 'kay?
I am defintly comin. sign me up!
(Jan. 15, 2011  9:10 PM)DarkBlader237 Wrote: [ -> ]I am defintly comin. sign me up!
You're already on the list...
hey wait, i saw the calender on the website, and they didnt have the beyblade tourney on it. why?
I'll go tell a committee member to add it. Good call.
yea it was. oh and on which floor will the tourney be? and what stadiums will be used? im bringing my lightning force stadium.
TT attack, super attack, and balance stadiums. Second floor.
(Jan. 15, 2011  9:21 PM)DarkBlader237 Wrote: [ -> ]yea it was. oh and on which floor will the tourney be? and what stadiums will be used? im bringing my lightning force stadium.

I don't think anyone will want to play in a Hasbro Stadium (plus its not legal for the Tournament matches), but I guess you can never tell for sure
Awesome thanks. did you add bladebreaker157 (my friend) to the list? oh and are any staff members comin?
You can check the list to see that, for both questions. But to save some time, No to both. (Though I think she will add your freind to the list eventually)
(Jan. 15, 2011  9:25 PM)DarkBlader237 Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome thanks. did you add bladebreaker157 (my friend) to the list? oh and are any staff members comin?
I didn't add him because you said he was a maybe. Once he's a definite, I will add him.

No, there are no staff members in New York at this point in time.
I just called him up right know, and hes defintly comin!
Good. That means we have 26 confirmed. Right now, I'm organizing the blocks.
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