xXJCherzXx's (XJ's) Signature and Avatar Shop (NOW PERMANENT)

Could you make me a Sig with Gladiator Bahamdia and Bandid Goreim? 250x250. I would want the sign to have Bahamdia on the left and Goreim on the right with a split-screen effect.
Could you also make it have lightning in the background on Bahamdia's side and maybe rocks on Goreim's side?

Please reply,
how long will it take
Hey guys, this is taking WAY too long. He keeps saying he'll get it done by a certain day and then on that day it never happens. I'm going to find someone else to talk my request. I advise the same for you.
Dude hasn't been online since Tuesday, January 29th, 2013 06:30 PM

Safe to say you can cancel here and request elsewhere at this point.

OP, send me a private message to have this thread re-opened, m'kay?