Before I left the beyblade community 4 years ago, I tested a lot of "re-bounder" combos. These combos were, and pretty much still are novelties. To my knowledge, they have never been widely used tournaments anywhere. In almost all arenas, they perform very dismally. Anything, even hard core attack types, can easilly outspin them. However, when re-bounder combos win, they win in a spectacular fashion, often throwing the other beyblade several feet or breaking the attack ring. Two things make a beyblade combo a re-bounder, an aggressive attack ring (high recoil is vital) and a rubber sharp tip. Every action creates an equal and opposite reaction, for this reason, both beyblades are hit with the same amount of force when they collide. When an agressive attack type hits a rebounder, a spectacular amount of force is transferred to both beyblades. This is most apparent when two beyblades with "smash" attack rings collide. This sort of impact often results in a double K.O. However, the rubber sharp tip on the rebounder often prevents it from being knocked out of the arena (or in the case of a hasbro arena, pocketed). In most arenas, these beyblades unreliable and using them is often a gamble. However , if a takara arena that is very small of has a lot of "open" space ever comes into widespread use, re-bounders could become very powerful.
This is my 5 layer rebounder combo
Bit chip: anything with a bit chip cover, because bit chip covers are bad-carp
Attack ring: poseidon
weight disk: wide defense
spin gear: left, heavy metal core
base: seaborg
poseidon's attack ring has absolutely beastly smash in left spin. It has so much re-coil, it is almost unusable. This is its only real use. Due to this recoil, poseidon attack rings in left spin are very prone to breaking. I had three, and after an hour or two of testing, was down to one. poseidon was from a random booster and is very hard to find now.
Master dragoon's attack ring is a good substitute, but is less agressive, substituting full on smash for upper attack.
Venus's attack ring is also a good substitute, but it is quite rare.
This is my 5 layer rebounder combo
Bit chip: anything with a bit chip cover, because bit chip covers are bad-carp
Attack ring: poseidon
weight disk: wide defense
spin gear: left, heavy metal core
base: seaborg
poseidon's attack ring has absolutely beastly smash in left spin. It has so much re-coil, it is almost unusable. This is its only real use. Due to this recoil, poseidon attack rings in left spin are very prone to breaking. I had three, and after an hour or two of testing, was down to one. poseidon was from a random booster and is very hard to find now.
Master dragoon's attack ring is a good substitute, but is less agressive, substituting full on smash for upper attack.
Venus's attack ring is also a good substitute, but it is quite rare.