eBay Topic

I don't think people are interested in RC Blades...Unhappy-(No offence)
(Jan. 26, 2009  8:11 PM)Anu Wrote: I don't think people are interested in RC Blades...Unhappy-(No offence)

I'm not going to buy that because of the RC blades, those are worthless (except for the AR).... but don't you see other blades there like Bistool, Metal Dranzer, Dragoon S (Phantom force series) and Draciel MBD. :\
Oops! Sorry Guess I missed out on that... Unhappy.Silly Me
yeah thats an awsome lot
The Dranzer V2 and the Dragoon V2 at the front.
Doh! That lot was perfect for me.. if those weren't rc blades...! I saw a Dranzer MS too...right?
I'm SERIOUSLY thinking to buy all the lot for only that Dranzer MS...Tongue_out
There's already been a DIBS by Aqua... Remember Tongue_out
Well, I already have half of those blades...but that Dranzer MS...I can't resist...Unhappy
Quote: yeah that's a Dranzer MS

(Jan. 27, 2009  2:22 PM)Anu Wrote: Yep... That's Dranzer MS

You posted a whole minute later. There is no need to repeat what was already said.
I thot you already had lyk A new 1??? Or is this the same...?
Geez.......that ain't cheap. :\
(Jan. 27, 2009  9:37 PM)DrigerGT Wrote: Dranzer S.


The guy who wrote the item description is hilarious.

I want that so much though. Dranzer S is a seriously cool as blade. =D
A nice lot of Hasbro blades including bistool =O
Saw that a few minutes ago.


I promise to outbid anyone here, so please dont bid because its only going to cost me more. Then again, I like a challenge.
(Jan. 29, 2009  4:50 AM)moviegoer15 Wrote: Saw that a few minutes ago.


I promise to outbid anyone here, so please dont bid because its only going to cost me more. Then again, I like a challenge.

You've got balls.
someone make a fake account and bid the hell out of it
(Jan. 29, 2009  5:20 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: someone make a fake account and bid the hell out of it

I had an idea youd say that. It would be nice if that diddnt happen though :]

Forget what I said and bid if you want. But that doesent mean I'll go easy on you. (Is he joking?) Find out on your own.