eBay Topic

still insane prices
what are the chances i'll get to sell a brand new limited or rare beyblade for $200 on ebay?
(Jan. 21, 2009  2:31 AM)Brimstone Wrote: what are the chances i'll get to sell a brand new limited or rare beyblade for $200 on ebay?

Idk 200 is just waay out there. I know there was a Dragoon MS for 100 but. 200!? That's just crazy...Oh and not to mention Quetz's plummet in rarity. lol
lol. well it's worth a try. note that there are many serious collectors out there and would do anything to get their hands on precious things like limited or hard to find blades
it would depend on which beyblade, but i don't think there are any beyblades worth that much
if i find that lost Black Dranzer, i will put it up on ebay for $200. lol (just a test)
you're out of your mind, black dranzer is worth maybe $20 and isn't rare
(Jan. 21, 2009  2:41 AM)Brimstone Wrote: if i find that lost Black Dranzer, i will put it up on ebay for $200. lol (just a test)

You never know, someone might buy it. And is the Hasbro or Takara ver?
it's just a test remember. just to see how far someone might go on a purchase like this.
it's Hasbro version.. i doubt i'll find it
Still wonderin who'd be dumb enough to fall for that. No offence 2 ne1. Tongue_out XD
(Jan. 21, 2009  3:36 AM)Brimstone Wrote: maybe youll be my 1st costumer Smile

stop being a tool
dibs cause its cheap and i need 10 heavy
(Jan. 21, 2009  7:09 PM)Giga Wrote: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/new-beyblade-grevolution-engine-gear_W0QQitemZ250359876852QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Toys_Creative_Educational_RL?hash=item250359876852&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72:1298|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318
dibs cause its cheap and i need 10 heavy

Takara Metal Driger is much better ... this doesn't have HMC. It's worthless.
yeah okay just found a Takara
cancel the dibs Tired
show it to me

there's been fake metal driger going around on ebay
There have been some Beyblades on eBay claiming to be Takara with Takara box pics, but when you get them they're TT Hongli. Be careful.
hmm what should i do
$12 (about) is quite alot of money these days..
if it's not the correct item, file a paypal dispute
yeah ok thanks brad also found this
cause im bagsying it
I know I tend to buy things just because they look pretty but seriously, they're only one real beyblade in that and it's kinda crappy. D: