eBay Topic

(Jun. 04, 2012  9:31 AM)Ultra Wrote: Yep cause combos using semi flat can't defeat Wolborg 4 combos or Driger v2. Definitely not. Keep in mind that not everyone has amazing parts like you bro.

You know, more people would appreciate your expertise if you lost the sarcastic, grouchy attitude.

My Driger V2 setup (10 heavy and MG Core as I can't spare an HMC) seems to work fine against it for KO *and* OS, but driger v2 has it's limitations, much like BB Semi Flat.

As for wolborg 4, winding the engine gear and launching aggressively seems to work for me in terms of both KO and more often, OS.

In both cases, its light weight also makes it susceptible to various collision launches.

And no, most people don't, but generally the people who win in the larger plastic metagames use combinations that laugh at it, the UK meta included, and I wouldn't see it winning in India either.

Anyway, it's not a bad part, there are just better choices, and unless you're just facing balance types, which are admittedly quite common, it's not going to win you any tournaments, at least not in a way something else couldn't do more reliably.
That wasn't supposed to be grouchy so sorry if it came off that way. I wasn't saying it in a bad way like i'm jealous or whatever. You say that Metal change isn't weak to other things but if yours doesn't move much it gets completely blown away by attack. It's happened to me. Even stuff like Dranzer V base beats a centered driger S. I've never used 10BBistool. Mold 2 of the AR has nothing on mold 1 in terms of performance. Also I do think that LeeDraciel did use the exact type of combo i'm talking about (driger S AR on BB Semi Flat) and did quite well with it. And his friend who used the same kind of thing got third. You're wrong about the UK apart from like 2 people. Blitz used a Zombie and someone else did too and I saw some attack types too.
It definitely came accross as such, apologies if it wasn't intended that way.
I'll PM you my response as this is getting well away from the topic, haha.

Basically: no, it's not a bad part, but there are better parts for doing the same things, and while it might get you to the finals in a few metagames, it's not likely to win them, or give you as good a chance as a good compact setup especially if anyone has an attack type, and you would do better spending a little more on something more reliable/versatile.
Sorry about interrupting the discussion here, but what Offer do you think would be high enough that no one else would bother to out-bid it (be realistic here) -

I mean, the box is damaged, so the pieces inside could actually be damaged, but that's the risk you take. Was hoping to just put a high bid in and leave it, really can't be bothered to snipe for it.
Snipe with a massive price at the end of the auction, or close to it, don't put in a massive bid 9 days out as it gives others time to think.

Honestly, on ebay the price could be anything, people go crazy for certain nib hasbro beys.
You never know with ebay UK. I mean sometimes I think the people who bid know nothing after bidding a lot on junk with fakes mixed in it and then other times there are people who realize that they should buy the rare early beys when they appear (and they do, beating me there Argh! )
Yeah, I think I'll snipe in the last 2 or 3 seconds of the auction (E.g: Say if it's at £28, I'll go in at £45)

Strange how I ask around about that Bey NIB, and then the same day it turns up on eBay.
I don't think it will go for higher than £20 to be honest... if you're lucky you might even get it at £10. Then again, I could be really off, but if you're gonna snipe then do it 7 seconds out just in case there's a delay in your bid being processed.
(Jun. 04, 2012  3:45 PM)Zain Wrote: I don't think it will go for higher than £20 to be honest... if you're lucky you might even get it at £10. Then again, I could be really off, but if you're gonna snipe then do it 7 seconds out just in case there's a delay in your bid being processed.

I could see it going to at least £30, but out of interest what makes you say that?

Is it because of its condition?
I saw a BIN Dranzer S for £12 a while back and it wasn't bought for so long. Just seems like these old school beyblades don't go for much, based on my selling of beys such as Dragoon S (NIB).
(Jun. 04, 2012  4:00 PM)Zain Wrote: I saw a BIN Dranzer S for £12 a while back and it wasn't bought for so long. Just seems like these old school beyblades don't go for much, based on my selling of beys such as Dragoon S (NIB).

Was it a Hasbro version? Because I've seen a SonoKong Dranzer S BIN for £8. Also was it a NIB?

It seems on eBay the Hasbro versions are much more sought after then the Takara/SonoKong versions.
(Jun. 04, 2012  4:10 PM)Zain Wrote: It was the Hasbro version, box was in almost mint condition.

Hmm, How long ago was that?

I might get these:


Seem like a good deal, and I need some grip launchers.
They're only more sought after due to nostalgia and because most people only know about the hasbro ones.
Just to let anyone know who's interested, there's a few (around 5 or 6) NIB original hasbro Beys coming up on eBay atm, all for bid, but still.

I know they're really rare these days, but I'm not sure if they're worth that much (Bearing Stinger)^
Very rare but that's quite a lot of money.
Nah, not for that price, even if it is NIB.
I dunno, there was a big craze about them. I have one and it's decently useful in a competitive sense but on those terms you could do more for your money.

It's pretty rare to see one NIB though.

I probably wouldn't but it's not an unrealistic price, and it's a very nice beyblade.
It's not so horrible a price that a true collector who wants one wouldn't buy it in a heartbeat IMO. But yeah you could buy a plastic lot on YJA with all costs included for that amount.
(Jun. 06, 2012  5:08 PM)Ultra Wrote: It's not so horrible a price that a true collector who wants one wouldn't buy it in a heartbeat IMO. But yeah you could buy a plastic lot on YJA with all costs included for that amount.

Pretty much exactly what I wanted to say but couldn't find the words for.
It's been on eBay for well over a week now, I'd probably get it if it was say £20-£25, but I'm not going to pay £38 for one Bey (That's without the £7 P&P)

I've got my eye on other Beys atm.

While still quite high its much better than it was before.
Eurgh, still ridiculous IMO...