Hi guys, i have a question for you who doesn't let my mind free. The point is: which is the effect that brings a right spin bey to move anti clockwise in the first part of a battle, then it returns to spin right when the rotation becomes slow? Same for left spin ones, clockwise rotation then anti clockwise when the bey starts to lose its spin velocity. I just can't get it...
beyblade & physics
If you launch your bey, you’ll notice that your right-spinning beyblade is traversing the stadium anti-clockwise. The reason for this is all in the performance tip. Looking at your performance tip close up, you’ll see a circular ridge on the performance tip known as the contact point of the performance tip for the stadium. When launched, the contact point of the performance tip is on the side of the ridge that is facing away from the center of the stadium. Since your bey is spinning right, if you look at it from a side view, the performance tip will look like it’s constantly turning left when in reality, it’s turning clockwise. This left looking movement is what propels the beyblade anti-clockwise by pushing it away from the left of the stadium and traversing to the right of the stadium. If you tilt your launcher too far and launch it, the contact point of the performance tip will be the the ridge of it that is facing toward the Center of the stadium, creating the same movement of what I explained before, but now it’s acting as if the performance tip is mirroring what it’s doing while still turning clockwise. To demonstrate. Place a piece of paper or anything in front of you, put an object in the middle, place your beyblade on the flat paper then tilt it forward or back. Tilt it backward to see the contact being the ridge that is facing away from the Center, then turn it. It will begin to move anti-clockwise of the center. Now tilt it forward to see the contact being the ridge that faces towards the center of the stadium then turn it. You’ll suspect that by turning it from those two angles you’re actually making them move in the opposite direction of each other as if they are mirrored. Blame me if you want, I’m a bad mentor.
I should blame you for what
? I apologize for my ignorance, but you mean that a layer like v3 actually hits with the back of its wings? Not with the sharpest part of them? The best thing you could do is a slow-mo vid of a complete free rotation of it, without opponents, till it stops spinning.
I apologize again for my unforgivable lack of knowledge...

I apologize again for my unforgivable lack of knowledge...
(Apr. 13, 2018 11:06 AM)bblader/90 Wrote: I should blame you for what? I apologize for my ignorance, but you mean that a layer like v3 actually hits with the back of its wings? Not with the sharpest part of them? The best thing you could do is a slow-mo vid of a complete free rotation of it, without opponents, till it stops spinning.
I apologize again for my unforgivable lack of knowledge...
No actually.
There are some beyblades which do this type of attacks and burst on their. Like dragoon
While gV does hits from starring of it's blades , the opponent can even have contact from the back of it's wings. While opponent is left spiining and god Valkyrie is spiining flower than those wings can even it a win
Maybe you meant starting from its wings (forward part, the sharpest)...
Thank you, 2 kind

Actually this thread should be in beyblade general. And this thread is helpful to explain customisation. Any moderator please move this thread to beyblade general.