Instead of looking at specific combinations which it would be hard to collect data on much less analyze a pattern in, I grouped combinations together based on their wheel/track/tip and their purpose. Ex: Right-Spin B
. Thus far, success has been reported with 28 different wheel/track/tip-purpose combinations. And 154 combinations used. However, grouping things into our four basic categories felt too basic for my purpose so I subdivided them into(along with the basics):
Attack: Designed to KO their opponent or OS it by destabalizing their opponent.
Stamina: Designed to outlast Stamina types.
Balance: Designed to be a combiantion of two or more of the basic types of Beyblade.
Zero-G attack: Designed to "sway" the opponent out by using a combination of immense weight and speed.
Zero-G defense: Designed to effectively outlast a Zero-G attacker.
Hybrid: A combination of two types of Beyblade.
F230: A combination utilizing F230.
Dragooon^2 TH170Q: Becuase I don't know where it should be placed.
Storm___ DF145RF: Becuase I don't know where it should be placed.
Next, allow us to look at the most popular custom pairings. Note: At this point, for an accurate count of uses add one to the displayed number:
And last, but certainly not least, an analysis of the most popular types:
Conclusions for people who don't want to look at the data themselves:
Even in a format designed for Zero-G attack, people are still too scared to use it, yet if anyone does wise up and use it they will dominate due to the overwhelming presence of stamina and absence of defense and few Zero-G defense customs.
The most popular part customs are, Right spin B
, Left-spin B
, Duo-Based Stamina, CF-Based F230, and GCF-Based F230.

Attack: Designed to KO their opponent or OS it by destabalizing their opponent.
Stamina: Designed to outlast Stamina types.
Balance: Designed to be a combiantion of two or more of the basic types of Beyblade.
Zero-G attack: Designed to "sway" the opponent out by using a combination of immense weight and speed.
Zero-G defense: Designed to effectively outlast a Zero-G attacker.
Hybrid: A combination of two types of Beyblade.
F230: A combination utilizing F230.
Dragooon^2 TH170Q: Becuase I don't know where it should be placed.
Storm___ DF145RF: Becuase I don't know where it should be placed.
Next, allow us to look at the most popular custom pairings. Note: At this point, for an accurate count of uses add one to the displayed number:
Spoiler (Click to View)
Spoiler (Click to View)
Conclusions for people who don't want to look at the data themselves:
Even in a format designed for Zero-G attack, people are still too scared to use it, yet if anyone does wise up and use it they will dominate due to the overwhelming presence of stamina and absence of defense and few Zero-G defense customs.
The most popular part customs are, Right spin B