Your first and favourite beyblades?

Post your first beyblade, and your favourite one.(If you want)

First beyblade: DarkwolfDF145FS

Favourite beyblade: Lightning L-Drago100HF

I love l-drago because he has a unique left spin, his launcher is bigger than the others launchers that come with beyblades, the ripcord looks cool, he can change modes and that it's a forbidden Bey.
They both have individual thread already
dragoon (the 1st dragoon ever made :\)
favoirte: dragoon series(if you dont include strata his series to),leon series, lighting Ldrago

i like the dragoon series cause the were strong and i love dragoon ^-^
leon series cause of the face,kyoya,i am a defense blader now,he looks so cool ^-^
Lighting Ldrago cause his left spin launcher and his left spin
There are already threads for both.
First Beyblade Ever
Favourite Beyblade