[Worldwide]Team Hammer Bolt: Accepting New Members

Poll: which is better

storm pegasis
cyber pegasis
galaxy pegasis
cosmic pegasis
big bang pegasis
samurai pegasis
Total: 100% 5 vote(s)
Wbo name: Hassan Davis
Age: 13
Most powerful bey: Spiral Lyre
Bey record: 14-2
Great, both of you can join. But um, icedragon I need what I got from Hassin. Any way welcome. Rules will be pmed around today.
my birthday im 19
(May. 02, 2013  9:20 PM)UltimiteOrion Wrote:
(May. 02, 2013  9:14 PM)Ethan H Wrote: yep

no one word posts please...

Guys Demon, Tony, Ethan, don't post stuff like this on my and Sora's thread also Tony I all ready said that you have been excluded from the team and no longer a member, post things on here again and I contact a moderator to handle you tony again let me get this in your head your fired
Tony You are fired get out before I report you
Triforce wait did you say that kyler was going to propose a team tournament? Where is it going to be?
Its going to be in virginia or north carolina but im not sure where or when because i dont live in north carolina
im a new member to i've alreadty signed up too
welcome to the team Again Kisame Akatsuki. This isn't the new thread though
I will join your team
Lightsword 554
Best bey Burn Virgo Sw145WD
Im a Beginner
Sure Welcome aboard Lightsword
Just to let you know, he applied for another team as well.
He what. Whaaaaaat!?!?!
Wait what team
Team Legend Bladers that team Mr. 554
Oh meh who cares about that team it sounds boring. Well I guess their
team members care
Mr lightsword If you applied for another team then stay with that team thanks for the help Ultramarine I really appreciate it

Also if that team cares then go to that team and stop bothering mine cause you just wasted my Time
It seems that your not ment to be using Mr to me I should be using it to you because your older then me
P.M.Team Meeting: Combo Discussion
What do you want to talk about?
We need to figure out our Combo Strategies. We have to do it through private messaging or someone would steal them.
If you guys have a Skype, do a multi-person voice call. If you'd like help with combos though with your discussion, send drpepsidew (me) a message on Skype and I'll join the conversation.