I've broken my friends LLD clear wheel in two, then one wing on upper mode cracked so he had to get a new one. With GPerseus. Then I versed my friend Bryan in a MXS. He used LLD C145WD. My GPerseus 90RF sent him into a wall breaking a claw(I think the claw already broke before it hit the wall), and damaging his WD. Then Karma came back. My Gperseus Clear Wheel broke in half because of my MF Libra T125RF. -__-. Today I had a three way Match My Bey was MF Pegasis 85RF, My friend Arnold Used LLD 100RF and the other(Rember) used LLD 105RF. When Rembers bey went up into the slope, my Pegasis Went under him, upper smashed him, his rf fell off.And his 105 broke in half. I have a Bad Habit.
"Abandon your fear. Look forward. Move forward and never stop. You'll age if you pull back. You'll die if you hesitate." -Zangetsu
My Goal: Defeat Bluezee.....And Kei.
Nanuet, NY
May 7, 2011
TOYWIZ Champion.
Beyblade Tournament
TOYWIZ Champion.