Whine about your breaks

(Apr. 22, 2010  12:52 AM)Aqua Wrote:
(Apr. 22, 2010  12:05 AM)RyomaEchizen Wrote: All 4 of my ripcords for MFB are broken Unhappy my last one literally snapped in half. Is it me or are they really easy to break?

Have you been straightening your winders?

Yeah they were pretty straight, as straight as I could get them to be. But I did have to straighten them a few times since they curled back up a lot. Do you know what I'm doing wrong if they keep curling back up? Now I'm trying not to brake my beylaunchers haha! Since my light launchers can't be used Unhappy I've had really bad luck with ripcords! Like when I bought a Driger MS years back and the ripcord had already snapped before I even took it out the plastic bag with the instructions and stickers.
finally my beylaucher prongs broke only one of em did but amazing ly i was using it then the handle snaped only one of em did then i thught it still can be used

AHHHHH wolfs metal bit went in my finger and it hurts
(Apr. 23, 2010  8:01 AM)RyomaEchizen Wrote: Yeah they were pretty straight, as straight as I could get them to be. But I did have to straighten them a few times since they curled back up a lot. Do you know what I'm doing wrong if they keep curling back up? Now I'm trying not to brake my beylaunchers haha! Since my light launchers can't be used Unhappy I've had really bad luck with ripcords! Like when I bought a Driger MS years back and the ripcord had already snapped before I even took it out the plastic bag with the instructions and stickers.
Perhaps you do not launch straight. We have also noticed that old winders seem to break on their own probably because of age.
Kai I think you summed up my problem with winders pretty well. Now I know that I need to pull the winder straight. Before, I was pulling to the right for more traction with the gears.
my dranzer-s AR was destroyed and its was my fav dranzer blade that i have(mind i only got s & f :L) so i replased it with a kellogg's AR that is very strongSmile
(Apr. 23, 2010  11:11 AM)Kai-V Wrote:
(Apr. 23, 2010  8:01 AM)RyomaEchizen Wrote: Yeah they were pretty straight, as straight as I could get them to be. But I did have to straighten them a few times since they curled back up a lot. Do you know what I'm doing wrong if they keep curling back up? Now I'm trying not to brake my beylaunchers haha! Since my light launchers can't be used Unhappy I've had really bad luck with ripcords! Like when I bought a Driger MS years back and the ripcord had already snapped before I even took it out the plastic bag with the instructions and stickers.
Perhaps you do not launch straight. We have also noticed that old winders seem to break on their own probably because of age.

Yeah probably I did not launch straight haha.. I've noticed I've been pulling it to the side so maybe why they snap easily for me
just broke a 3 bump kings after falling into the center of the blender stadium
A friend took a part my Left Spin Launcher...and now it doesn't work >.>

luckily they left afterwards..because I didn't know about it until an hour after they left
My Dark Effigy MS' Circle Upper snapped when battling Wolborg MS a few days ago. -.-
(May. 18, 2010  10:08 AM)Cpt. Squirrel Wrote: My Dark Effigy MS' Circle Upper snapped when battling Wolborg MS a few days ago. -.-

Ouch! I wonder what could've caused that.
Most likely age.
I don't think it was age, since it was a mint condition one that I bought, and the metal was still silver. I don't even know what happened, it might have got caught on the bottom of Wolborg MS's attack ring where there's a little gap in it on each of the 3 claws.
Ah that's absolutely horrible... Especially since it's such a useful part. =/ i feel sorry for you.
(May. 18, 2010  10:08 AM)Cpt. Squirrel Wrote: My Dark Effigy MS' Circle Upper snapped when battling Wolborg MS a few days ago. -.-

Aww man, that sucks. Unhappy
My Lightning LDrago is now with cracks:
Nothing special:
Let's see:
Close up:
(May. 28, 2010  11:12 AM)RエスコルピオT125JB Wrote: My Lightning LDrago is now with cracks

Hmm...that's unusual.Confused
omg how did that happen, regular use?
(May. 28, 2010  2:13 PM)momiji manju Wrote: omg how did that happen, regular use?

I have played with regular use, and I realized the cracks this afternoon, and posted the picture here. It can still be used, I don't think it will break but it is losen
never heard of one breaking from regular use before. =/ I feel sorry for your loss
I don't mind, LLDrago is cheap in Hong Kong
(May. 28, 2010  2:25 PM)RエスコルピオT125JB Wrote: I don't mind, LLDrago is cheap in Hong Kong

Yup, Lightning LDrago 100HF is sold for approximately $11 USD in HK.
(May. 28, 2010  2:30 PM)diamondclimax Wrote: Yup, Lightning LDrago 100HF is sold for approximately $11 USD in HK.

I bought mine for approximately $9 USD, I will buy one again tomorrow
my kids draciel vs. my cuzins Left spin dragoon (first one released)
first launch we hear a loud crack and my cuzin gets hit in the face with half of his weight disk. We could never find the other half
I just buy a dark gasher.
I use the ch120 on my S.pegasus.
I pull the ch120 into 140 mode.
the thing breaks apart.

Will post pics later.

(the ch120 broke within a few hours.)