Whine about your breaks

I always thought breaking WDs were BS too... until last night haha. To be fair though, the WD looked pretty aged.

It was one of my darker green ones from a RB too Lips_sealed I should start using War Lions for now on since I have more of them...
Sorry about your 10-wide and Tiger Denfence bro.
G, both breaks happened to me as well, broke in the same spots. My Tiger Defenser was PF, tho, dunno about yours. Anyway, that sux.
(Mar. 16, 2009  11:59 AM)Arjun Wrote: In 7 years I have never come close to breaking a weight disk. How you guys do it still baffles me.

Sorry about the parts though, tiger defense is an awesome AR.

I have broken about 4 WD in the past 6 years =/
In all the time I've been playing the only thing I have ever broken is a Galzzly Sub AR >.> lol
I'm to careful with my blades ^^

EDIT: Just broke one of my MFB shooters Pinching_eyes_2 the bit which holds the blades on the shooter broke.
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Ah before the hiatus when i still had all my beyblades my friend Jeff 's i think Dragoon MS jumped on top of my Driger MS and broke the BB off i was so sad Driger was my 1st HMS beyblade :{
I tihnk my 1ts beybalde Dragoon S was destroyed by DEMS also Jeff's
(Mar. 18, 2009  10:28 AM)Blitz Wrote: In all the time I've been playing the only thing I have ever broken is a Galzzly Sub AR >.> lol
I'm to careful with my blades ^^

EDIT: Just broke one of my MFB shooters Pinching_eyes_2 the bit which holds the blades on the shooter broke.

Oh carp. How did this happen? and how can I avoid this?
(Mar. 18, 2009  10:28 AM)Blitz Wrote: In all the time I've been playing the only thing I have ever broken is a Galzzly Sub AR >.> lol
I'm to careful with my blades ^^

EDIT: Just broke one of my MFB shooters Pinching_eyes_2 the bit which holds the blades on the shooter broke.

That sucks. It's a good thing that the launcher is being sold separately now.
I used this one a lot and it broke >.> I may of twisted the blade on to tight, as they kept falling off this particular shooter. It snapped off when I launched one of the blades (was a Libra 100B)
It actually still works, but there is no point in using it as I have others.
yeah in my time ive had so many blades of mine break. my mate used hayates attack ring but it was metal and that thing shattered my poor plastic beyblades so if i was in a tournament with mates or just in general id always forfeit to him his blade even drastically damaged my stadium Unhappy but since those are illegal my friend retired his blade. But unless i have 2 copies of a blade i wont beyblade because my blades breaking is a scary thought
(Mar. 16, 2009  7:24 AM)G Wrote: Guys, I think I broke my first WD today. I said think since I saw something break and flew away. I can't find any evidence of it since it broke after the first hit. I know a WD broke though since the AR is attached the the BB still... I'll get back to you guys on this.


3 pieces
[Image: DSC01606.jpg]

chipped part of the head of a Tiger Defense

I once broke one too.

[Image: scattered.png]

[Image: layout.png]
lol ouch that blade copped a bashing
*Is angry*
My Dranzer RC launcher broke!
Okay, two new breaks! Master Dragoon wing ripped off AR, Dranzer GT wing ripped off AR, Dranzer GT engine core AND base completely destroyed. All done by my new combo which is this:

Dark Crusader Combo:
AR: Strike Turtle
WD: 10 Wide
SG: Right SG: Bearing Version 2: Rubber Grip
SP: Defense Ring
BB: Customize Grip
Damn that sucks. I always use my Dranzer RC launcher, it seems to be the one that works the best.

That's a lot of breaks. Hope you have mulitiples of those.
Yeah I have enough I just need to get them from storage.
There are a lot of 10 wides being broken recently. This is slightly worrying since I only am in possession of one.
I have only broken one of my 10 Wides like a year ago. I take good care of mine.
(Mar. 22, 2009  1:33 PM)Aqua Wrote: Raykon:
Damn that sucks. I always use my Dranzer RC launcher, it seems to be the one that works the best.

That's a lot of breaks. Hope you have mulitiples of those.

I know, I still have my dragoon grip so yea.
My friend(Tyson) has broken a lot of his stuff lately.
-3 ripcords
-2 right hand launchers.
In about a week and a half. I feel sorry for him. :\
my Electronic Dranzer Launcher just stp wrokin but i can still use it as a Launcher but now i can't play the little game on it Unhappy
(Mar. 22, 2009  4:06 PM)Bluezee Wrote: I have only broken one of my 10 Wides like a year ago. I take good care of mine.

how exactly do you "take care" of a weight disk
Broke a Wolf Crusher today using:

AR: Samurai Upper
WD: CWD Defense