Whine about your breaks

(Oct. 14, 2010  10:02 AM)OkiBlaze Wrote: *Sigh*...Another broken metal wheel. This makes three...FML.

This one was my Earth. One of the walls broke off...

IDK what I'm doing wrong to make all of my wheels break...is it just because of overuse?

dude how hard were u bladin?<off topic.
What do you mean how hard?
That Earth has been the base for all of my testings and has taken many hard hits...
I guess it's just over use.

I've had that Earth for about...6 months now?
Dang, that makes me realize that Oki risked his beys for us. Thanks Oki, when I win the lotto, I'll replace the Earth with a golden one. :p
^LOL. I got so paranoid of my beys becoming damaged I put them in bubble wrap. ^^ Ever since my first beylauncher broke I haven't used my other ones yet. T_T
(Oct. 14, 2010  10:04 PM)lightninglibraX Wrote: AGHHH my beylauncher L/R is starting to tear! the string is now fluffy and sticks out of the handle!!! You'd think something like this would only happen to other people, but never to you......

mine did the same thing dude i just used a scissors and a knife to cut the fluffy things out
How do people get their Beylauncher strings to fray and tear? Is there a correlation between the people who pull sideways, and people who pull backwards?
Hah, I don't know how it is even possible for the string to tear. =S
I launch sideways because it feels much more comfortable and I'm used to it. The only reason my launcher broke was because somehow the string didn't retract properly. D:
Well, if it's a sign I've been heavily using my first beylauncher ever since I first bought it and besides the little circular "cap" on the handle and occasional squeaking sound upon slow retraction, it is fine.
"Slow retraction" but it still retracts all the way back right ?
Because mine stops half way and I have to wind it by hand. D:

But like I launch it really hard; I like pull the string and let go with mega power. Unsmith
It does. By slow retraction, I was referring to my own intervention into purposely making it retract slowly (holding the handle).
I used to use a wristband and connected the handle to it. But I took too much effort so I couldn't be stuffed (completely regret it now).
(Oct. 15, 2010  2:59 AM)Mc Frown Wrote: That really shouldn't do any harm.

but like half of it is bent sideways.
(Oct. 15, 2010  1:46 PM)♥ Wrote: How do people get their Beylauncher strings to fray and tear? Is there a correlation between the people who pull sideways, and people who pull backwards?

I personally think that when the string retracts, it bends and pulls at certain points to where the sting might unravel.

Other than that, the only way is the the string to get caught into a bey (which happened with me and a friend on accident...I was the victim xD).
(Oct. 15, 2010  1:46 PM)♥ Wrote: How do people get their Beylauncher strings to fray and tear? Is there a correlation between the people who pull sideways, and people who pull backwards?
i'm not sure, but i cut out the fluffys too. I think that the string just comes in good or bad condition at purchace, and the blader decides, wheter it breaks sooner or later (coz they are doomed to break
i bought dark gasher for ch120 and ch120 broke within my second battle Unhappy
man that really sux! was it on 145 mode? or was it a fake?
(Oct. 15, 2010  9:02 PM)lightninglibraX Wrote: man that really sux! was it on 145 mode? or was it a fake?

145 mode
and it was hasbro

oh forgot 1 of my WD broke i think it was circle heavy but im not sure
o ok i see, yeh that happed to me once
this is not really a break but yeah

so i have a dark wolf DF145FS and the spike on the performance tip wore of now it has greatly decreased stamina and does not stay in one place has it happened to anyone else with their flat spike tips?

But on a sadder note my one and only WF smashed to pieces
^ ): That is why I don't use my WF, but also because it came from Burn Pisces. =P

I was playing with my Attack Stadium on an elevated surface. And my Storm Pegasis flew out of the stadium and fell a metre onto tiles. ):
Lost even more of the RF than before, guess I will have to buy another one ! ^^
Dang, how'd that happen?
If you are refering to my post this is how it happened
I was blading with a friend in a TT attack stadium my friend had an Flame Libra 90RF and I had a qwetz uncustomized. Long storm short Qwetz got koed into a metal fence.
that's pretty unlucky, but what was a metal fence doing there?