What's your preffered style of blading?

Poll: Witch Style do you prefer

Total: 100% 905 vote(s)
(Aug. 17, 2010  7:46 AM)Cye Kinomiya Wrote: This won't happen if you just practice your sliding shoot.

The Tornado ridge on the Attack stadium is less than perfect.
BTW, never use dark bull in the PTW or LGFW stadiums.
never use the dark wheel at all.
Dark is horrible. But for some reason, my little brother likes them, so I have 2... Sad.
I know I am probably gonna get teased for this big time and most of you won't understand my reasoning but I prefer balanced types. I know that most in this game look down upon some of the more balance oriented parts in the game but I've always been one who looks to balancing one's strengths. In fact something I'm going to attempt is to try and work out a very stable and strong balance type blade. If only to satisfy my own personal styling. I feel that the balance type, while not overpowering is underestimated. I know I have a long road ahead of me but thats half the fun with this set up.
Why would you get teased for the most sensible answer in the thread?
Oh wait, because it's MFB.

Balance types are great, MFB balance types are not (currently).
That is my case in point Mc Frown. I am quite intent on discovering a strong balance type for MFB. Something tells me though I'm gonna need SusanoO to pull it off though. Dunno why, just a feeling I have.
definatley endurnace with high defence to absorb attacks Smile
definatley endurnace with high defence to absorb attacks :and outlast the opponent Smile
(Aug. 18, 2010  6:05 AM)Mc Frown Wrote: Susanoo is a clear wheel.
I doubt it will help much.

I was referring to the whole blade in shorthand. The part I'm actually wanting to use being Bakushin.
Just like Lightning L'Drago!
Mines stamina
mines combo type

i like to make my beyblades in to what i call "tricky beyblades" hahahahaXD!!!!!!!!!!
Whats a combo type...
Nvm guess he meant balance -.- BTW, there aren't muchgood balance types. So by tricky I guess you mean confusing your opponents on what the heck your bey is suppose to be Smile
Or he may just mean extremely gimmicky
I guess balance was an awesome choice earlier. But now most balance types aren't too great. But still we have some hope for a decent balance type, If you don't include Earth Aquila as a good balance type (according to Hasbro at least)
I Guess that the main Purpose is to find customizations that work, so if you find a good balance type with good stamina, tell us! But yeah, the balance type as of now is underachieving at best. At worst? Horrible *cough* Dark Wolf *Cough*
I prefer Stamina and Attack over anything else Joyful_2
Hmm... polar opposites... Nice! Stamina is key to any battle, and attack types are fun to watch. ( Try Galaxy Pegasus against Lightning L Drago.)
You say that as if attack types are not necessary.

I'd rethink that especially after seeing the current win rates of attack types.
Agreed, while I don't like playing strict attack types it would be arrogant to call them useless.
I like making combos and Blanace blades =) my Dark Wolf pwns against my friends. (and my other custom made beys that are all balanced in stats)
[/align]attack all the way but sometimes i will switch depending on staduim
(Aug. 19, 2010  7:28 PM)Xzyla Crios Wrote: I like making combos and Blanace blades =) my Dark Wolf pwns against my friends. (and my other custom made beys that are all balanced in stats)

My Dark Orso ED145Q will dominate you!
Hah, can't beat the original; storm capricorne m145q
Ok, I actually just thought about this particular aspect. Is part of the reason that so many prefer Attack types the fact that the preferred stadium of the WBO is the attack stadium which is geared towards this blade type? I'm putting it here instead of the Ask a question because considering the topic here I think its quite relevant to the discussion.