What's your preffered style of blading?

Poll: Witch Style do you prefer

Total: 100% 905 vote(s)
(Aug. 07, 2010  1:18 AM)Galaxy_Leon Wrote: speed go so fast they cant touch me or win i hit them its a one hit k.o,endurance but usally defense

Speed = Beyblade Type

Hah, if you're like that now wait till you see the custom beyblade thread. =P
(Aug. 07, 2010  1:16 AM)MaxL Wrote: People = Beyblades


Are you........ er, telling me I'm wrong? Because that's not what I said...... :\
And short posts like that with little or no meaning are generally spam....... Pinching_eyes
MaxL was simply writing that it might be weird to compare personalities with Beyblade types. People who like Attack types are not necessarily really aggresive hah.
Defence And Attack, I much rather not get blown away or have a boring battle.
I also tend to have bad luck with stamina types. =/
I go with balance.
Change my mind haha!!! Attack blades are way more exciting!
Attack like lightning(lightning L.Drago)
i like stamina they are awesome
Either Defense or Attack.
Recently i've discovered that as entertaining and fast attack blades are, defense blades are vastly more dependable. i'd have to say i've become a defense blader Cute
hah you should take a read of the libra re-instatement discussion.
i go for the attack mostly but i also go for the defense types
by far, STAMINA! Go Sagittario, spin for about 3 1/2 minutes! ( really it can if you add df145)
They're all useful, but it depends on which beyblade your opponent has.
So I guess I'd have to go with...Attack. It's the most fun to watch in a battle in my opinion Smile
until it stops spinning in oh... 1 minute.
Battles usually end before that with an attack type. The idea is to KO them. Hence why he believes that they are fun to watch. Better than watching 2 stamina combos slowly wear each other down for 3 minutes.
But more reliable than risking a self KO if your beyblade misses... Plus, most can't get TT stadiums, and in that situation, Stamina types are the way to go. Even other wise they are a good alternative to defense types, even if the battles are uneventful unless you get lucky with a huge recoil shot.
Also, if you didn't read what he said, ''Attack Type, because they are fun to watch''

He pointed out you need to be able to adapt and bend to get the advantage to what your opponent is using by being able to use all three types on blades. But he just said attack because it is much more intense to watch 2 Attack blades go at it then two stamina.
I agree that it was/still is a valid reason, I simply stated that a stamina type battle can better attest to a beyblade's strengths and weaknesses than two attack types when you might KO yourself. Which is why I said it is best to use in a hasbro stadium like PTW, and is an in-between choice at best in a Takara-Tomy Stadium like Super Attack.
defensies ftw Grin come onnn, ima smack u cross the stadium attack beys :3
(Aug. 16, 2010  6:17 PM)Megablader9 Wrote: But more reliable than risking a self KO if your beyblade misses...

(Aug. 17, 2010  1:03 AM)Megablader9 Wrote: I simply stated that a stamina type battle can better attest to a beyblade's strengths and weaknesses than two attack types when you might KO yourself.

This won't happen if you just practice your sliding shoot.