What's the best or worst tournament you ever went to?

I came in first place. There was this blader who used flame libra and I must say, Libra was dominating others. I used my Galaxy though, which I always use for quick hit-outs.
I've always wanted to participate in a bigger tournament, with many languages. It seems like it would be cool...
Woohoo! Go Libra! Smile haha
I've only been to one "tourney", which was a (decent) TRU Tourney. We were allowed to use our own Beys (doesn't always happen in TRU Tourneys?), and the TRU employee who ran the tourney actually had several MFBs and grew up with plastics. While expecting a bunch of inexperienced little kids that used terrible Beys, I ran into some other kids using Maximum Series Beys (Which were ultra-new to my stores, and were STILL hard to find places) and a few decent combos as well. I ran an Earth Bull 230D, Rock Capricorne D125BS (no comment on my old combos...), and a stock Earth Eagle/Aquila. I'll say it was my "best" tourney because it was only tourney, haha.
Best: 4/29/12 - The Spring Sortie. That was the first tournament I got into the finals in! I either tied for 4th or placed 5th.

Worst: 5/26/12 - The Five Fist BeyDay. It wasn't really bad, but in comparison to the other 10 I've been to, it was that great. We were really disorganized, and the laptops and MyFi we were using died, and we ended having to use paper for the finals. It was fun, but it was the worst in comparison to the others I've been to. Everyone else had fun though, which was great. Galaxy4Stars and I hosted, since Arupaeo went to Canada for BeyDays.
All this makes me want to go to more tourenys XD
Toys R Us Grand Tournament last June 24,2012, Definitely!
Unusual connsensus. Smile Usually, people dislike toys r us tournements.... nice to see a new opinion. Smile
My favorite was Beyblade Crusade 2 @ Anime North, it was so much fun!
Smile I wish I could go to a beyblade crusade :L
Well, it was a year ago at school. We used the play ground equipment as a stadium. I launched and i hit the other bey out. I won first place, but it was the worst cause
1. It wore out my tip.
2. The stadium was un-fair.
3. I won with a stadium out!
Haha, If it was me, I'd only be said cuz it wore my tip down. but happy I won!!! XD Smile
(Jul. 08, 2012  7:58 PM)Luck Wrote: Unusual connsensus. Smile Usually, people dislike toys r us tournements.... nice to see a new opinion. Smile

WBBA tournaments are way better here than in other countries, We can use our own beys. also I liked that because it was a grand tournament and I won and I got a trophy, Grin

Nice XD what country?
(Aug. 07, 2012  4:59 PM)Luck Wrote: Nice XD what country?


My favorite tourney was the solstice scimitar 6/30/12, I PLACED! Grin 3rd... -.- but my best would be at a toysrus one, they did a good job and i went undefeated 26-0 :3
@ Sniper Kid: Philippines? Nice place. Didn't know the WBBA host tourneys there Grin
@ DrPepsidew: Haha, 3rd is awesome XD Unless there were only 3 people competing... :L
(Aug. 08, 2012  10:26 AM)Luck Wrote: @ Sniper Kid: Philippines? Nice place. Didn't know the WBBA host tourneys there Grin
@ DrPepsidew: Haha, 3rd is awesome XD Unless there were only 3 people competing... :L

Haha, They had since the MFB came. Two-three years ago?

Awesome. Grin How often/widely do they hole them?
there was 23+ people and 30-
Nice XD
@SniperKid: What about in the Philippines ?
the best one was when i was at an aalmost empty toyrus9besides for bladers and employees)
the employees let us blade wherever we wanted and we raced them across ailes and shot them up to see if anyone could hit the ceiling

the worst was at a on where everyone but me was using those ir spin control( it was a battle royale)
but somehow i still won
Um, dangerous much? Anyway, the Toys R Us tournament stunk cuz Scout25 was the only other one that was good (at that time, Basalt Horogium was new and we were using Burn 100D) One kid had a Basalt Horogium but I still beat him easily. Scout and I won a tag team tournament and then we had to battle and he won (lucky mislaunch) then he had to go home. We won a two pack and we each got one bey. After that I won the other two mini tournaments. I gave one bey from the two pack to the second place cuz it was the same two two packs (evil pisces and earth virgo and rock orso and flame aries). So I won free beys but it wasn't very competitive.
It sounds epic... mostly cuz you won free beys...
m first tourney was clash to capture hades' gates, last year on 8-21 n hecksher park, on my bday. it was in ny. there was about 130 bladers there. Im not kidding, it was AWESOME!!! it went on all day! worst part was the results came in wrong. lots of people came to watch. i going to a tourney on the 26th at the same place. if Cye Kinomiya comes, Im gonna get some revenge!
haha! my first tourney had about 60 attendees . Where'dya come?