[West Berlin, NJ] 4/3/11 The Jersey War


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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1st Bluezee
2nd ArmorD-00taku
3rd Cye Kinomiya

No, we don't fist pump.

Time: 11am
Date: April 3rd, 2011
Location: All Things Fun
Fee: $5 + WBO fees ($5 one time fee or $10 year round pass)
Format: Round Robin (Turns to block round robin at 16+ players)

Jersey Bladers, this is your chance to show up New York. Both first and second place winners at the last two Kings Games tournaments have been from Jersey so now it's your turn to shine.

Upon discussing the concept of a Beyblade tournament with All Things Fun, they've made mention that this is a serious possibility for Sundays. I was thinking first Sunday of the month starting in April to follow up with Kings Games' last Sunday of the month. It's got to be Sundays because that's all they have free.

What are your thoughts on this as a monthly venue and would you go?

Shining Blaze
Deikailo's GF
Burn Leon
King of Blades

Total: 20

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Put me as A Maybe K.
No, I don't do maybes.
I Cant go.
Yo on the attendees you forgot me! xD
Thanks, I thought someone was missing.
Ok, so I got one question: Can I invite some of my friends to the tournament too?
Absolutely! Tell you what, if you can bring 5+ bladers, I'll give you a Beyblade. If you can bring 10+ bladers, I'll give you a limited Beyblade. This goes for everyone.
OMG!!!!!!!! Man, that is sooooo epic!!!!!!! Can the friends that I am inviting join the tournament too? (OMG I TOTALLY LOVE THIS TOURNAMENT)
Yeah, the more bladers you bring who enter, the more stuff I'll give you. Get 20 bladers, I give you 2 limited beys. Just make sure you tell them about the fees.
So we all have to pay 5$ to get in?
Cuz really I forgot what was a fee Unhappy
apparently you forgot how to scroll up and read also...

its $5 WBO fee unless you have a passport which is $10 + $5 store fee
So, we have to pay 5$ if we don't got a store pass? (I feel soo dumb right now lol)
$5 + WBO fees which is $5 if you just plan to play that day or you can get a passport for $10 or if you have a passport already you do not need to pay.

$5 (if you have WBO passport)
$5 + $5( if you just plan to attend this tournament for the whole year)
$5 + $10(if you plan on attending more WBO sanctioned tournaments)

hope that clears it up.
Oooooooooo ok I get it now. Hey, you joining this tournament too?
Oh Nvm you are joining it too
i've got one person coming with me, i need to sign her up. make an account.
wait I got another question. Do we need the Beyblade passport to get into the tournament?
o wait nvm
No. The passport allows you to enter any tournament hosted by the WBO for beypoints for free for a whole year. If it's hosted in a store (like it is here), you will sometimes have to pay the store a fee to use their space. The $5 fee is actually going towards prizes in the form of store credit so if you win, you will see it again.
(Mar. 18, 2011  3:50 AM)SkullBoy266 Wrote: wait I got another question. Do we need the Beyblade passport to get into the tournament?
o wait nvm

Jeez dude, ya ever read before ya answer. Count me in btw.
So I got another question: Do the people you are going to invite have to tell the host of the tournament that they are going?
No, just tell them to say that they are with you (SkullBoy) when they register. Not only that, but as a part of the website, I'm sure you've noticed people have "faces" below their names. When you refer five new bladers, you get an amber face. I'll have to sign them up when they come to the store before the tournament so I'll be sure to make sure you get the credit for it. Smile

Do you want a limited Black Lightning L Drago or a Quetzaquatl for reaching 10 extra bladers?
O ok so they dont need to make an account? All I need to do is say their with me and their in the tournament? Ok!
Yeah, I'll make their accounts for them
Yo thats beast! So anyways whats the prize when you win the tournament?