WBO's Got Talent

Hahaha....I'm doing commissions on Deviantart lately, just drop by if you want me make one. Smile

Edit: YAYY ME!! ^^
Hey guys, so Mixoris just sent me his entry & although it's a little late, I thought I'd post it so you guys could see it anyway. It's great!
That was AWESOME! *head explodes into gun powder* too bad he was late! but! oh well! it's still awesome.
Congratz tRiga! You are amazing! I wish I was as good as you, hah.

Congratz to the rest. Liked the Mew2 and Akatsuki Pain too!
Thank you all, for your compliments. I wish I would've known earlier, but I was inactive on WBO, because it was finals this week.

Anyways congratulations Riga! Your art is also awesome!