[Virginia, USA] Tournament Discussion #2 (Updated: 12/05/2017)


Alexandria Region (includes Alexandria, Sterling, Arlington)
Danville Region (includes Danville, Martinsville)
Roanoke Region (includes Roanoke, Blacksburg, Lynchburg)
Newport News Region (includes Newport News, Williamsburg)
Norfolk Region (includes Norfolk, Chesapeake, Virginia Beach)
Total: 100% 97 vote(s)
[OP Update: 11/29/2014]
  • Added information regarding tomorrow's Roanoke Tournament to the Upcoming Events section (a link to the tournament can be found in my signature)
  • Added information regarding Kaboom!!!'s Chesapeake tournament

(Dec. 10, 2014  2:58 AM)BeyKing23 Wrote: Will there be a plastic tournament anytime soon?

Probably not, at least out of me, sorry. The most likely time anyone holds older format tournaments is in the summer when Plastics and HMS Remembrance Day rolls around.
I stop hosting for a little and this entire thread dies along with VA. XD Anyone interested in changing things around by having a little tournament? Either Chesapeake or Virginia Beach of course. Ive got myself and DrPepsidew. Who's in. Also, im looking at January 31st.
Thanks for coming back Kaboom!!! There is no Virginia Beyblade scene without you. That being said I will gladly destroy you on the 31st. Lol jk. Count Colebear and Kilgore in as well.
No one really post but I've been keeping in touch with the few that wanted to attend this little tournament on the 31st. I can't promise prizes by the way. Actually, I'll just go ahead and say right now that I'm not buying prizes. Donations are cool, reimbursements are given by the WBO for donations. Posting proposal now.
If anyone will be in the New England area, is interested in visiting, or thinks they may be able to during the month of July, please send me a PM or post.

Planning something (hopefully) big.
Any tournaments coming up soon?
Nothing's confirmed right now, but stick around for updates; I might have something new next week. Wink

Nice to see you back!
Yo Listen Up!!!

Who would be down for a potential Qualifier in the Richmond area? Sound off!!
Depends when it is. I could make a show.
If i host this, id be looking the last week in April or first of May.
Sup guys? I'll be going to college in Richmond starting this fall, so if you're planning any tournaments nearby, I'm in.
Would you be interested in coming to a Virginia tournament, there has not been a lot of events here and to bring them back is going to get people together, and also to have a grate time balding. If anyone can confirm that they can actually come that would be amazing, and if you can bring more people that would be better. please PM me if you can conform you can come. Tongue_out
I'm still willing to host a qualifier possibly. But we would need at least 12 people for me to justify taking off work to go out of state.
i am in no matter what. Tongue_out
is Richmond fine with you guys?
Ill be hosting in Virginia Beach on June 6th, Standard Format.
1.) Kaboom!!!
2.) DrPepsidew
3.) Havoc
4.) Kilgore
5.) GP-Rev
6.) colebear

Just two more and I'll be able to get this proposed and confirmed.
[OP Update: 05/25/2015]
  • Added Kaboom!!!'s Virginia Beach tournament to the Upcoming Events section
  • Updated and reformatted the Top 10 VA Bladers ranking list

Also, it would be great if everybody could recast their vote(s) into the thread poll, seeing as all prior voter information was recently lost in a little mixup. Thanks!
In the place where you vote umm can you possibly add any cities on the western side of VA ( I have a lot of blader friends who would be more then happy to come and we've been waiting for our entire lives for a tournament )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[OP Update: 06/02/2015]
  • Switched the Map of VA from one displaying only cities to one including state highways.

(Jun. 01, 2015  8:14 PM)raiyanblader Wrote: In the place where you vote umm can you possibly add any cities on the western side of VA ( I have a lot of blader friends who would be more then happy to come and we've been waiting for our entire lives for a tournament )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@[raiyanblader] Unfortunately, the poll choices are no longer editable. The Roanoke region is the furthest west anybody has traveled for Beyblade in Virginia. However, if you and your Blader friends would be willing to make the drive east to Blacksburg or Roanoke this summer, then I would be willing to find a location to host and could supply stadiums.

If either of those cities are too far, your only other option is to host a tournament yourself locally. But you know, that's how every tournament organizer gets started. Tongue_out

EDIT: I would also highly recommend enabling your PMs so that you can receive notifications of upcoming tournaments in your area and when you are tagged in posts such as this one.
Umm my PMs are disabled? Kei PMed me a while ago
(Jun. 03, 2015  3:05 PM)raiyanblader Wrote: Umm my PMs are disabled? Kei PMed me a while ago

No, what he means is that you should go in your User CP and enable the option to receive email notifications for new private messages, instead of just receiving a note when you have a new private message on this site. That way, even if you become inactive or have to be away for a while, you will receive an email to let you know that someone contacted you on here.
Yes, I cannot send you a private message. There's no PM button at the bottom of your post or on your profile page like mine, so your PMs must be disabled. Kei is an administrator, so its more likely that he can PM anyone, regardless of their personal settings.

Any comment on the rest of my post regarding tournaments, though? @[raiyanblader]

EDIT: Not quite what I meant, Kai-V, his Private Messaging feature really is disabled. Can Admins just send PMs to anyone?
Anybody down for a Limited Format and/or Zero-G tournament in Richmond on August 1st?
[OP Update: 06/17/2015]
  • Updated Upcoming Events section with Richmond event
  • Updated Top 10 VA Bladers list - Welcome to the list, @[Death Phoenix!]

@[Kaboom!!!] @[Grim Ripper] @[DrPepsidew] @[Dark_Mousy] @[Havoc] @[TheBlackDragon] @[Bazewklez] @[Rpg-assault] @[*Ginga*] @[Time] @[GP-Rev] @[The Best Duck] @[Stormscorpio1] @[Blaze Wheeler] @[NineTails] @[kilgore] @[LikeABoss921] @[NEON FOX] @[agentbeyblade21] @[sora_akatsuki] @[Xander_13] @[Pruebame] @[geetster99] @[BeyKing23] @[Stars] @[VaBlader4Life] @[Cool Blader]

(Dec. 23, 2013  1:14 AM)Angry Face Wrote: .
Upcoming VA Tournaments:
  • [07/01/2015] Richmond - Tournament
  • Host: Angry Face
    Venue: To be determined
    Format: MFB Limited and/or MFB Zero-G
  • Confirmed Attendees:
    1. Angry Face
    2. dylanslegos

Post in this thread you plan to attend!