Thunder Libra DF145 BS

Well, I wouldn't by this... 1 reason is that Thunder Libra sounds weird, and I would rather just getting a Infinity Libra. I don't think this has any competitive parts. And Hasbro Legends are carp, so according to my brain, thisis gonna be carp as well.
...It makes sense that they would rename it, are manufacturers for toys allowed to keep their product naming subtle? Plus, a lot of oblivious people would probably think its the best metal wheel ever if it was still "infinity"... Which there is never going to be the best....
Hasbro Legends were remodeled, but this would just be the Hasbro release of Infinity, do I have that right? If so than Lightning=Infinity which shall not be modified and could be useful for Hasbro defense beys or even a niche in WBO approved circumstances if it is easily available.
Since the original libra was soooo heavy, this may not be total useless because of weight. It's most likely going to be somewhat light, but it could be good for stamina. I'm going to get it, because Thunder sounds so awesome.
Also, it probably was changed from Infinity because infinity wasn't exactly like libra aesthetically. But, who knows. I am a n00b.
um the infinity wheel was already released by Takara and is pretty rubbish at stamina so don't get your hopes up.
(Mar. 17, 2011  12:26 AM)Ultrablader Wrote: um the infinity wheel was already released by Takara and is pretty rubbish at stamina so don't get your hopes up.

Oh well. Read the last the sentence of my post.
There is really not much to discuss here besides the name change : Infinity was already tested, and it is not top-tier, nothing like Libra.

I might as well close this topic until we at least have a picture.
Th Picture's Available.
So it's kind of a Bump.
This will get closed after there is some discussion.
Well, I know this sounds weird but Thunder looks like a over crammed up Libra Wheel. Too crammed up, if I say so myself. I hope it's not another Counter Wheel, but this think looks solid and could have some defense capabilities. Maybe even Attack while we're at it.
(Apr. 05, 2011  1:44 AM)BeyBladestation Wrote: Well, I know this sounds weird but Thunder looks like a over crammed up Libra Wheel. Too crammed up, if I say so myself. I hope it's not another Counter Wheel, but this think looks solid and could have some defense capabilities. Maybe even Attack while we're at it.

No. This is the Infinity wheel with a new name.

Look up the results for that before making such useless speculations
Little by little I see Hasbro is releasing the HWS. Nice move on Hasbro's part. I appreciate the pictures Aquilaz112.
(Apr. 05, 2011  3:29 AM)Vongola-Hibari Wrote: Little by little I see Hasbro is releasing the HWS. Nice move on Hasbro's part. I appreciate the pictures Aquilaz112.

Little by little ? They have almost released the whole Hybrid Wheel versions of the Metal System Beyblades and that has been going for months.
the colors look horrible nothing like infinity libra
(Apr. 05, 2011  5:11 AM)RustyXD Wrote: the colors look horrible nothing like infinity libra

you do relize its not supposed to like infinity libra
its supposed to look like PRE HWS LIBRA geez
its just has infinty but renamed but there nothing THE SAME
Infinity Libra was based on Pre-HWS Libra.
So this too Obviously must look like it.
i meant that the colors look ugly compared to infinity Libras
(Apr. 05, 2011  5:28 AM)Aquilaz112 Wrote: Infinity Libra was based on Pre-HWS Libra.
So this too Obviously must look like it.

The Infinity wheel is but tbh the colours are completly different from the original libra wheel.
ya...i also do not uderstand why the clear wheel colors on the legend beys dont match thier pre-hws counterparts...

does anyone have a bigger photograph? I can barley see it.
I hope the Thunder wheel would be defensive as the Libra wheel...
No way,
Thunder would be way too light.Just like every other Legend.WHAT A Disssapoinment!!!!
I just hope it's good atleast for Stamina.
The only thing I am waiting after to close this topic is a slightly clearer and bigger picture just to be certain that that is Infinity.
(Apr. 05, 2011  3:35 AM)Kai-V Wrote:
(Apr. 05, 2011  3:29 AM)Vongola-Hibari Wrote: Little by little I see Hasbro is releasing the HWS. Nice move on Hasbro's part. I appreciate the pictures Aquilaz112.

Little by little ? They have almost released the whole Hybrid Wheel versions of the Metal System Beyblades and that has been going for months.

I know that, I'm just saying that I like what Hasbro is doing. I should start being more specific in what I say.:\
Course, there's only one name left on the User Name Choice on beybladebattles that hasn't been turned into a wheel yet. That's Shadow, and I'm pretty sure we can safely assume it'll be wolf, it's the only truly early bey that's yet to be remade as a legend. The only others are Escolpio (which doesn't have enough metal to replace with a CW), and LDrago, which would be hard to fit the LDrago CW to (despite probably being the only possible legend series with a chance at being good, the difficulty of design would be a concern to hasbro, IMO).
Sorry that this is kind of off topic, but yeah.

ON TOPIC, the colours aren't identical, and we'd really have to relate till someone actually has one and takes photos until we can know for sure, because so much of any possible difference would be on the underside.
Maybe the legend part of the legend series is that its just L-DRAGO AS THE WHEEL! Gasp (XD talk about saving money and time) They could just sell the L-Drago 105F and say that that was what made L-Drago forbidden even in the 'legend' series.
I think Shadow is the closest adjective to Dark, so it could be Wolf. I think they won't do Escolpio or L-Drago. Lightening is similar enough to the original L-Drago wheel. If you look at the sides.


Come to think of it, I am bothered by the green-painted center. I am considering using paint stripper on my Legend Beyblade's but I am apparently not allowed to this. Absolute BS.