Thermal Lacerta Draft (NEAR PERFECT?)

Track section needs work, will crit later this week.
In the Thermal section, Earth and Burn aren't capitalized, you might wanna do that. Plus, I think Wing Attacker is just Wing Attack, correct me if I'm wrong.

Otherwise, this is very good.
(Jun. 15, 2011  4:36 PM)Ink. Wrote: In the Thermal section, Earth and Burn aren't capitalized, you might wanna do that. Plus, I think Wing Attacker is just Wing Attack, correct me if I'm wrong.

Otherwise, this is very good.

It's Wing Attacker.
Okay thanks Ink, I will fix it very soon!
I will try to rewrite the WA130 track again
You haven't mentioned thermal's destabiliser abilities. Also WA130 is in no way a variation on W105. They're completly different... Most of your WA130 section is false rubbish based on your belief in the similarities between W105 and WA130. How about saying that it's basically useless apart from in replacement for S130 in the Fang combo and that it was outclassed from release. This is really not complete at all. Most of your sections are too short.
Okay thanks for your critiscm ultrablader, though that was pretty mean to say to me...
Like in a more nicer way would be nice ...
Anyways okay, as said before, I will rewrite WA130 track part and the destalizer thing for the thermal wheel, and the Fang combo thing
okay I fixed up the WA130 track section up a bit and capitalized Earth and Burn in the Thermal section
Sorry I wasn't trying to be harsh.
okay, I understand now, thanks for saying that!
Any other critiscm?
Those were the only ones I can think of though Heart said he was gonna weigh in soon.
He's going to look and comment on it soon.
(Jun. 05, 2011  7:05 PM)SlayerlvX Wrote: Face: Lacerta
The face on this beyblade depicts Lacerta, one of the 88 constellation in space.

Clear Wheel: Lacerta
Weight: 2.8 grams
The color of this clear wheel is a bright pink translucent color. It has two lizard heads and two feet protruding outwards, along with pre-painted detail in blue which spells out the word LACERTA in stylised font.

Metal Wheel: Thermal
Weight: 30.5 grams
The Thermal Metal Wheel consists of two large wings which are pointed at their respective beginnings and ends. Thermal is heavily based on the Metal System Pisces, and as such, the three notches on the Wheel are representative of a shark's gills. Although it has relatively sharp contact points, they do not protrude far out enough to provide any significant Smash Attack. The Wheel does however possess moderate Stamina capabilities due to its relatively round shape, although it has since been outclassed by Earth, Burn and Hell in conjunction with BD145.

Track: Wing Attacker 130
Weight: 2.2 grams
WA130 features a large two-winged structure which rotates freely around the Track. The purpose of these wings is to provide Smash Attack, but due to their free-spinning nature, this is nullified completely. The Track is also weak from a defensive point of view, as not only does its large wingspan mean that it is easily struck, its free-spinning properties mean that Stamina is significantly reduced when it comes into contact with other Beyblades, as the friction of the Track against its wings depletes the Beyblade's rotation. This Track serves no competitive use.

Bottom: Hole Flat
Weight: 0.5 grams
HF has a very similar movement speed to that of F, with the main difference being a slight Stamina improvement due to the hole in the middle of the tip. But, with this comes the detriment of even less grip to the stadium floor than F, and also increased fragility.

Thermal Lacerta WA130HF is a Beyblade that comes with outclassed parts. As such, there is little to no reason in buying this Beyblade outside of collection purposes.

Re-wrote most of this article (HF was copied from Lightning L Drago 100HF, but apart from that, everything else is new); let me know what you think.

Didn't include WA130 as a replacement for S130 because 130 also exists; WA130 is definitely the worst option.

I also left out the destabilisation portion of the article even though Ultrablader suggested it; this is only a reflection of the fact that I'm not completely convinced by their overall effectiveness as a type, and the fact that I feel Thermal is poor in that respect. I'm happy to add a bit on it if you can show me otherwise.
They're not really effective in the current metagame but for the hasbro one they could be. I can't really do any testing since my Attack stadium is out of commision and I need a new one. I think your one is fine Heart. It can be updated with info if it is tested properly which I kinda doubt unless I do it.
Yeah, that's fair enough.

I'll wait for another member to chime in or something before putting this up properly.
it is pretty good!!!
Do you mind copying some or all information from your draft you wrote, and copy/paste it into the draft I have on page 1?
I will copy the draft fom heart and post it into the draft I have and would like a WBO admin to check out the article and see if it is good enough to be posted onto WBO
does this article need any more criticsm or is it ready for the WBO???
please let admin check this
Since when does WA130 have a height of 105 with the wings attached? I'm pretty sure it's 130 height no matter what.
I think this is pretty good. Might need a small amount of trimming, but I'm not admin.
I was gonna write this one up myself, but I honestly CBF lately, I've got a lot going on.
Anyway, I wrote what I think is really a much better track description, given it's such a unique piece. I hope you don't mind me saying that, but yeah, your description is somewhat lacking. Other than that, great article.

So, uhh, here's my description, you're free to use it or parts of it.

I Wrote:WA130 is a 130-height track with two aerofoil-shaped “wings” that rotate freely around the track. The direction of these wings can be swapped by removing the “wing” piece, flipping it over, and placing it back on the shaft of the track. These wings are largely negligible in battle, though they can offer some minor protection from lower [[attack]]-type opponents. The main appeal of this track is its height. The 130 height has proven very useful for numerous [[attack]] customisations. While S130 is usually preferred due to its slightly heavier weight, and fixed nature (sometimes allowing it to hit lower opponents solidly), WA130 is a useful substitute, given S130's rarity.
While a plain 130 track is available in the more useful Fang Leone, WA130 is slightly heavier, and its wings do provide a meagre amount of protection from lower opponents, so it is still arguably a useful piece.

@♥ I don't think WA130 is the worst option at all, in my opinion the extra weight and slight ability to hit lower beys even a little is worthwhile (plus, it does provide some minor protection, I believe there was testing on that), though, obviously, I'd not buy it just for WA130.
thank you Th!nk
I will copy your whole article and post it into my draft
I need an admin to check this out -____-
BTW, metal wheel description: "although it has since been outclassed" needs to be changed to "although it is considered outclassed", as Earth and Burn were both released before Thermal.

And you could consider mentioning Lacerta's weird little feet, if you want.

I must say, I just love this bey, it's so unique that it looks like it was designed by a different team to the rest of the line, plus, if you look up "Groovy" in a dictionary, there's a picture of thermal lacerta right next to it.