Sorry for the necro, I just wanted to make a comment on the amount of rounds of testing we are expected to do. Mods, if you will, please do not hesitate. I am a lazy carp...
Anyhow, I just wanted to point out that the standard has always been 20 rounds, and people are just starting o enforce this now. If anything, it should be 30 or more. Since stamina is typically hard to test by yourself or even with a friend for that matter, and we have nearly covered all stamina tracks, I believe this is just. To make this post not completely useless, I also wanted to state something about the quality of shooting on this forum, the ignorance displayed in people's posts and the lack of depth in what we have come to accept as the "standard format" There is another point I'd like to make, but as of now let us discuss these.
Gosh people, so many 'counters' when really, they turn out to be a load of carp. Think about your combo for a second, do not just go and post a random evolution of some basic Earth combo; Basalt GB145CS for example. Think about your combo, your ability to control the opposition and weather or not your combo makes sense. Again, why would GB145 have any more use over BD145? BD145 is double the weight, is wider and the plastic actually makes a difference. You might like to learn how to shoot, or atleast make an effort to vaguely copy the combo down, a ridiculous amount of people have been simply saying, oh Big Bang (Galaxy Ver. ?) Pegasis 125LF completely owns MF-H LLD BD145R2F. If you hadn't noticed, BD145 isn't able to spin steal on R2F, works well on RF and CS, but is dominant only on LRF. Also, think. If the combo is MF, how can you even comprehend that it would be ok to add an extra gram. Just as a single millimetre affects performance on a blade, so will any gram or wear on the parts.
We are all fancy pants, aren't we. Must we always use MF or MF-H? Why not just call it Metal Face or Metal Face Heavy? Because both we assume everyone grips what we are saying and cause we are lazy. While it is alright by our standards to do this, we perfectionists may want this to be corrected. So what. What does this have anything to do with my post. It doesn't, do not make assumptions. And that, my friends, is what I'm talking about. Ignorance. Many a time I have been shot down because someone failed to read my post or even the postI may have been replying to. Don't jump at someone because they look as if they fail, take me for instance.
(May. 27, 2011 2:34 PM)Deikailo Wrote: (May. 27, 2011 9:49 AM)Mushy Wrote: Ahh, such disappointing changes. It completely defeats the purpose of LDD BD145CS, but oh well. I'm happy with all of this, and thanks for the news though. I'm doubtful about GP, or Vari Ares when it comes out. I would think the spin direction thing would still be allowed, but just checking up since all of those mentioned were tracks and you'd have to kind of disassemble(?) the launcher to change the prongs lol. (I meant to say the cap, but idk how to explain... Thank you pplz in advance, looking forward to the day.
It's not like you could switch it to boost mode...
Well and truly. Can you not perceive that I could have meant the position of the heads in the disk, or the mode of L Drago itself. Can we please just take one moment to read before we post. If there was something fun I could do with read just as think could with well, think, I would have done something already. Ther is another situation somewhere in the Vari Aries thread. Perhaps it was my fault that I hadn't quoted it, but does it really kill you to read the previous pages, its not as if at the time there were 10 pages of pure troll to skim through?
And my last point, which is our misunderstanding of the rules by which we must abide by when testing, and also my suggestions. I'll startwith my suggestion first, as I do not want to forget it again, ahah. So anyway, in a tournament condition, we are often told it is best out of three, or firt to three. For a combo to be completely successful every time, I believe that in our testing we must do three or more sets of 20-40 rounds, and have it that a blad emust consistently lose less than 2 or 1 times consistently to be classified as top tier. Take a set of results with a bey that has a 17 round win. Imagine this in a competitive scene.If we were uncucky enough, those three rounds that it would have lost in testing could have happneed consecutively at the start of the battle, and the 17 monster could have lost in that specific battle anyway. However, if we tested enough times that we feel we are masters of that blade and it only gets a maximum of 2 losses in any set at any one given time, then in a first to three situation, then three of those 18 rounds would have kicked in, even if the first two the opposition had won, as we know we are confident enough not to let it win anymore than two times. Of course, nobody here ha the time or deication to do so, but I believe it is the most efficient and accurate way of echiving great resukts in competitions and such.
Now, my hopefully final point. I missed one more thing which may or may not come back to me soon, but oh well Ill update later. People have no idea what standard procedure is. Can you people not read? I've already listed one falter, and while not entirely important, it gives me peace of mind as to know that everyone isn't as retarted as I would have thought... It doesn't hurt to read and then produce accurate tests, if any at all. I'm not going too in depth with this, as you should be more than capable of undertsanding your own mistakes, if any and fixing them yourselves. Thank you if you have read that, or even bothered to try and absorb some of the info. I thought posting it here if anywhere would not have made the necromancy so bad since it is already stickied?
Kei, that was kinda mean.
Your a mod so you have my ull respect but I dislike how you can SPAM(?) while we cannot? idk, but yeah.
Ahh yes, not exactly what I wanted to say before but still a good point of discussion noentheless. Names. They are so f***ing g*y. I hate them. Sure, names like Shark Sashimi and Moo Moo Hurrivane were alright, but wtf. Volcanic Bull. GYEVUEUH? Hero? WTF!!! pplz, what has this world come to. If you are going to give anything a name, name it in the actualy text itself and tell us what the combo is in the title instead. I hate to see something called Colvanic Super Macho Rock, read over and find it is some noob combo. This stuff wastes time, and makes me lose interest. Put the name in the titel, or I personally will no longer read over your threads. Unless by someone knowledgeable like Bluezee or Kei(?), which I had the misfortune of wasting my time with his f***ing gravity wheel. I'll never forgve him for that, more importantly, it was disrespectful to both Dan and bluezees appreciaters(?) I admire bluezees determination and effort towards the community, and you come along and mess with him... D:
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